Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin

Arts #6

In-depth interviews that may blow your mind.With Rick Rubin

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  • Anotherbadupdate
    Love (most of them)
    I really enjoy Rick Rubin's interviews. His book is terrific. Keep it going! Some of the interviews are great. For example: Nick Cave Andrew Hickey Peter Asher Trent Reznor Others less so: Andrew Huberman (okay we get it, you used to be into The Clash and skateboarding. No need to keep repeating! Not to mention Rick couldn't get a word in) Rick's interviews with the John, Anthony, Flea, and Chad from the Red Hot Chili Peppers on his Broken Records podcasts are outstanding!
  • Bay W.
    Limited and dude focused
    Limited view of who is creative. Virtually no women interviewed in the entire series. Looking for balanced representation of new ideas.
  • sbtsm673(
    Episode 52
    I’m a curious observer of nature. Loved the conversation here. One question for Uncle Jack; the naked mole rat is known as one of the longest lived mammals. Yet they spend most of their lives below ground, away from the light, and appear to have little melanin. Understand mouse/rat biology is a little different due to telomere length but how does the mole rat fit into the melanin theory Jack explained? Thank you
  • ElTeo1234
    It’s good.
    A little guest dependent, but overall, a well produced podcast where you may learn something. Rick tends to describe everything as, “beautiful” or “interesting” or “incredible,” but what can you do, the man is from another planet. Creative direction for ad reads and overall tone of the show is impressive. Great sleep aid.
  • RivièreN
    Please interview more women artists
    I love Rick Rubin and love the episodes I’ve listened to but would love to hear more women creatives interviewed. 4 women in the past year and 49 men interviewed.
  • Juice McCahren
    Brain Food
  • water8land
    Good for my brain
    As I listen to each episode they each add another layer to the cake that is my brain. Adding a piece to the universal puzzle. Cutting through the underbrush of reality revealing the paths that lead to more understanding. This podcast gets my internal soup to a rolling boil.
  • Vanessa Simpkins
    Rick Rubin I love your book! I love this podcast!
    Ive been deepening into the mystical and creative soul expression expansion journey of awakening the last few years. Earlier this summer I bumped into a woman at the lake who told me about your book. Profound thank you for writing it. I have been an artist my whole life born to a family of famous artists and breaking through my own self judgements around one form of expression versus expansion of all forms. Been a wild trip! I look so much into astrology human design gene keys and typology to help me understand myself and am so delighted to find the first podcast with this rad astrologer and ab interview w Richard Rudd! Can’t wait to dig into all of these. Into the mystical we goooo! Big hugs! Vanessa
  • APKittle
    Oh, shut up
    I just wanted to give a five star review to annoy all the pretentious toolbags’ reviews, and those who said he needs more women. Stop trying to make this podcast something it’s not.
  • Christinescreen
    The guests are 99% men
    Otherwise, thoughtful conversations.
  • Rosenbird
    Where Are The Women??
    Love Rick Rubin and many of his guests, but the disproportionate amount of women being given a platform here is jarring. Can you not find women artists who are shaping culture? If not, it’s because they aren’t being given a voice by productions like this. Really hope to see a more equitable distribution of guests here in the future.
  • Aileen Reilly
    No female guests ever?? What’s up with that?
    Every week I’m excited to see who is next and every week, it’s another male. Really? Are all the women booked or you just don’t find women inspiring? I love Rick’s work with female musicians so it’s interesting (and perplexing) that when he gets to highlight his own personal inspiration and curiosities via his personal project podcast, he only highlights other men. Edited to add: 16 episodes in. 1 female guest so far. Tone deaf. Edited to add again: 47 episodes in, 3 female guests so far. A whopping .06% of his guests are women 🙄 Do better dude
  • FourthWaveFeminism
    Where are the creative women?
    Love this show. Please interview more women. Paula Scher isn’t the only one!
  • InFlowPro
    More Women Please!
    Rick, we love you, but what’s the deal with all the white men?? Remember: a woman birthed you all= the ultimate creative act! So give us a break, expand your mind, and be more inclusive in this great endeavor. As a pioneer of Hip Hop we expect more from you!
  • transitional transmissions
    Edward Norton
    Where to begin? The rawness of this interview astounded and delighted me. The way these two talk about music and film and the experience and creation of these art forms… I cannot quite find the words. One of the best and most candid and genuine interviews I have ever heard–seemingly without excess fluff and “inspirational” intention, I have been profoundly inspired nonetheless. Thank you, Edward and Rick.
