Laying Down The Lore: Warhammer 40K


Join sci-fi fanatic Darren as he attempts to bestow his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Warhammer 40,000 on Ben and Cral, a couple of Warhammer noobs.

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Recent Reviews
  • J Fogg
    Fun, Informative and Entertaining
    I recently started playing 40K, and am interested in learning more about the world that it exists in. These guys make the content digestible, and keep me entertained for the entire time. It’s the right mix of lore and fun, and it feels like they really enjoy each other and what they’re doing. I’m hooked.
  • Rodiley
    Excellent and Hilarious
    This podcast is rather inhumane considering one of the hosts has received roughly 10-12 frontal lobotomies and hardly every gets a bottle in front of him.
  • Natronex
    A Shame Really
    I was enjoying the show, it has very knowledgeable (and by the standards of amateurs) listenable hosts. Then I got to the episode with the bizarre five minute skit about how the arch-villain of the setting is “woke” and says things like “Terran Lives Matter.” It was such a bizarre attempt at humor it’s not even totally clear what they were trying to do, other than make limp jokes desperately trying to be edgy. Anyway, that’s when I stopped listening.
  • Scottbigdaddy46
    Absolutely awesome podcast. Not to often I have learned so much and laughed out load while listening to a podcast. Awesome job guys keep it up!
  • Mostswag_
    Such a fun time
    This podcast is genuinely hilarious. I listen to comedy podcast regularly and nothing even comes close. They perfectly mix both Warhammer lore and comedic banter which locks the listener in. Ill be around for awhile guys
  • Stumpfalicious
    Entertaining, educational, hilarious!
    I’m always up for a good lore show or podcast and after listening to Lorehammer numerous times through, I was longing for something to fill that void. This is it! Provides great info into the deep lore of my favorite hobby while keeping a low key casual vibe. Great and highly recommended. Bravo, gentleman. Bravo.
  • definitely.ish
    Imperium certified lore
    Brilliant show. Breaks down the lore/game/background into digestible chunks for us newbies.
  • BaronJustin
    Excellent Job Gents!
    After a number of 40K podcasts that either too much rely on edgy humor or forcing a joke we finally got the LDTL take on 40K. Much like the Old World podcast these are a laugh and a half an episodes are both informative and entertaining. Really excited to hear more!
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