Art of Wrestling

Wrestling #83

For over 20 years, Colt Cabana travels ALL OVER THE WORLD as a full time pro wrestler. Colt & guest sit down IN PERSON and really talk about the struggles and triumphs it takes to be in the pro wrestling business. PAST EPISODES available at

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Recent Reviews
  • xschaos
    still the best..
    timeless. always funny. the art of wrestling is the best podcast of all time. ever. thank you colt 💜
  • HitnRunTony
    Find one Wrestler you like and listen to the podcast. I promise once you're done, you'll want to go back to the beginning and listen to as many as you, just like I did.
  • Jaa1993
    Best podcast and podcaster ever!
  • Jacobmflnh
    Used to love it.....
    I used to love the Art of Wrestling. Every Thursday this was the bright spot in my day. Even when Colt abandonded the orignal theme for something not as good, it was still great compared to other podcasts. Then Colt went away and did other projects. Occasionally dropping a live show here or there. Now it's back (for a short run) BUT now apparently Colt turned into Conrad Thompson and there's an AD every 5 minutes!!! It's unlistenable now!
  • Indian Bot Farm
    Punk Promo
    The Punk Podcasts were very influential during my time in highschool. Thanks Colt for awesome podcasts
  • Jimmy Rock Street
    The OG
    The reason we are all listening to wrestling podcasts whether we know it or not…
  • mrjmichaelb
    Makes me feel good inside
    This has been one of my number ones through this pandemic. I’m a comic and through conversations and stories with Colt each episode, I’ve been enjoying hearing parallels to me trying to get on the road, just get over with what I’m trying to do, and just trying to keep working this thing I love. It feels great in that kinship sort of way to hear Colt, guys more famous, old timers and people I’m just starting to become a fan of talk about their journey, getting over with fans, not quite being used right by this promotion or that even when I’m doing a great job. It’s entertaining, fun, and the only thing better would have not had my own shows last time Colt was in my city so I couldn’t go, even if my pal Bret Hayden still got to be a part of things
  • Jandro Gamboa
    The Best Wrestling Podcast Starring a Wrestler
    I was a couple years late to the party on The Art of Wrestling. Now that it’s coming out irregularly, I’m starting to realize how much I miss it. Colt Cabana is arguably the best American comedy wrestler and his connections to the independent wrestling world have lead to some fascinating interviews and discussions. Hear interviews from today’s hottest wrestlers from back in the day.
  • fff Jim fgvcdc
    Numerous Cast Missing and Cut-Off. But LOVE It.
    Not sure if it’s an iPhone thing or I’m doing something wrong, but using the podcast button on my iPhone and a lot of cast are missing, and I’ve had a couple just get cut-off. Just recently Drew McIntyre*. But other then that LOVE the podcast.
  • LinseyBabs
    Wrestling international treasure
    Colt is a wrestling international treasure, he is the glue that fixes everyone together. Amazing podcast with everyone you could think of appearing at some point
  • Somar23
    Super happy the old format is back and I love the parody interviews. Keep up the good job, Colt!
  • maverick903
    Welcome back
    So happy the old format is back. Liked the new format too. But...what the hell is sandow chewing on the whole episode?!
  • mMusselwhite
    Need better comedy
    Sarah Shockey is not funny
  • SoL I.MC
    Fan since 05, day one podcast listener. Glad the long format is back.
  • Mark4Wrestling
    Thank You Colt!!!
    You’re the best Colt!! Going to miss this podcast.
  • El Gabe-O
    Thank You
    Thank you for everything Colt. It’s been a great ride.
  • iBen_Jamin'
    Sad to see this amazing podcast come to an end. Thank you so much Colt you are the OG of this podcast game and you paved the way for a bunch of other shows that we all enjoy. Thanks again!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Shecky McClaants
    Thanks Colt!
    Thanks Colt! Appreciate the podcast. We’ll see you in Tower,MN. We’ll keep watching and listening to you on ROH.
  • Bah Gawd!!
    Colt Cabana
    5 star wrestler. 5 star podcaster.
  • Outlaw Mudshow
    Good show
    I'm still trying to get use to the new format that started a while back but I do like the show.
  • AKhoneybucket
    As good as it gets
    Colt is a great orator and has really good instincts of what's interesting. Excellent roster of guests. Well worth your time to listen to this podcast if you're a serious wrestling fan.
  • Lightingserge
    Top pod
    Colt is the best in the wrestling pod game, the wrestlers are real with him in this pod, and it’s a lovely insight to the world
  • golem1047
    This is the first time I’m listening to your podcast. The first podcast that I hear from you it is the trial I didn’t know that this trial happen at all, I was a few years a way away from the wrestling news and started to catch up with the industry. Love the way that you chronicle your adventures at the courthouse I used to go a lot to the court and yes they had ask feeling bad the butterflies in the stomach you feel all that and more so good luck to you and hope to hear more podcast from you.
  • cvbriones
    Colt cabana is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Colt is considered by many of his peers to be the OG of wrestling podcasts. Colt’s show has changed over time, but it continues to be an exciting look into some of the daily routines, struggles and fun of the world of pro wrestling. The show has many guests from the independent pro wrestling scene; Colt talks about the traveling, aches/pains and some of the silly stuff these men and women encounter on their journeys. Any pro wrestling fan would enjoy this and I think non pro wrestling fans will be fascinated by the way these performers go about their lives. Give it a listen. Thanksssss....
  • ajsansstyles
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Great insight in the word of independent wrestling. It’s like a podumentray, or a docucastery