  • B_squared
    Gender bias and the trap of seeking
    Let’s say, hypothetically, that a man is seen as successful in artistic enterprises and endeavors to the point that they are hailed as a sort of guru. Let’s say that this man leans hard into that characterization, publishing platitudinous books with solemn titles and austere aesthetics, the stark simplicity said to betray untold, and ultimately unfelt, depths. Let’s say they are also, as a result, seen as “sensitive” and “perceptive” or even “deep” in exceedingly narrow niches of their choice. Let’s say that this man also indicates broad curiosity and expansive comfort in highly specific and limited wheelhouses of redundant conversation and contemplative, breathy pauses. None of this would necessarily mean that their blind spots on different scales will not gape like howling canyons; on the contrary, it might even guarantee this, and not even to the creator’s chagrin, the raw sensation having been long numb with praise. The resulting commodity: an insincere shrug in a womb, a place that prefers the amniotic to the genuinely adventurous, and an astoundingly myopic conceptual apparatus that is surely reassuring to all involved. A tepid and solipsistic pseudo-intellectual bath, a brain in a gilded vat, and a hall of mirrors within a navel.
  • Albers70
    This is just getting silly now
    For god’s sake. This is an interviewer who is either stubborn, dumb, or misleading about what kind of show this pretends to be. How can you honestly have a show about creating and building without women??? Sure there were 3, but c’mon. This ratio is deliberate. I have so many questions about Rick and his influence now.
  • Hkur rightuhhhh
    Lack of female presence is disappointing
    Great interviews but seeing how there’s only been 3 women on in nearly 40 episodes is pretty sad. My rose colored lens of Rick Rubin are starting to fade and I see him in a different light. I realized he favors men in the interview with Rosalía where he said working with woman is worse because they’re always so controlling, and when she disagreed and said she had the opposite experience he had nothing to say.
  • hbgjkk
    More DIVERSITY please <3
    I enjoyed this for a minute but there is simply not enough diversity which is disappointing covering the realm of creativity, the realm of creation. As a woman of mixed race it’s difficult to ignore conversation after conversation of white men conversing amongst themselves.
  • Not like the ad!!
    What can’t Rubin do?
    Love the candid relaxed conversations.
  • Mongrel82
    Remember when…
    Guests were “interviewed” and “platform” was a noun? Keep the great stuff coming!
  • Flamenco Del Scorcho
    One of most fascinating podcasts out there. RR knows how to listen and is a great interviewer. Asks great questions.
  • orientaltown
    The talk about Source and The Work is needed
    Feeling grateful (and always reassured) by you and how openly and honesty you share your work, your awareness and purpose.
  • Say No To Pandas
    the podcast every creative needs
    fave new podcast. thank u rick
  • Sandy Barnett
    Cause Rick said so
    Thanks Rick , I really like your show
  • MinneMer
    I can’t believe
    How good this podcast is! RR is so insightful and interesting. Years from now, people will realize what a genius he is!
  • Reena111
    Questioning if he is sexist?
    Saw a review awhile back that pointed out he only had 2 female guests out of the entire episode roster. That was an immediate red flag but I stuck around to see if he’d integrate the feedback— nope! It’s giving misogyny. I also just saw footage that he was IN THE ROOM when Kayne illegally recorded his conversation with Taylor Swift (to twist her words, paint her as a liar & ruin her career). AGAIN, *it’s giving misogyny.* I thought I found my new muse when I read the creative act but….. the DISTASTE. 🤮
  • Bug 9-36$&
    I love the conversation form of this podcast, especially featuring people you don’t get to hear these kinds of conversations from. But, it makes me uncomfortable that’s there’s been almost no women? It doesn’t really make sense that this platform can’t be diverse. We have enough male driven media, and I think this was a good opportunity to explore something else. Instead I have been disappointed and this feels like a really good idea that now doesn’t feel authentic.
  • Rdswinford
    Kennedy? You lost me there. Huberman brought me back
    Kennedy has done significant damage to a generation. Maybe I needed a refresher ? …. But for now back listening.
  • Juicyfruit2cutebrah
    More perspectives would be great
    I admire Rick’s way of living a creative life and sharing other interesting and creative voices. I’d love the podcast to expand to include a greater diversity of voices and stories and creative approaches to life…especially those who have persevered in the face of fewer opportunities and limits to power and position.
  • Jaredir
    Kennedy 2024
    Came for the RFK Jr interview but stayed for all the other good content.
  • dhs_lax
    Dude’s a kook.
