Two Guys on Your Head


Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke explain how our brain works.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dr Jennie Byrne
    Great translation of brain science to practical ideas
    I particularly enjoyed the episode on Moral Injury - as a healthcare leader I sometimes struggle to explain this concept to others outside of healthcare. Thank you for being a great translator of brain and behavior science! —Dr Jennie Byrne, MD, PhD
  • formerly of good hearing
    Do not listen with headphones!
    Love the content, but there are serious volume issues. Sometimes the segment changes to an ad that is very loud, sometimes too quiet. Sometimes different hosts in the same conversation are played back at different volumes, so I can’t even fix it by changing my device’s volume.
  • TXSkygzr
    TX Sky Gzr
    Love this podcast y’all! Keep em coming! 🤘🏼hookem!
  • cluster of blossoms
    My favorite !
    This is my favorite podcast. Do you take ideas for the topics ?
  • johnsonstravel
    Fun way to get news
    I agree with last review. Love banter but only for a min or so. But I absolutely love Molly and Kai and hearing them speak!!❤️
  • Boardgirl540
    Psychology & Sociology for the every day
    I love the topics and learn something new every episode. I like that the episodes aren’t too long/ don’t have too much banter (are to the point. Sometimes I wish they were longer- if they were 20-30 mins long I would still listen.
  • Mary Gladstone
    Breath of Fresh Air
    Love listening to you guys and Rebecca. It’s wonderful to listen to people who think outside the box. As a Middle aged women I have often felt like a foreigner amongst peers. Listening to your podcast has given me a sense of belonging.
  • unikereviewname
    Fix your mix
    Love the show, hate listening to heavy breathing. Fix your mix, you guys do such a great job. BUT the signal detection episodes are in listenable. Only marked one star to grab your attention, will update after the next (breathless) episode.
  • Bclu06
    Great show for work, family, community, and life!
    This show rocks. It gets to the core of so many issues we see today (behavioral, work, family, etc.). We send some of these podcasts out to our work teams to help foster positive change concepts internally. Also, for any of these awesome podcasts, you can take the grains of information they teach you and apply them to multiple aspects of life and the world around you. Really great stuff!
  • Slaad123
    Potentially great/Actually frustrating
    I love KUT & I love the *concept* of this podcast. The topics addressed are so thought-provoking and fascinating and I love hearing what they have to say but the editing makes me absolutely crazy! It abruptly starts & stops with very little intro/ wrap up and I always feel like just when the conversation gets interesting, the podcast just suddenly ENDS. It ignites my curiousity, but doesn’t satisfy it. I’d even be happier to just hear the unedited convo’s these two have b/c I bet it’d be great. This could potentially be a break-out podcast, but it’d be more “listenable” if they could polish up the structure a bit. 👍
  • mwattsr
    Digestible and thought provoking
    I really enjoy the insight I get from every episode of this show. Even time I think I'm pretty knowledgeable about the topic, there is a new angle or study that Dr. Markman and Dr. Duke bring up that sheds more light on the subject. Thanks to Rebecca as well for masterful editing down to short, digestible episodes!
  • OliviaCruse
    Excellent in every way
    Well produced, well edited, sharp and to the point. My profession is psychology and I always learn something even if I am very familiar with the topic. An ideal podcast!
  • Outtoftime
    Dull Dull Dull
    I've listening to this podcast several times and frankly, it's one of the most boring I've ever heard. The topics at times are fascinating but the presentation lacks personality. Dr. Markman and Duke try their best but their monotone discussions of already abstract topics make this podcast difficult to enjoy.
  • Slfk227
    Cognitive psychology niblets
    Great podcast with bite sized insights from cognitive psychology with everyday applicability.
  • Christopher Gronlund
    A Do-Not-Miss Show
    I tend to let podcasts stack up before listening. Two Guys on Your Head is one of a few faves that gets an immediate listen from me. So many wonderful ideas in 7 1/2 minutes that has often left me thinking for days.
  • Mental Notes Austin
    Love this podcast
    These guys keep me learning while I am laughing. I look forward to it each week. Keep up the good work.
  • KayK37
    Highly recommended for the thinker
    I was recently turned on to is blog in anticipation of Dr. Markman speaking for my organization. I'm glad that I was. I love the snippet approach and focus on the topic. It's highly relatable and interesting. The hosts focus on contemporary issues while bringing in relationship in bite size pieces. Great listen if you have a few minutes, want to think about why we do and what we do and contemplate your navel. Highly recommended in my opinion. I've subscribed and listened to about half of the backlog on iTunes. You'll like this podcast too especially if you are a Harvard Business Review subscriber or interested in the like.
  • AHans1
    Very interesting
    Each topic the guys approach is explained so clearly, that I feel like actually learn and remember the content. Even if the topic isn't something I'm interested in, I find myself drawn-in to their detailed explanation of it. Great show.
  • Pinner168467368
    So interesting
    Shows like this are my favorite. I like to learn about psychology. This show is great because it covers topics that we come in contact with everyday. I like to hear about abnormal psychology, especially in true crime topics but sometimes you want to hear what studies have been done about why you make seemingly bad choices or if the reason you hate something is because you have a biological aversion or because you are a jerk. Just wish the shows were longer because I'm thirsty to learn more about almost every topic they cover.
    Interesting and informative
    This show always has interesting topics and is presented in an easy to follow format.
  • Jesse Lahey
    Car Talk for your brain
    Art and Bob are very fun to listen to, while providing practical information that can help with everyday issues. They remind me of the old Car Talk show (which I miss), but without the Boston accent!
  • Tom Hitchcock
    Educational & Entertaining
    Always great food for thought and worth listening.
  • Catch 2 Birds With One Hand
    As good as it gets
    This is a gem of a show and has quickly become my favorite segment on NPR. It's concise, insightful and thought provoking. Indeed, I find myself thinking about some of the topics long after I've listened to the show. As an added bonus, not only is the subject matter and how they handle it fascinating, but all their voices are calming, as well. Rare air, indeed.
  • kakboy112
    Good show.
    Quick and interesting.
  • D.Julius
    It's not strange that I love 2 guys!
    This is one of the most informative, practical, and funny programs on public radio... hell anywhere. If you aren't subscribed what are you waiting for? Look at the stars above🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 need I say more?
  • Tbyargeon
    Great show
    This show covers a variety of psychological topics in an easily digestible manner. Very interesting.
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