Canary: The Washington Post Investigates


After a sexual assault case in the District of Columbia, one woman’s public warning ricochets all the way to Birmingham, Ala., where another woman gives voice to a devastating allegation. This seven-part investigative series from The Washington Post follows the Alabama woman’s decision to come forward with a claim of sexual assault against a high-ranking figure in the D.C. criminal justice system, and the spiraling effects of that choice. “Canary: The Washington Post Investigates” is about the intertwining stories of these two women, separated by decades and united by a shared refusal to stay silent. It’s a podcast about what it takes to report this story — and why it matters. Hosted by investigative reporter Amy Brittain.

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  • Deep South Listener
    mother blamed 16 year old daughter
    I never heard the term grooming ascribed to the judge. The Alabama woman was groomed beginning at the age of 13 by her father’s “best friend”. It could be that she hasn’t been able to heal her trauma because she hasn’t recognized and accepted the role that her parents played in that trauma: Her mother should have gone to her husband with her concerns. Her husband should have immediately had a private conversation with his “best friend” and insured that his daughter was never in the presence of that groomer again. Tragically, instead, her mother made her 16 year old daughter responsible for an adult man’s pedophilic grooming when she told her to spend her time with the cousins. Now that is some deep, deep trauma.
  • chagirrrl
    Intricate and interesting
    This story is absolutely fascinating. Two seemingly unrelated situations tie two women together in a journey where they get to be defined not by what happened to them but by how they showed up for themselves and their communities. The episode where the two subjects finally meet is affirming and beautiful and makes me proud to be a woman. Let’s go ladies (and gents and nbs) who participated and worked on this!
  • dm2022!
    Grilling and Important
    Exceptionally well done.
  • Extremeangel
    Absolutely Mind Blowing!
    I love this series!!! I can’t get enough of this series! These are everyday stories that effect everyone! Keep the stories coming! What an eye opener on what’s really happening behind the scenes!
  • jsoxlebsixksls
    Must Listen
    Whatever I write will never be able to adequately capture the brilliance of this series and the women who made it possible. I want to thank Lauren and Carole for not only coming forward, but for their relentless pursuit of the true justice that they and all victims deserve. Neither women had to take these actions, victims do not owe the world anything, but by doing so they have shared their strength to the countless of people who have similar traumas. These women have provided myself, an individual they have never met, a level of healing that words cannot capture. I also want to thank Amy for all the work she has done. You, too, have unknowingly assisted in my healing journey. I encourage you to listen and while doing so, please take care. For any victims who may read this, you are not alone, your trauma is valid, and you deserve all the love and support. ❤️
  • P.TwoBears
    You Cannot NOT believe Carol.
    The point is simply this: A sex offender cannot be the judge of other sex offenders. The end. These brave women are amazing, and Thank you Carol, of Birmingham, Alabama for doing what it would have been much easier not to do. It’s women like you who make the world a better place. A safer place. A place where the girls who come behind you speak with less fear because you laid the track and paid the price for them. You are an American hero.
  • mskerrygraham
    Important and nuanced
    Congratulations to everyone who worked on this podcast. It’s a powerful piece of journalism.
  • Jac2376
    This was brilliant and so moving.
  • Monitor-44
    Every man should listen to this.
    It’s brilliant and completely moving. Every man should listen to this.
  • Dave 11862
    Could restorative justice have worked better here
    What a great bit of investigative journalism that raises lots of questions about the Judiciary. Judge Morrisons light sentence here and elsewhere, Attorney Marcus-Kurn’s light charges in the face of a slam dunk case of a serial offender and the failure of the post trial agency charged with supervising Jayro Cruz all cry out for more attention (Marcus-Kurn in charge of a sex crimes unit? Huh. ) I wonder if restorative justice would be more able to adjudicate these crimes and even the case between Judge Morrison and Griffin might find some resolution in a restorative setting. It would certainly be good if the various parts of the judiciary implicated here would make themselves available for more comment and introspection. Great treatment of this story.
  • Ajb0422
    Amazing Podcast!
    This is one of the greatest podcasts I’ve listened to…and I listen for a minimum of 4 hours 5 days a week. This story is beautifully told. I fell in love with Lauren, Carole and her parents, Gene and Janet. Listening made me feel so proud of these women. They are strong, powerful women who will not let their sexual assault define who they are. You will not regret listening to this podcast.
