FloWrestling Radio Live

Wrestling #52

FloWrestling Radio live hosted by Christian Pyles and the rest of the FloWrestling crew on Mondays and Thursdays. The team discusses the hottest topics in college and international wrestling.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hj12squidtickle
    Not for casual fans
    This show is entertaining and informative *if* you are deep in the weeds obsessed with wrestling. These guys will talk for 20 mins, mention 60 names, not mention a school or country (for international matches) or weight class; use first or last name with no consistent pattern. If you already know every decent wrestler and on earth it’s (probably) great. If you are a casual fan wanting to get prepped for a big event, don’t waste your time.
  • stevo32019
    Get rid of Christine Askren.
    These two should make it official. Pyles is the worst. How about hiring a legend. Not Askren! A warrior who can be respected.
  • exastl
    Freshman JUCO wrestler
    I recently started listening to this podcast and binged the past year of Podcasts. It’s been so cool getting enveloped in the true college wrestling and international wrestling culture and I’ve just fallen more in love with this sport. I am committed to Snow College Utah and I have major aspiration. Don’t forget my name, Michael David JR. because I will be making an impact on the wrestling scene within the next couple years.
  • Ayeeelit
    Turn yall mics volume up please🙏🏽
  • Dan Clem
    Kinda ESPN-y version of a US wrestling show. Ben is like the crazy take dude, and the others keep the show moving. Idk it’s not like blow your socks off good, but it’s not bad by any means. I don’t listen to it religiously, but tune in every once in awhile to get insight on big news and happenings.
  • YUsucksobad
    Who doesn’t like this show!?
    Honestly, I don’t even think you’d have to be a wrestler or even slightly follow wrestling to enjoy this show. These guys are legitimately bright, legitimately funny, they are obviously obsessive students of the sport, and the banter compels more audible laughter from me than podcasts that are meant to be comedy-centric. Ollie in particular is as quick on his feet verbally as anyone in podcasting or broadcast media today. If these guys were hosting a podcast focused on a sport with more media exposure, I guarantee they’d be household names.
  • Danny T384
    Upload the podcast!!
    Guys. Where’s the podcast. It’s CKLV week and there’s not one podcast uploaded to Apple Podcasts. You guys gotta get it together. We rely on this info like it’s the news. I’m gonna move on from expecting a consistent program.
  • Kdspiegel
    Tooth and Claw
    Christian is right on point when he says tooth and claw podcast is one of the best out there. I can’t stop listening to it. He mentioned it maybe a couple years ago and I got hooked. Have Ben or JD experienced it yet?
  • Tmb4463
    If CP and Ben were a little nicer to one another I’d go 5 stars. JD we’re better at freestyle/life because of folkstyle. Now take off that hat and get a shirt with a collar.
  • Evkero
    Gone Down Hill
    This show has never been perfect, but Askren is starting to really drag it down. He’s great on wrestling topics, but terribly stupid about anything else. Not excited to listen to new episodes any more.
  • KDO12!
    Interview Compilation
    The best. Interviews disappear from the app too soon. A compilation makes it so listeners can connect with more wrestlers and coaches.
  • cverry
    Holy good God this episode is a brilliant piece of comedy! A must listen for everyone even if you’re not a wrestling fan.
  • 28$ww
    Great show
    A must listen for any wrestling fan. Humor and knowledge, great combination.
  • ShamedHawk
    Please Retire Ollie
    Ollie is bad. Not funny. Poor wrestling opinions.
  • Ben Akren Patrol
    3 Migos + Ben Askren talking over everyone
    CP, JD and Shane have all grown on me and become fantastic podcaster. The one who should have the most experience and overall savvy - Ben Askren - brings the show down to a catastrophic level. From his hypocritical takes, to talking over everyone and getting mad when anyone talks over him. I think he thinks he's the main talent in the show when realistically he's the one bringing it down and constantly slowing the flow down. The 3 other guys let it go, but Ben, please, please, please stop talking over everyone and acting like you're the key to the show. pS everyone noticed your not so humble constant bragging. Foot off the gas. Sincerely, A concerned citizen
  • hey carl great to see you
    This show is “Tremendous” as Ben would say.
