Kinda Funny Gamescast: Video Game Podcast

Leisure #35Video Games #6

Weekly video game reviews, previews, and analysis of the biggest topics in gaming, covering the latest in PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and more! Hosted by Tim Gettys, Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Blessing Adeoye, and Andy Cortez.

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Recent Reviews
  • isalicia
    New format is great
    I love the everyday format. The fact that there’s always a different topic is great. If I don’t really resonate within the first couple minutes with the topic I can skip and come back the next day. I love the different voices. Blessing and Andy are great. Obviously everyone else is amazing but I look forward to whenever Blessing and Andy are on.
  • SIumlord
    Not the same
    I feel like this podcast has turned into the very website they left, IGN. They promised they would never give review scores yet they do now. Every episode is littered with ad after ad. While I completely understand why you need ads no other gaming podcast that I listen to gives as many ads as this one. They get invited to all these events, flown out and catered to and it just seems like it would be impossible to be impartial after that. Don’t get me wrong I still love all the people involved as I’ve been listening to them for a very long time but this started out as a smaller independent thing and it just doesn’t feel that way anymore. I love that they’ve gotten bigger and have reached success, but there are better ways of doing it.
  • El Blaco McFly
    Love these guys
    Smart, funny, knowledgeable and relatable. Definitely my go to video game podcast!
  • thechiefslaysthedoomslayer
    Much better gaming podcast out there
    Not a fan. How could you be playing rise of the ronin over dragons dogma 2. You want a poor man’s ghost with more monotony than a Ubisoft open world game.
  • Dragonflysamurai
    Not thought leaders but Fast followers
    Listened to these guys hemp and haw for getting to play a game before the rest of us and literally said our job is great but we’re gonna wait for other reviews before we decide to play the game we are previewing. Why bother? Couldn’t pass up the empty content incentive. Not meaningful shows, just checking boxes. These guys aren’t trend setters, they are bougie followers.
  • MicahOwens
    Can’t believe the DD2 Impressions Gamescast
    Oof that dragons dogma 2 impressions gamescast was rough. Clearly no one had spent substantial time with the game and the video/episode was rushed out to get views and fulfill sponsorships. I started listening to KF during their Anthem gamescast, where I felt like they gave the game enough time to really appreciate what was special about it and what was lacking, vs many other outlets putting out more lazy coverage. I’ll probably unsubscribe now, as other outlets like MinnMax are just doing a better job covering games without the need to over-monetize their audience to keep things running.
  • bigoldgorpy100
    good enough if you want to listen to the most 80 IQ guys of all time talk about video games. way too obsessed with the number rating.
  • KyMann198012
    No Hogwarts?
    Simply because one person has a opposing belief, they leave a game out. You don’t have agree with someone to admit that something they created was actually good.
  • Dave the Bard
    Hard to listen to for multiple reason
    I am giving two stars as I do think there is some can be some entertainment found and certain people are worth listening to. Not bad to have on background I guess. Most of what you’ll find here is either annoying or plain bad. Greg is especially guilty of the annoying aspect with yelling and just being outright hard to repeatedly hear in this podcast. Stop yelling and be more refined in your approach. Your listeners will appreciate it. There is also a question of objective vs. subjective. This is a fuzzy line and all reviews are inherently subjective at least to some degree. What pains me here is that the reviewers seem to either avoid objective aspects entirely, or they get buried. I listened to the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet review and it took them forever to mention the performance issues and one reviewer even downplayed it by saying “eventually I just got used to it”. This is unacceptable and gives people an unrealistic impression of a game that should be much better. Honestly, I hope Game Freak is pressured to do better with the release of Palworld. Their games are stale and I’m honestly shocked that Nintendo allowed it to be released in that state. Also, Greg is especially guilty here with giving 2023 GOTY to Starfield. I’m sorry, but that game is objectively worse than other games this year by a long shot. Baldurs Gate 3, which didn’t even get a full review, unless it’s behind a paywall, was rated much lower and that game is objectively better in almost every area. Starfield was lacking quality content, polish, and quality of life pieces and felt like a game that was made in 2010. I played for about 10 hours and couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Just utterly boring and so many loading screens. And this is coming from someone who beat Fallout 3 & 4 and Skyrim with 100’s of hours of playtime. Also, Sonic Frontiers got a 4/5. I mean…just yikes! Oh, and I listened to some of their Redfall impressions and just…no. It took me awhile to put my finger on what made me decide against this podcast, but that is it. If you are looking for a review that will truly tell you if a game is worth your time, don’t look here.
