To Di For Daily


Love the royal family? You've come to the right place!'s Kinsey Schofield interviews royal commentators and authors about the history of the British royal family. Created by Kinsey Schofield, is a pop-culture take on the British Royal Family and a celebration of the life of Princess Diana. Fans of Diana, Prince William, or Kate Middleton are sure to enjoy. Thank you for visiting To Di For Daily's official podcast.

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  • Fairly certain
    LOVE This Podcast
    I've only just started listening - currently at the early months of 2023 - what a FANTASTIC binge it's been so far! You ask great questions Kinsey, you are a very thoughtful interviewer.
  • 1californiafan
    Mystery Guest!
    Great episode!!! Really enjoyed the clarity and clarification provided. Your reporting is wonderful
  • Shellebl
    Love you, Kinsey!
    I love this podcast! And your guests! Finally, someone is saying what I’ve said all along about Harry and the Duchess of Delusions! Please keep these episodes coming! ❤️
  • LCR123654
    The Best!
    I’ve never heard a podcast from Kinsey I haven’t loved!
  • Joan Gold
    Tessa Dunlop is Terrible!
    What are you doing? Tessa Dunlop doesn’t know what she is talking about on any level. Simple fact - Princess Catherine wore the colors of the Mental Health organization which are black and yellow. To call her a bumble bee is mean and ignorant. I have now unsubscribed!!!!
  • Lolo13419
    September 29 podcast is 5 STARS!!
    Wonderful royal historian. He wasn’t afraid to answer any questions at ALL. He didn’t hesitate. He seemed very knowledgeable and fun. He had more excitement in his voice vs some of the other royal historians that act bored and annoyed.
  • Eliza-Bee
    Love these really substantive interviews!
    I’ve loved your recent deep dives on questions people Google about the royals and how the late Queen’s portrait came about. You really shine with these as an interviewer!
  • Nursenancy111
    Love this lady!
    You are a class act 👏🏻
  • ambies02
    I look forward to this podcast, as someone who grew up loving princess diana … I love that kinsey is not afraid to share her thoughts on meghan markle. seems to look at all information and is not biased just stating facts.
  • Cdoyle69
    Robert Fellowes & Valentine Low
    Your criticism of the Amusement park in Windsor…The Prince & Princess of Wales were not present for an OPENING. There was no opening. Has nothing to do with them. Did. Not. Happen. The only place to show anger was page six…nothing in British press…perhaps do some research before you open your mouth? Embarrassing. Valentine is a gem. By the way, Robert Fellowes was already an assistant private secretary to the Queen when he married Lady Jane Spencer in 1978. So he had that job all on his own. He’s much older than Jane by 15/16 years or so. Diana’s father was equerry to Queen & very good friends withe the Duke of Kent & Jane was a bridesmaid at the Duke of Kent’s wedding. You can see Johnnie Spencer in the wedding video (online on British Pathe’s YouTube channel). Lady Fermoy, Diana’s maternal grandmother was Lady of the Bedchamber to the Queen Mother & one of her closest friends. Between that and growing up at Park House on the family estate, Diana was always connected to the royal family. Just read some books please.
  • ChristineByClementine
    Saw you on tv
    Saw you on British tv glad you have a podcast!
  • Embry M.
    Kinsey does a beautiful job interviewing people with inside knowledge of royal history. I have listened to every single episode she has ever recorded and she has made me a fan of all the members of the royal family with her thoughtful and insightful commentary. I wish her continued success and hope to see her on the royal rota - she would be a fantastic addition!
  • Aileen -
    Informative Royal podcast
    I really like Kinsey Schofield. She’s insightful about Harry and Meghan and other Royals. I really enjoy her guest. I just found her podcast the other day. I particularly enjoyed the ones with Nana and Valentine. I think this is my new favorite podcast. I’m gonna listen to the rest while I’m driving. You’re doing a great job Kinsey. I have to look further. I’d love for you to have Angela Levin, Dan Wootton and Tom Bower. — Aileen Kelly
  • Go Bonnies!
    I love Kinsey! A serious royal correspondent with a consistently upbeat approach!
    I listen to a lot of royal podcasts. Too many. There are a lot of people in the space who don’t know any more about the Royals than I do, and that’s not interesting to me. Kinsey knows her Royal history and she has all the details about every unfolding story. Her work is authentic journalism, underpinned by real research. But the other mistake that Kinsey never makes is taking the drama of this stuff too seriously. Kinsey keeps things upbeat, it’s hard to imagine her not enthusiastic. And let’s face it, the only reason any of us are listening to this is because it’s a break from the exceedingly painful “real” news about things like the war in Ukraine, or the American elections, or the hundred other depressing things out there we can’t control. Finally, Kinsey is courageous. She was calling the Sussexes out as ridiculous early on! Keep up the great work!
  • Yoga 2015
    Love this pod cast
    I love your view and your guests thanks for doing this with awesome guests
  • Tcwilli34
    Too much bias for me
    Kinsey is clearly invested in drama and is not being critical in any analysis of these people.
  • M49erfan
    So anti Meghan you’re pro Samantha
    I get you don’t like Meghan. I find her annoying too. But wow do you stretch all logic and reason to defend Samantha who is pure unadulterated TRASH just to be against Meghan. Meghan deserves a lawsuit because she didn’t “prepare” her dad’s side of the family for the onslaught of press?! Even your guest was like “yea ok sure…” He was just being polite. That was ridiculous reasoning and you debase yourself by saying such stupid things. You’re better than this.
  • DKellerman
    Not just gossip!