  • Dgriffith4625
    The best wrestling podcast
    No doubt about it the best wrestling podcast available. Been listening for years and the show is in a great place with Ben, CP and JD. Could use less Shane Sparks spending 10 minutes just to say Nick Lee is a good wrestler tho
  • Mr. Lime
    Great Podcast, with great information about wrestling. Each personality brings different and cool perspectives to the conversation, hope the crew stays around for awhile. Good job guys keep going.
  • Vertano
    Cough Drop
    Some needs to get JD some lozenges. He sounds like he is struggling to speak. Real tough to listen.
  • Idaho-Muri
    Great Podcast and dialogue that grows the sport of wrestling!
  • Rick E. Holly-Wizzle
    They have done the impossible
    Askren & Pyles somehow make wrestling content that makes me wish I didn’t love wrestling. Insufferable human beings.
  • If I Bled it would be Blue
    Missing Kyle
    Miss Kyle....but Ben and Ollie bring it! The banter is awesome
  • Dad's Friend Zach
    Talent gone
    Ben Askren is the worst thing to happen to this podcast. Now that Bratke is gone, Flo has no talent left to speak intelligently about wrestling.
  • BallebsjabsjdkN
    Great podcast
    Everyone hating are willie meatriders. Ben and Ollie are the greatest thing to happen to the show
  • dsmith009
    I was a big fan, won’t listen after hosts, especially Ben Askren advocated for no young people be vaccinated. I came here for wrestling, not antivaxxers
  • Reginald fairfield
    Askren? Unsubscribe.
    Used to be my favorite podcast, i stuck around when it de-emphasized folkstyle in favor of International, I even put up with the the content move to less wrestling in favor of “Alien Hour”, and even when Willie left I tried to give it a go (Bray is great actually). Yet, the Askren move is a deal-breaker. I have tried several times to listen to his other podcasts (Rudis, t-row) and his Bayless/Cowherd/WWE style of hot takes and self-promotion just do not appeal to me. Hope I am in the minority and people love it. Just not for me anymore sadly, I will miss the old FRL. UPDATE:Tried listening in honor of the postseason and Olympic trials approaching and whoever Ollie/Ali is, he is absolutely terrible. Glad to hear Willie bought Intermat and relief may soon be on the way.
  • BillyMadison88
    Hockey Jersey Tuesdays!!
    Love the in depth information with entertaining banter. You guys are simply the best!!
  • jd deez
    Love flo
    I look forward to each podcast. The addition of askren is fantastic. He is funny, self deprecating, yet obviously incredibly knowledgeable. The pykes/askren subtle back and forths are hilarious but respectful. Also I know they aren’t a blue blood but they are close....more Hokies please. New edit. Still love this show as Ben is the best.... except get him out of the 90s regarding the ACC. He’s a hater of the 2nd best conference. His beloved boring big 12 would get tossed by the new second best conference. When they talk NC State and Virginia Tech have Ben use the bathroom. Some of us want to hear about these schools. Ok some TIC but seriously 5 of 6 schools on the top 20.. new era to start learning about. Christian is the best host and Bratke raising his game too.
  • Man_Dog 2.0
    Man Dog
    Brutal since Willy left - the geek squad is insufferable.
  • jduca1
    Great Podcast
    Great Podcast for the D1 wrestling fan
  • Adam Gusky
    Pretty solid
    I enjoy this podcast. It was pretty funny reading the 1 star reviews though lol
  • jakenuss
    Really look forward time listening to frl during my hectic week
    Love listening to three goofy guys talking wrestling
  • Emnjay1
    Great podcast
    This will keep you on the pulse of the wrestling community. There are few better than CP to keep things moving, adding a lot of wit to the conversations and at the same time keeping things light and entertaining. The rest of the gang are great support as well, dont miss a podcast.
