Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology


You're invited to hang out on Lisa Harper's back porch and enjoy conversations about all things Jesus, theological anthropology, biblical orthodoxy, Spanx, the merits of Tex-Mex and more! We believe this podcast will help you dive deeper into God's word, understand that the gospel is great news for everyday life, not just when viewed in the light of eternity, and that God is for us, that He's always been in the process of redeeming our inherent value as imago Dei and restoring us into a vibrant, intimate relationship with Him.And rest assured, this won't be a one-sided conversation because, throughout the podcast, Lisa will be inviting friends, including some brilliant theologians and academics to join her in substantive but decidedly unstuffy segments. So come on, y'all grab some coffee or sweet tea and join us on the back porch!

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Recent Reviews
  • benniesdad
    Theology that belongs on every porch
    I really appreciate the great discussions that take place. As a man, I don’t feel out of place because the discussions are for everyone. Blessings to you.
  • Shep2665
    Be ready for God to unlock those locked secret places 🙌🏽
    Be ready for God to unlock those secret places you swore if you went there you would drown -First book to cross my path was Lisa Harper’s book “Happy” I had lost my joy, poser in church with a mask, with locked places.. I didn’t even let God in. This book I would be laughing hysterical one moment and sobbing the next with how Lisa would tie it to how much Jesus loves us. I got every book she wrote!!! This year I found “Back Porch Theology” 59yr old figured out Podcast. I’m catching up with all the episodes and some I listen 2-3 times till I get it!! I’ve learned so much! Excited to come to “She Is Free” Conference Indiana Pa.
  • #professionalpodcastlistener
    Wit, Wisdom, and the Word
    I’ve been a Back Porcher for about a year and it doesn’t get much better than this. I love theology and deep discussion as well as the quaint explanations Lisa has and the imagery she gives you to picture what she’s saying. Her words will stick with you because she has a true gift with them. This podcast is a huge blessing to me and thousands of others!
  • Maceybritain
    I cannot explain how much I love listening to this podcast. I started in October and since then I have listened to every episode at least once! I have learned SO much, and my love for Jesus and the Bible have deepened. I was just reading through some of the reviews and I just wanted to say, I actually appreciate all the interruptions and the “talking over each other” I can feel the excitement to talk about the Lord and it has been such an encouragement:)
  • Breanna Scalf
    Add to your library!
    I can’t tell you enough how much I love this podcast! I appreciate their bringing us into the deep end of the pool when it comes to studying God‘s word, but putting it in a way that I can understand it. thank you ladies for your contribution and making my week all the better for it.
  • sjm1796
    Honest, Deep and Truth-filled
    Love the courage, gentleness, kindness and humility they demonstrate in discussing such a wide variety of topics! Would love to eat some chips and queso, with ice cold tea on the back porch with these Jesus loving women!
  • LeslieLizDtr
  • FarrahJoceline
    SRT has made made a women of the Word daily. However I love how you and your team help me digest all the “ologies”. I’ve learned SO Much from this podcast and gained enough confidence to have discussions with others. Also I never get tired of hearing the beautiful story of how you became a mom. This is surely proof of how the GREAT GOD we serve is always redeeming time and lives and how he rewrites the end of the story of our lives daily ❤️. Keep inviting us to the Back Porch 🥰
  • Madi New
    Overall Review
    I can officially say I’ve devotedly been walking with Jesus for about three years now. As a still newer Christian, Lisa has always captured my attention. Vulnerability is such a beautiful thing to use & this show does just that. Always pointing back to Jesus and what was done on the cross for us. Always leaves me wanting more. Thank you to everyone on this show for sharing the knowledge and wisdom that God has shown you throughout your walk, and using it to shepherd His children!
  • Kmarler07
    Spanks Queen 🩷
    I love Lisa’s authenticity and her love for the Bible. I so appreciate how Lisa teaches how loving and kind Jesus is, while making me laugh. I learn from Lisa and her fabulous guests. Lisa teaches in a way that connects with people, her realness is refreshing. This show is a must!
  • J. Lynne Banks
    Hermeneutics with Dr. Howard
    Amazing! I’m a seminary grad and the depth and beauty of this episode is astounding. Thank you for fanning the love flame for God’s Word.
  • Incendiary229
    Poignant, deep, and moving.
