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elpcreek326566swdwStop interruptingwhile Ben is speaking. And, I think I know all of Ben’s favorite phrases and words.
Evan8900Beat Tech PodcastBen is the best voice/writer in tech and Andrew is a great co-host. Must listen in my rotation.
FuturelisteningYou sound like the Crunchtime guy on NBATVLove the pod: the takes, making the case, and creative in-depth analysis
gershbecActually…Take a drink every time Ben says the word “actually”.
matt zeitlinGood show but Andrew detracts from qualityI enjoy the show overall and learn a lot from Ben on each episode. Unfortunately, Andrew leaves a lot to be desired as a co-host. He sometimes is defiantly uninformed and skeptical of technology. He injects ignorant and sanctimonious takes on culture and society that add nothing to the conversation and only distracts the listener. I very much welcome rigorous critiques of modern technology, big business, and tech’s impact on the world, but Andrew does not have the tools or curiosity to do that - he just has simplistic pet peeves and axes to grind that he repeats over and over. Examples are his proclamation that social media in general have no value; on another episode, he proudly announced of his ignorance of even the theoretical value of major tech platforms like linkedin. I encourage Ben to find another co-host, ideally someone who is interested in thinking more deeply about tech than Andrew.
Lord LuginbillNot Another Tech PodcastI’ve been in the world of tech and startups for as long as I can remember. After a while, you get sick of all the same programming and overused tropes like “Market Discovery,” “Disruption,” & “Innovation.” Andrew Sharp takes a practical approach to explaining complex topics with a down-to-earth tone. As someone who loves and sometimes loathes the tech world, this podcast is a breath of fresh air. 5/5
mcLizzy6969News is crap, this is goldAndrew Sharp has been teaching me things and making me laugh for years. Tune in.
HPC323Great host chemistryLove the conceit of tech guy explaining to non tech guy, and the hosts have great chemistry for it. Looking forward to woman-splaining tech stuff to my friends after I catch up on the back episodes!
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