  • Gillettemm
    One of my favorite podcast reporting - incredible journalism, and impactful storytelling. We need to continue reporting abuse like this and holding the abusers (and the doubters) accountable, with fact checking data driven reporting. Job well done with this piece, and wishing all the best to the survivors noted in this story.
  • Kate F E
    Good story, worth a listen
    Great storytelling, important story to have told. People complaining about the host’s voice/speech - stop! Sexist nonsense. Her voice is fine.
  • MNBookDesigner
    Good thorough story
    While I was drawn to the podcast and wanted to hear the story, I have to admit that the host made it challenging to keep listening. The s’s and over pronounced words (“Pooost”) made me want to give up and find an article instead. I hate to be critical, but for a podcast, the voice of the host is key and I wasn’t a fan, unfortunately.
  • YoureFinallyDoingItYay
    The strength of these women and hearing how this story was reported is incredible
  • Goattrails
    honest look at impact of sexual battery and more
    laws need to change.. 50%of the population a should not be able to get away with sexual assault on the other 50% of the population. Hope this sheds some light on how LONG the pain is from these assaults.. the violation is unspeakable and permanent
  • 1357924681357
    Well done, but
    It is well done, but I have some doubts about whether it is prudent to accuse someone of sexual misconduct based on events that allegedly happened decades ago. Research on memory shows that our memories are flawed and that, even if we believe we remember things correctly and are confident in our memories, that has nothing to do with whether we are actually remembering things correctly. Victims should be believed and I know research says that victims almost never file false reports, but I wonder about the slippery slope of people reporting their decades-old accounts to journalists and then the perpetrator’s name being published. I know the host is trying to do some “research,” about the judge’s rulings, but she’s ill-equipped for this. Even if we know the judge’s rulings across time, we don’t know how they compare to any other judges across time and if those differences are meaningful. So yes, it’s well produced but I don’t think all the information should be taken as gospel.
  • Neodymium Tantalu
    This podcast is very well done and extremely interesting. I couldn’t stop listening! Thank you to all involved, this is important work.
  • Derixmom
    I absolutely love investigative podcasts!! Canary is great! The story is so well put together start to finish. Definitely worth a listen!!!
  • Nes143
    Very well done
    Thank you for being an advocate for these women.
  • therealtamishow
    Even better than Serial
    This is now officially my favorite podcast, ever. Just fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I love these two women. These three women, actually. <3
  • cornmuffin5
    Incredible Story
    This story is so well done. The host does these victims justice with this. It’s raw and emotional and incredible to hear the journey these women have endured as well as the faults in our justice system (to say the least). Amazing podcast.
  • Terroirexplorer
    This podcast is superbly constructed, balanced, and highlights the most pervasive, damaging, and insidious forms of male privilege. Tough to listen to, but critical to process in order to stop it from continuing.
  • Virgo Runner
    Canary - The Washington Post Investigates
  • njhbgty
    The Best I’ve heard!
    I have followed podcasts for the last few years. My favorite genre is true crime. But this podcast is totally amazing! These are the stories that need to be told. And Amy Brittain is one the best I’ve heard. I hope she does more! Bravo New York Post!
  • Moepps
    I’ve never reviewed a podcast before...
    I’ve never reviewed a podcast before, though I’m a frequent listener. This podcast riveted me like no other. It captured the essence of two remarkable women in a way I haven’t experienced. Thank you for treating them with respect and telling their story. I felt like you were telling the story of every other sexual assault survivor. Just listen.
  • Cathyzander
    What a great podcast!!
    Loved every minute of it.
  • Meganm007
    I hope all women (and men) will find their strength to stand up to their perpetrators. My favorite part was when she made the fliers to let everyone know this monster is living in their neighborhood. She took her power back when he was bringing her down, just by working near her and walking by her job. I LOVE IT. He lost his job and all prospects of being a chef in that area.
  • madeline.e.d
    Get ready to ugly cry
    The bravery of these two women is astounding. Told in such a poignant, respectful way.
  • MissSR13
    A beautifully told story about a topic all too familiar to women. The courage and strength of these two women - perhaps especially when they are so willing to be raw and vulnerable in the podcast - is a testament to the resiliency and bad-assery of women. Binged it. Loved it.
  • TingleAmy
    Thank you.