    I think my emotions go everywhere in these episodes. The biblical word of God gains skin as Lisa gives human understanding to the words of scripture. I’ve learned so much more about the great love our Savior has for us in His intentionality to demonstrate presence and sacrifice to the least of these. I love the personal stories (especially of sweet Missy) as well. Allison is an amazing wing-woman who asks beautifully thoughtful questions. And Dr Howard is the epitome of gentleness with incredible intellect. I never walk away without being moved, and having learned something new. I am forever challenged to dig deeper, love greater, and care less about the societal elite. Hallelujah that we serve a God who cares for all people!
  • H007
    You interrupt your guests way too much
    It’s distracting how much the guest is interrupted and talked over. Maybe just have a podcast without guests so you can say everything you want. You ask good questions, but let the guest talk without constantly being interrupted.
  • gratefulgal99
    Adore this podcast
    Lisa’s amazing ability to explain and contextualize the scriptures has given me a deeper understanding of God’s Word and of my “belovedness.” Her willingness to share personal stories to help listeners relate to biblical narratives in the Bible has had me both laughing and crying at times. Allison’s delightful personality and generosity of spirit adds to the show’s “Southern charm.” Dr. Howard’s warmth and humility are endearing, and his gifts as a theologian and pastor “defog” some of the most complex biblical concepts so listeners can glimpse how God truly sees them, helping them move closer to Jesus. These three podcast speakers have become like dear friends I look forward to “meeting” with every week.
  • krisPbaby
    The best podcast ever!
    I have not missed a single episode! I look forward to Monday each week just to listen to this podcast! Thank you for creating a space where we can dig deep into practical theology. I love your hearts for the Lord ! Love y’all!
  • maybe im a princess?
    Genuine, authenticity shared love for the word!
    So very kind sweet and fun to listen and learn. Both of you are joyfully gifted in teaching and sharing God’s love. May God Bless abundantly Bless you. I look forward to each Monday full of new wisdom. Thank you
  • Justice_62
    Maybe Oprah’s dad had good intentions for her but she is evil. She brought young starlets to Harvey Weinstein knowing he would abuse them. She is involved in evil things too which I won’t name. Please don’t mention her again.
  • 012389england
    Thank You
    I recently had a chance to meet Lisa at a women’s event in Frisco. She modeled what she talked about while discussing pace. She took so much time to visit with us. The most important thing she did was speak to my friend who desperately wanted help healing from similar wounds as Lisa had in her childhood. Lisa answered compassionately and never rushed. I am grateful for her obedience to use her voice to speak Truth through the Bible and her vulnerability.
  • Jennyc8892
    Lisa and Alison and Kurt I’m 53 and this has been the best discussion about pain, suffering and Jesus. I wish I had heard it 20 years ago. Thank you thank you thank you. I truly needed to hear this and I’m looking forward to next weeks episode. Be blessed. Jen
  • Misty | Lead-Her Ministries
    I discovered Lisa a number of years ago when, as a single mom, I was looking for seasoned-single woman speaking from a public platform to the Christian community. I have spent countless hours on the “Porch” with Alli and Lisa. Thanks for taking on difficult topics, for always making me smile, (and laugh out loud) and for being biblical sound truth in a time where everyone has opinions. You’re the best!
  • AJ Carver
    Love, love
    Thank you for the back porch talks weekly!! Great teaching, fellowship, and laughs. And topics always seem to hit home.
  • Cmazurful
    I love this podcast and learn so much
    I absolutely love this podcast and all the things I learn from it. I love Lisa and Allison and their heart for God and their heart to teach and share the word of God. My only complaint is that the commercials are not placed during a good place where a break makes sense as they sometimes are thrown in right before a sentence ends and when the show returns the last part of the sentence finishes and then can’t recall what was being said to begin with.
  • KnoxvilleBoyMom
    Life changing
    When I found this podcast, I was hungry and searching. The way that Lisa was able to talk through theology and explain it and as she says, “put the cookies on the lower shelf” I began to grow and become even more hungry to hear. Portions of God’s word that I had always read past. I’ve been raised in church, my whole life, and I follow Jesus since I was 16. But there’s a lot that I’ve just never understood… And I really didn’t feel like the church was always a great place to ask questions. Well, sometimes they didn’t mind questions. It truly did feel like they didn’t have time for questions that fell outside of their outline or program. I am so thankful for Allison Allen and Lisa Harper, and Doc H! The speakers you have had on your show have broadened up my world so much. You have opened me up to a community that has enriched my life and my spiritual walk.
  • Marybeth L
    Ally & Lisa have become like close friends
    Looking forward to cooler weather so I can take walks again and catch up on Back Porch episodes. Can’t get enough!
  • Magnolia Georgia
    So thankful for honest true deep dives into the word of God!