  • JediMaster Daddy
    Journalists... No, influencers... Yes
    The entire Kinda Funny group, especially Greg has no right to EVER call himself a journalist again! Influencer absolutely but nothing more than that. Any guise of journalistic integrity need not apply since you are not journalist's after this. I could make an argument you never did truly understand the point of what journalistic integrity means. I am of course not talking about the human windfall of this, that is horrible that a people's personal info was leaked and that is not what I am talking about and most would agree that this should not be discussed. Everything else should be fair game! It's your platform and cover what you want but don't pretend your not covering the Insomniac leak for any other reason to protect/CYA with your relationship so it doesn't harm your access to Sony! Anybody getting onto others for covering the leak, especially real journalists is disgusting and should be ashamed. You had no problem covering the Nintendo, Capcom, ESA or GTA leaks so you don't get to pick and choose now without losing your integrity. YouTuber, streamer, podcaster, influencer sure but that's where it ends, journalist never again no matter how bad some of you want to try and hang onto that.
  • Damtzh
    Grate podcast.
    Is there any way we can get a top Nintendo switch games list? And maybe a PS5 list and a XSX list as well.
  • Tfunk66
    I just can’t
    That Greg miller audibly inhales after every sentence. It’s like nightmare asmr.
  • nitemare200
    Worst gaming podcast I’ve tried
    Mike sounds very much like a “how do you do fellow kids” boomer that was just given a second hand last gen console from one of his kids and then Barrett and blessing sound like they’re doing their best to keep the Colombian drug trade in business. They word vomit a thousand words a minute with no pauses and recap every single statement the second it’s finished. None of these people belong in this space.
  • Nickstradamus
    Kinda Crazy to think KF
    Was my favorite content. Can’t trust their reviews at all. They just shill their friends and paid stuff.
  • romello1
    Not a good pobcast
    Greg miller is not funny and he brings nothing of any content to show. Trash 🗑️
  • Deakstre
    Fantastic pod but…
    Why do Blessing and Greg say “right?” After almost every statement?? It’s insane the last pod I listened to they said it a combined 84 times in a hour. Not every statement needs to end in a question guys.
  • Jueinjda
    Where is the review
    Where is the. Hog warts legacy review? I’m unfollowing
  • Jahorgasen
    Great show
    I love this show, particularly the review episodes and the predictions episodes.
  • Zombie Jo3
    I tried to enjoy this show
    I came across Kind Of Funny earlier this year and I figured I’d give the show a shot since I’m always looking for more video game podcasts to listen to. At first everyone seemed interesting and entertaining to listen to. But as time’s gone on I’ve had less and less interest listening to the show. I actually had to sit down and think of why as I was so into the show at first. And it boils down to how fake some of the hosts sound. When some of them talk about games they’ve played or things they’re interested in, the way they talk sounds less natural and sounds more like they’re trying to give this journalistic review of what ever it is they’re talking about. Others talk like those annoying YouTube and Twitch streamers where you half expect them to start saying “Make sure to follow, like, and hit that subscribe button!” or “ Yo, it’s ya boi [insert name], with my crew and we got these good vibes going today!”. For example, when ever they have Snow-bike Mike on, he always sounds like he’s in streaming mode (I know he’s a Twitch streamer) and the way he talks sounds like the same baloney all of the other Twitch streamers say when they’re trying to grow their channel with trying to stay trending with the latest slang despite being probably double his audience’s age. Sorry guys. I tried to like your content, but it’s really not for me.
  • Intoxik8tor
    Everything was great…..
    …..until Blessing arrived. He just says words without actually saying anything of substance and depends on what other reviewers say about a game instead of judging it for himself. Janet hates anything that’s popular, she’s awful.
  • LettuceJUMP
    Sony and Xbox Homers
    Love Tim, but everyone else is Sony and Xbox fanboys. Greg is anti Nintendo/Xbox/PC. Paris, Greg and Mike crap on Switch. Switch is outselling all of them. Bring on some Nintendo people. (Evident by dedicated xbox and sony shows but nothing for Nintendo). Sorry you guys are not balanced.
  • jnb58
    Greg is miserable and it shows in the podcast
  • Tylertokez
    You guys are kinda funny
    And I mean that in the best way. I love coming to your podcast to keep up with all things gaming. As a person who listens to podcasts all the time at work, you’re one of the better podcasts, and better ways to get my news on gaming so I know where to look in what little free time I have. Thank you for all you do! Keep up the good work and game on!
    Great podcast i listen daily and it gets me hyped for upcoming games and consoles. Thanks for all the hard work. Love getting all the nerdy news I need to know about.
  • the wastelander lover
    During ur multiverses episode u mentioned the game called vampires survive or how ever u name it reminded me of a mobile game called If u guys like the vampire game u will love the pls try it!!!!!
  • KennyRNNG
    Just a reminder
    Their mascot “Cool” Greg stalked a woman
  • crpackers
    Looking for a new video game podcast
    Just done with everything KF. Negative attitudes all around. I don’t understand how they can do this for a living and hate everything they review. Oh yeah but somehow the last PlayStation state of play is 5 stars lol what a joke.
  • haleyd222
    Great video game pod
    Keep it going everyone!! This is an awesome video game podcast with relevant information and good takes.