  • lyman_wrestling
    Not good
    It’s just a bunch of bro’s sitting around thinking of matches and duals that’s wouldn’t happen. Ben and Christian try to out talk each other to see who’s the leader of the show. Never any Greco or women freestyle talk. Always bitcoin and disc golf talk and anything else askren is doing in his life.
  • MWrestler132
    Least serious outlet in the sport
    Just a bunch of nerds who think they know everything, and then turn out to be wrong every time. Turnover rate of their “writers” is extremely high due to sexual harassment allegations.
  • ty waltz20
    Awesome sauce
    Flowrestling is a wonderful podcast! Askren, CP, Kyle, nomad, and David do a great job of advancing the interest in wrestling each and every episode! Thank you for all you guys do for the sport!
  • CeramicsBySatan
    This 1-star rating and review will be redacted and upgraded to 5-stars if and when C Pyles and Steven Kyle Bratke take back their blasphemous statements about the greatest pizza in the Midwest. Ben’s cool tho.
  • bob jeyes
    So much better
    With willie gone I can actually listen. Ben Askren is a great improvement. Willie was really annoying, I’m glad the podcast got Ben. Big steps forward! Listen almost everyday on my drive home from work!
    Just kidding! It’s a great podcast. I used to have a hard time with their Funky Friend Ben Askren talking over everyone in other podcasts. He has gotten better. Not as much as he used to. Anyway, I like keeping up with the news and different perspectives. I really like having content almost everyday now. Appreciate the knowledge and effort.
  • Zach from Oshkosh, WI
  • Popthetop
    Bring Willie back
    Is there anyway to get Willie back on FRL? He was good.
  • cant afford flowrestling
    Too much
    If Willie would let someone express their opinions without talking over them it would be fantastic, he needs to show some respect. But now that you can only access their rankings if you have a pro account, I am out of the flowrestling game for good. Enough is enough.
  • Stew2424
    Surprised they don’t charge for their podcast like every other thing on their site...
  • Self818
    Nomad DeSanto Dual Advantage Take
    In Episode 307 timestamp 38:20, Nomad tries to insinuate that the 1 hour weigh in favors DeSanto inexplicably. That was mentioned in the previous FRL (401).
  • fslusher
    Even though will is a Humphreys hater the show is still very entertaining. Mostly due to Kyle Brakes input and of course alien hour. Good stuff Frank
  • tomherring7
    The best wrestling podcast by miles!
    The FRL crew have the best wrestling knowledge out there!
  • Nate Woelfel
    Amazing show!
    If I could rate this show six stars, I would. The passion and knowledge these guys bring to the table is unmatched. If you like wrestling, this podcast needs to be part of your life.
  • jv animal
    Need more alien hour
    I’ll give 5 stars but Downey is right about Venom being a nerd. My biggest gripe is that Alien Hour only lasts 10 minutes. The 5 man show leads to a lot of good wrestling talk and these guys have good info. Willie is the best one there and is the second best mind in wrestling behind Craig Seeker.
  • Mikey N.
    Your go to podcast for all things paranormal!
    Occasionally they can get off topic and talk about fried chicken or wrestling, but it’s nice to know the guys have hobbies outside of Squatch hunting. CP is the host, who once famously pressed the State of Pennsylvania in an interview to expose their Plan to keep paranormal beings out of view of the public. Kyle is the master mind of the whole operation, and has the most experience in the field. His calm demeanor proves he’s been there before. Willie is never on set. He has to skype in from off location. They say he is a Sailor, so I assume he is out chasing Nessie, which explains his terrible internet connection. Then there is Dan. A actual Nomad who is always chasing artificial men in Siberia and other parts of Europe. Some of his takes are a bit outlandish, even for this show. The only creatures he is seemingly afraid of are large predatory birds, hawks, if you will.
  • OffJay
    Great Show
    This is a great podcast for anyone who likes both humor and wrestling.
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