    I’m so deeply grateful for these women. In a world where seeking justice is still so undeniably fraught and unfair, where the deck is maddeningly stacked against us, it’s a powerful thing to still seek it, but more importantly maybe to also seek our own healing and joy by sharing our stories with each other and with the world. We are not alone. Brave, bold vulnerability. Brave, bold, compassionate reporting. Brava! And thank you all.
  • TheWeaverOfWords
    Powerful and timely
    Wow. I’m grateful for these strong, courageous and powerful women. Please know this podcast helps all women everywhere. You are true heros
  • jnbr88
    Excellent job on a sickening issue
    This was awesomely done - had a hard time shutting it off! Think so much of Carol and Lauren for bringing these things to light and for the sacrifices made in doing so. They are my heroes. Thank you Amy for your thorough investigating, patience, kindness & determination in this. Praying for peace, healing & justice for each. God bless.
  • vhb87
    Highly recommend
    Excellent long-form reporting. I binge-listened!
  • shuguz
    Skillful & moving
    This reporter stands out as a superior storyteller. Each episode is so perfectly crafted & so compelling. I am grateful for the honestly with which she engaged such a difficult tale. Worthwhile listen for everyone!!!
  • Morrissey's wife
    The hosts voice
    Her voice is so soothing.
  • lkarledge
    Listened in one day
    Fairly new to podcasts and this one was recommended by another I was listening to. Immediately was drawn in and couldn’t stop listening! Thank you for the thorough reporting and bravery to tell this important story. And I loved the song at the end! Well done.
  • Rachel Cummings
    So beautifully done. I’m captivated, I can’t stop listening. The care you take comes through and it’s amazing. Thank you
  • sfchrisse
    Excellent reporting. Brave women.
  • V. Campbell
    This podcast is an important journey into the long term, highly damaging effects sexual assault has on victims. In a narrative encompassing forty years, this skillful and sensitive investigative reporter examines how a total system failure, including lack of judicial oversight, conspires to deny victims of sexual assault the justice they deserve . It is also an important account of how victims can take their power back and heal by speaking their truth, taking action, and pushing back against a flawed legal system and society infused with tacit acceptance of rape culture. Bravo!
  • JessMcCubbz
    Important story for everyone to hear
    Well researched and well told. Great podcast.
  • AmbyNicole
    Well done
    A tragic story, told very well.
  • andimgro
    Powerful and honest
    I can’t thank you enough for this reporting. It was inspiring for both of those ladies to share their stories. I listen to a lot of podcasts and this has been one of my favorites. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • siu vai
    Wow, heard to hear but a Must!
    The plot twist to hear back from the Judge Morrison... wow! I think his judgment towards sexual violence has been altered because of his own wrong doing. He sides with the abusers because he believes they can change in his mind (light sentences he would give himself), and some can but in most cases they don’t and for that his wrong doing is sending sexual abusers back into the world to cause more harm without any major consequences.
  • erniew
    A well done story that had all of the right elements and did not seem exploitive.
  • DC to SF
    Hard but necessary listen
    Appreciate the detailed reporting and honesty of all the contributors. This is a great deep dive on a sadly common occurrences: sexual assault, ability for judges to have flexibility in verdicts without oversight. Thanks team!
  • sunmarsh
    Crying so hard right now...
    I’m a man who was sexually assaulted by his first boyfriend, who didn’t understand that if I wasn’t comfortable with something that I could and should say no. My experience was nothing like the survivors in your reporting, but my hearts go out to them and their families. I hope that they are able to rest easier after telling their stories. <3
  • gurueast
    This podcast is excellent. It is compelling. There was obviously a great deal of research done by the investigative journalist. What touched me was the journalist’s skill at treating this difficult subject with such compassion and empathy when engaging with the two remarkable women who were sexually abused. The manner in which the journalist wove the story together has resulted in a healing that was palpable to me as a listener. A process in which these two abused women can now go forward with more lightness.
  • egurrieri20
    Compelling and Inspiring
    As a podcast junkie, I’ve listened to tons of shows, but this reporting has moved me so deeply. I’m grateful that investigative journalism like this still exists today to serve the public and shed light on the darkest of topics and most complex of webs. Thank you for your work and service, Amy.
  • Cici Mcgee
    I listen to podcasts all the time,your podcast is the best ever.. I had to binge on this one. Went on a binder, LOL
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