  • Van from Raleigh
    Love the show!!
    Best real wrestling podcast out there! Thanksss!
  • jpb138
    Longtime fan of both Colt and the podcast, and absolutely loving the new format. Love it when hometown heroes the Briscoes make an appearance as well. Next time you see them, ask them about their nicknames - Chicken & Poop. They used to shop at a Gamestop I worked at & my old boss Ben R. grew up with them.
  • Ralph read this
    Go back to the old format.
    Please go back to the old format.
  • RiverOrns
    The GOAT of podcasts
    Been listening since the beginning! 8 years later and Colts still entertains as he always had! I was very nervous the when the podcast changed format but it’s still the best!
  • goodwinS81
    Boom boom
    This is the best pod cast period. Colt knows his audience and how to adapt his show. Can’t wait for Thursday’s thanks Colt.
  • tallclint
    I really like this show. I’ve been listening for a few years now. The in depth interviews were great and going forward I’ve really enjoyed the “A Day in the Life” approach and presentation. Colt Cabana and his podcast are why I know about Indy Wrestling. And he was nice to me at a show. 👍
  • kmthomp29
    My Favorite Wrestling Podcast
    Over a year ago, I started getting back into professional wrestling. Somehow, I stumbled upon The Art of Wrestling. I was instantly drawn in, and I credit this podcast for my rekindled love of wrestling. The road stories, quick backstage interviews and overall insight into the wrestling business is amazing. I listen to it every Thursday when the new episode is released. Thank you for what you do, Colt!
  • Bravevol
    Long time fan, new Colt mark!
    My wife and I attended the NWA 70 event over the weekend and saw Colt for the first time live. WOW! He commanded the crowd and did more in a 4 way match that opened the show than any other performer on the card. His effort and presence was the most memorable for us, by far. I have been a die hard pro wrestling fan for 30 plus years. She has been a casual observer for less than 5 years, yet we both saw “it” in him. That same “it” comes through in his podcast. We listened for the first time the day after NWA 70, and I’m hooked. I’ve gone back and listened to 12 episodes and look forward to Thursday for new episodes. Definitely, give this a listen. On a side note, we had the pleasure of meeting Colt after the show and were able to thank him personally and tell him how much we appreciated his match. You da man, Colt!
  • DHWhiteMamba24
    Thank You!
    Just wanted to give love. Huge wrestling fan since I was born. Love listening to you talk about every subject. Thank you for always taking the time to talk to us about your life! Thanks Colt!!! Derek
  • TheVic
    Weekly Favorite
    Every Thursday I look forward to the stories from the road.
  • Nash1014
    Perfect show
    Feud of 2018 Joey Janela vs Momma Cabana!
  • B2theNG
    Never stops working
    Having listened to the show for quite some time, I just feel like Colt is always working me. He always after my $.
  • Swagger316
    Jump on the happy bus with Colt
    I’m a lifer for the podcast. Colt brings great stories of the business without the drama. I can’t say enough good things about the podcast to put it over. Go to and spend some money. Chad Teetrick
  • Soupster72
    I 💙Colt
    Love this podcast been listening for awhile and I’ve been turned onto so many different wrestlers and companies due to Colt if you a wrestling fan for ages or just a new fan listen to this podcast to get a behind the scenes view of their daily life!!!
  • WonderboyRoy25
    Colt = Wrestling Podcast G.O.A.T
    Really love the show man! You’re a joy to listen to and there’re always awesome interviews and stories every week!
  • BillyBob Jimbo
    Most entertaining pro wrestling podcast
    Every podcast has its niche, but Colt has been doing this forever and always puts out good content each week. Fun. Entertaining. Informative. Subscribe. You won’t be disappointed.
  • Bdhahdleu
    This makes my work day so much better Thanks Colt. I’d also love a DDT ticket.
  • jdboland70
    5 stars seems a bit of an undersell.
    This podcast makes manual labor tolerable. Anyone who makes their living toiling in the South Carolina sun will tell you there’s not much that makes this climate tolerable. You do. For that, I thank you. Also, Wrestling Dreams is Nathaniel Hawks favorite book.
  • AbeMed
    AOW Forever
    I’ve been listening to Art of Wrestling bring the unique perspective of the independent wrestler for years now. Colt gives us a window into the lives of these warriors and shows us up close the sacrifice and passion they have to do what they love. It’s really inspiring and I’m grateful for all the work Colt has done for professional wrestling to grow. Thanksss!
  • geeeesky
    Boom Boom!
    Colt is the best in the game at wrestling podcasts. Loved the wrestler to wrestler podcasts for as long as it was up and still love it in the new format
  • ecwtaz4
    Best wrestling podcast
    Hands down none better
  • ChrisSweeney
    I have been listening to this this podcast since I believe it's second episode. Since then, it has been a staple in my weekly podcasts. I love the change in format and look forward to it weekly! Keep up the good work Colt!
  • DawgTalk
    I'm #ALLIN for Colt Cabana!
    Colt is the OG of pro wrestling podcasts. I've been away for awhile, but I'm definitely now #ALLIN for Art of Wrestling. Colt's probably one of the nicest and most sincere people in the business, and a great commentator on ROH Wrestling. Support him at!
  • plreyes11
    Fan support!
    I’ve been listening for quite some time, and finally learned how to leave reviews.(needed google’s help) love how laid back the show is, not too serious, but still a great look at life on the road for a pro wrestler. Also I genuinely enjoy the episodes where you record interviews at big shows such as all in just last week. Keep it up colt, momma cabana approves!
  • dog4life182
    Must Listen Podcast
    Great insight into the world of professional wrestling by a true legend in the world of wrestling.
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