    Kinsey not only loves the British Royal Family for their drama, gossip, and diamonds but she is also interested in the nuance that is The Firm. Every time I listen to this podcast I learn and laugh! A top royal podcast for sure!!
  • lollybee
    Love the podcast!
    Kinsey asks all the question I’d like to ask from her fascinating guests. She is fresh and energetic and I always enjoy hearing her thoughts on all things Royal! Thank you!
  • missabbeyrhodes
    Kinsey is a Treasure
    Quickly became my favorite podcast. Kinsey is a great host. She is real, interesting and so thoughtful in everything she talks about but especially America’s view of the monarchy. I just love her vibe and energy.
  • lalliepoppy
    Love the podcast!
    You have become one of my favorite royal commentators and I was so pleased to discover you also have a podcast! Very impressed, thanks for being a great source for Royal news.
  • Courtney7286
    Love Kinsey!
    She gets the best interviews and all the deets within the Royal Family! I wish she released more episodes because I love to listen to them on my runs, but I will definitely be following her new one Majestea with Christo!!
  • Lilpartyplanner (allison)
    This is really a podcast to DI-for!
    With so much out there these days regarding the royals, it can almost be too much! How we, look no further! This is THE best podcast regarding the royal family! As an American I can relate to Kinsey and her enthusiasm for all things BRF. I laugh so much and nod along in agreement. She is my go to and first of all British gossip and news!
  • Inspired Teaching
    Interesting and fun!!
    Great interviews and info!! I look forward to this show!!
  • HS78901
    if you like listening to junior high girls talk trash, this is the show for you.
  • AMJ3398
    Love this podcast
    Kinsey’s podcast is superb! As a fan of Diana since I was a little girl watching her wedding, I love the insight and fabulous guests that Kinsey has had on her show. Her questions are insightful and you can tell that she has fully researched and knows what she is talking about. Her passion and interest in the topic is on evident and I love the fun interaction with her guests. Highly recommend!! 💗
  • kuaikuai
    Big fan of this and of Kinsey’s other podcast, Majestea (currently only on Spotify). Kinsey is forthright without being catty and puts everything royal (if not always regal) in perspective. Highly recommended.
  • ChristenMD
    My favorite Royal Podcast!
    I love to hear Kinsey talk about the royals! I almost always agree with her take and I love all the guests she brings on to talk with her. The episodes always end and I am shocked at how long I have been listening- it keeps my attention and I feel like I am in the middle of a conversation.
  • 3510yogi
    I love this
    Kinsey is great. I’m so glad I found this excellent podcast.
  • amy01153226
    I’m a new fan!
    I am so glad I found this podcast! Kinsey has a soothing voice and I like her point of view. Have to say - I loved Harry and Meghan at first but now - uggh the whole book is petty, vindictive and babyish. I think Harry’s drug use is more extensive thst what he admits to in the book.
  • mysterylover2012
    Queen Kinsey 👸🏻
    The Queen of everything I want to hear about royalty!! 💓💓💓💓💓
  • Ken L. S.
    UPDATE: Disappointed
    This woman has resulted to pushing conspiracy theory’s and reporting misinformation. I wanted to like her, and did for a bit. Originally viewed her as balanced and fair due to her willingness to host those with different opinions, but recently the true colors have revealed themselves as she constantly interacts with hate accounts. Nothing wrong with disagreement as I pointed out in my original review, but to be an online bully is quite hypocritical when one spends so much time criticizing others who have be accused of the same thing…allegedly.
  • Huge H&M fan
    Full of crap episode
    It is unbelievable that the R F is held up to this ridiculous standard,Ike they are gods , Kinsey you are hardly a royal expert, just a gossip monger like Cristo, The Sussexes had legitimate reasons for their criticisms being in the RF and stepping down from being working royals., all you do is recite the tales from the media whether they are true or not. I tried to give this podcast a chance but, I will not continue to listen to a person who just encourages hate and gossip about H& M, unsubscribing from this podcast.
  • Emmesjukebox
    Just not engaging or particularly interesting. You don’t walk away with new information or a take on old information that makes you think. Just blah
  • carolinehoverstreet
    “To Di For”…Literally!
    I am a huge fun of Princess Diana and when I found Kinsey and her sweet podcast, I knew I would immediately fall in love! 💜 Kinsey is down-to-earth, warm and genuine in her approach during her interviews. I love the topics and the way she delivers the content. She seems well connected with those in the UK and the States and one can tell she has true genuine appreciation for the Princess Diana and the Royal family. Kinsey is a one-of-a-kind journalist and there is no doubt that she hasn’t labored hard for her ‘American Dream’ of presenting us with latest happenings within The House of Windsor and beyond. I’m glad we have out very own American Royal commentator! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
  • Sparkly Potion
    Kinsey produces a truly excellent show!
    As an American, it’s wonderful to not only find another Royal enthusiast who is also American, but also (1) one who is around my age; (2) a lovely person, and (3) a true professional and expert at her craft. I discovered this show because Kinsey interviewed one of my favorite historians Gareth Russell. I’ve been hooked ever since! Great guests, fantastic interviews, and quality content. If you’re interested in All-things-Royal content, it’s hard to beat this show. Love your show, Kinsey! ✨✨✨
  • DaveSeow
    Royally Fun
    Love listening to this podcast. I’m a huge Princess Diana and royal fan and I always look forward to the latest episodes of To Di for Daily for the Kinsey’s views on the latest royal news. Keep up the great work, Kinsey! I’m looking forward to getting my copy of R is for Revenge Dress!
  • NaomiBurton
    Hollywood Raw Seal of Approval!
    What a fun show! Subscribe and support this podcast. You will be delighted if you are an Anglophile.
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