  • b123456789
    Terrible host
    Kinda Playstation Gamecast reviews Halo
  • Doc Knox
    Kinda funny rulesss
    I’ve been listening to y’all for years but today I accidentally listened at half speed and at first I thought y’all were drunk then i realized. Anyway keep it coming
  • merca Hat
    It’s a shame
    It’s hard to believe how much the quality of this podcast plummeted.
  • ATA8215
    The Gold Standard
    A masterclass of Kinda Funny Podcasting by Tim. Never change.
  • dawgnation001
    Hulk smash if you no listen!!
    Nothing to say here
  • @project_gus
    Great show, excited to see it improve as well
    Hey cast & crew of Kinda Funny! I love listening to the podcast on a weekly basis. I love the flurry of random topics that show up. My only con to this show is I think Tim needs to tone down the Xbox bashing. I think the rest of the crew lately has been holding him more accountable. For example Blessing and team disagreed with him on the Xbox E3 press conference. The only reason why I bring it up (because I actually think Tim is really a great videogame journalist) is when he starts talking about anything Xbox, it can derail the show and kill the vibe. Which I don’t understand the Greg Miller hate or calling him a PlayStation fan boy, he’s a pretty big advocate for what Xbox has been doing.
  • TrumpLostBIGLY
    Best in the game.
    Sad to see all the 1 star reviews from losers that are still mad about Greg single-handedly swinging the election with his Biden endorsement.
  • Gus10188
    Purple kinda funny 10
    Purple kinda funny 10. Purple kinda funny10 purple kinda funny 10 purple kinda funny 10 hold on.. I’ll just repeat this until you stop listening.
  • jakkaru_kitsune
    I used to love this show.
    PLEASE stop talking about how so many things are racist. As a minority individual, you are lessening and manufacturing confusion of actual racism. Just because there is a stereotype or lack of a specific type of individual in a game, a movie, what ever, does not make it racist. Insensitive, maybe, but I even believe that is a stretch. I used to have so much fun with these shows, but now nearly everything involving a minority is racist in your shows. The direction the shows have taken are horrifying. For now, I will be unsubscribing.
  • dani1238562
    Long time Listener Disappointed
    Every year kinda funny devolves into less analysis and more self indulgent ‘it’s funny because we yell and have said it 1000 times’. I like a lot of the people don’t get me wrong but hearing you all talk about politics when your only information sources seem to be late night comedy echo chambers and article headlines you scroll past on Reddit(even when I agree with what you say it’s not like anyone comes here to hear you say it). If you want to be political be informed, otherwise stick to your profession.
  • BCBone
    Friends are accepting
    This podcast cares more about activism then gaming and community. I just want to have fun with a gaming community. I already get enough preaching at church.
  • Jaaaaaask
    Please remove and dump Greg; he doesn’t know how to enjoy games and movies.
  • Mr. HGO
    The Kraft Singles of gaming. Greg Miller is a try hard and believes he contributes more than he actually does to covering the industry. Cringe all around. Anything is better than this tripe.
  • patreonappsucks
    Greg Miller
    Tries to hard to be funny, he’s sucking the Fans for money, he’s loud arrogant, a hypocrite
  • Stevo the cruel
    Kinda Funny is kaka
    Bad takes. Every year I try to listen to anything kinda kinda funny but it’s just dreadful.
  • XsospoonX
    Kinda funny... but not really.
    I don’t know what doesn’t sit well with me but not a fan. Listened for 2 months and decided I can do without.
  • Bdp90386
    Fake People
    This podcast is so fake and corporate. Greg has gotten so much more corporate and sellout by the years. Get paid, cool. But it definitely comes across as affecting discussion and criticism. Listen to Giant Bomb or Sacred Symbols for better discussion.
  • funkyfresh1017
    Ditch Greg Miller
    Good show but it would be incredible if they dumped Greg Miller.
  • Mseymour1998
    Amazing Podcast with Great Conversations
    Tim does an excellent job hosting this. Even when I don’t care about the game they’re discussing, the conversations are still worth listening to. I love the episodes with Blessing and Imran especially because they bring in new perspectives that Kinda Funny didn’t have last year. Keep it up!
  • Marukka 0_0
    Good gaming cast
    Very good video game podcast. Enjoy most of the discussions. Imran is the king of spoilers so if you here him discussing a game...and don’t want to be spoiled...skip ahead. Blessing has been a great addition. Greg is a 3rd person action junky and Tim just plays Mariokart and Smash....
  • ChampionGundyr
    Keep politics out
    I cannot support their continued toxicity of their radical marxist ideas. The ever increasing political world finally broke them.
  • Sober_Steve3366
    Great podcast
    Been listening since Greg left IGN and of all the past hosts you’ve had, Andrea and Jarred were the best. Blessing is my least favorite and I don’t think he brings any interesting conversation to the table.
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