  • Uncle Flavio
    Male Driven - THANK YOU
    Your guest choices are top notch and your follow-up questions and discourse is insightful.
  • MuzzlOfBeez
    Needs a disclaimer that the views by shared by guests aren’t substantiated
    Please invite Bill and Melinda Gates to respond to Kennedy’s claims that their foundations funded the release of genetically modified mosquitoes or that they use them to deliver the COVID vaccine. I came to Tetragrammaton from the Broken Records podcast. I appreciate Rick’s curiosity and thoughtfulness, but the things guests like Robert F Kennedy is perpetuating in his interview have been proven to be false, misleading, and dangerous by rigorous investigation from sources like Snopes and the AP, whose entire credibility and existence hinge on getting the facts right. This is a disservice to anyone working hard to address the environmental, governance, and mental health issues affecting all of us in our current era.
  • AP4fit
    Robert F Kennedy Jr
    Brilliant! On the outside chance he wins the presidency, I hope he can implement at least some of the reforms he proposes. He needs private protection, even as president. The military industrial complex wants him dead.
  • Jrl Hab
    Rough decision to platform RFK jr.
  • Hxxxxxxchxxxxxxx
    Male driven podcast...again
    I like Rick Rubin. I have his book. But as a fellow Podcaster, we must make an effort to feature a diversity of voices. 2 female interviews out of 34? Really? It's not 1950. There are so many female creatives that there is no reason for this. Come on Rick, prove me wrong and let's see the next 34 episodes at a 50/50 split. I'm rooting for you.
  • Eric G3
    Awesome podcast, but RFK Jr.?!
    what an amazing podcast to listen to. Some of the most interesting free-flowing conversations I’ve ever heard in my whole life. I'm only writing this poor review right now because I see that RFK Junior was on the podcast. His whole platform is conspiracy theories. It would be a disaster for democracy in the US for him to be elected president and a contingent election seems very possible this next time around. Part of the problem is people giving RFK Junior a platform. I am disappointed you did that.
  • ohshish
    I liked it until it became a platform for crackpot
    I unsubscribed when I saw the RFK jr was platformed. Spreading misinformation about vaccines is unbelievably dangerous. The vaccine preventable infections are the most threatening to the most vulnerable people in our society, we ALL have a duty not to spread false narratives . I suggest listening to the Maintenance Phase episode about RFKJr before listening to him spout nonsense about topics that he willfully misunderstands.
  • Stratoblogster
    John Mayer
    Tons of insights as this one goes deep into the songwriting and performance processes! 👍👍👍
  • the acid house
    Rick Rubin's podcast is an absolute gem!
    With his insights, he creates a captivating listening experience. His interviews with a diverse range of guests are thought-provoking and enlightening. Whether you're into music, creativity, or just good conversation, this podcast is a must-listen. Rubin's ability to uncover the essence of his guests makes every episode a journey of discovery and inspiration.
  • JoelPatterson
    Excellent Podcast
    I make these for a living, and this is really good. High production levels (which you’d expect from a world famous producer), amazing guests, and the ads are stellar. The podcast could use some editing help (I can hear edits on occasion, and we could fix that), but I’m a listener.
  • Great for that
    Excellent podcast! I’ve listened to a couple already and have been riveted. Great job Rick Rubin!
  • knolldk
    Long form interviews at its finest
    The conversation with Ian Rogers is one of the best I’ve listened to with Rick. I was bummed that he wasn’t hosting Broken Record as much these days but this pod more than makes up for it!
  • Orbital Groove Chad
    Just Great
    Been really loving Ricks show after years of his other podcast! Great diverse personalities and chat. And really great with him bringing the carnivore diet to the mainstream as it’s an amazing diet and life changer!! The plant based diet sham is coming to light for what it is , a sham!
  • DanielXXIII
    Enjoying RR and guest’s insights on music and life in general.
  • Local Seattle Guy
    Dan Carlin Listener? Recommend
    Love this podcast. Interesting participants. Rick puts the guests at ease and in a contemplative state. Celebrities share some of their inner most thoughts and observations. A few come off trying to sound smart, most are humble and willing to open up.
  • Galloway-Simmonds
    The Rubin
    He lets people talk. He edits. And if you listen to the whole thing, by the end the PR persona fades away. Then you see other things. Privilege in its raw form is one.
  • cleokmc
    Need more women
    There are only 3 women profiled in these interviews out of the 24 that have been published. I want to hear more in depth conversations with women guests.
  • Bedonna Hayes
    grateful for these conversations
    thanks for making this, Rick and friends.
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