  • Abear95
    Weekly Listener
    These past podcasts with Mr. Kyle Hebert hit my heart hard. As a daughter to a earthly father that has spent time in and out of prison, it is so refreshing to hear of those who God anoints to preach the good news in these places of sorrow. And as a Louisianian and an Hebert myself, just love to hear a good ole cajun accent!
  • LisaDHarvey
    Like a Warm Hug in a Trying Time
    In the midst of traveling to be with my dying father and navigating loss, family and so many feelings, your episodes with Kyle Hebert and Hillary Scott felt like sitting with warm wise friends. Thank you for your passion, authenticity and making what can be a big heavy topic feel redemptive and surrounded by God’s grace. I appreciate you and your show so much!!
  • dmleg
    Love this podcast weekly. The latest episodes featuring Kyle were particularly inspiring and touching. Thank you for the gift of this podcast!
  • Wife,mother,nurse
    Love love love!!!
    Y’all are such inspirations!!! You have helped me grow so much!!! I just want to hang out with you everyday! Thank you so so much for spreading the word and being raw. I cannot wait to meet you someday!!!!
  • Tried10nicknames
    Want to love it
    I listened for the first time today. The episode was with Kyle Hebert as the guest. I was fascinated with his story. I only suggest that Lisa doesn’t interrupt so much and talk over him. I want to love it because the topics sound so relevant and interesting. I’ll keep listening but had to pause because I was finding myself getting irritated at the constant interruptions.😂
  • maradorty
    An uplifting, fun group to hang with.
    Lisa and Allison invite believers to sit on the porch and have a theological conversation that feels more like you’re sitting with close friends than listening to a podcast. I have been following this show from the beginning and I still anticipate every new episode! These women, and Doc H (of course), make you feel like part of the discussion…which they welcome all to be a part of. My favorite!
  • thatgirltm
    TRULY a conversation among friends
    I’m cracking up at how much everyone is talking over each other during these episodes, and yet the guests are so patient and thoughtful.
  • I can’t cook
    My absolute fav
    I so appreciate the BPT team for putting those biblical and theological cookies on the lower shelf for us. I have learned ssoooo much about God, the Bible, the culture from the Bible, and words I can’t pronounce. Now I sound like a know-it-all but I just love sharing everything I learn with friends and family.
  • mckeenziiee
    My favorite!
    I used to listen to a lot of podcast but then tried to shift what I listened to either teach me about God or lead me closer to Him. Once I started listening to BPT I realized I was wanting to listen and looking forward to Mondays! I love how I know I’m gonna learn something new in every episode! I love how they not only talk about the message of the Bible but also read the actual Bible! I feel so often people get on a mic and give a good message but don’t reference any scripture or they only read scripture. I love how they always give context and “bring the cookies to bottom shelf” as Lisa would say!
  • Theslackshack
    Great podcast!
    I’ve just listened to every episode and it’s been so insightful and uplifting! One critique- someone needs to go through these and check on the places where it skips around. LOTS of episodes (esp. #64) have breaks and restarts as your listening and you end up listening to the same sentences multiple times.
  • Ericag53
    Trying to ask a question. Can’t find where to do that
    I need prayer. Since losing both of my boys, my 24 year old 9 years ago and my 27 year old 7 years ago, my heart is closed. My head feels love for Jesus but my heart doesn’t feel anything. Prayers please for God to open my heart and feel love again.
  • Kindra Miller
    Thank God!
    I am in love with this podcast. I am in recovery I have been clean now over five years I’ve been out of prison for a little over 3 years and I just have this desire to work with and teach women the Bible. And this show has given me so much hope in that dream. The context piece is what I am about!!!! The details is what make the Bible extraordinary and you guys break it down beautifully. I know that I will have a prison ministry before it’s all done. God is leading me back to the beginning to give back one step at a time.
  • ayadboggs
    I. Love. This. Show.
    The world is such a dark place sometimes. But then there’s BPT. I listen to this podcast as part of my Monday routine. It’s something I look forward to every single week (imagine looking forward to a Monday)! From Lisa’s stories, to Al’s commentary, to special guests at the end (witty professors and sweet friends alike), it’s such a great way to start the week! I. Love. It. I. Love. Y’all. Don’t change a thing!!!
  • Tigerunner2000
    My favorite podcast!
    Thank you for putting scripture on the lower shelf to where I can understand it. 😁 Lisa and her 5’12 spiritual wing woman have helped me to learn more about God and increase my love for him. Thank you for the ongoing encouragement! I love y’all!
  • RLA0908
    Love this podcast!
    I first heard Lisa Harper at a Joyce Meyer conference last fall. I saw at her table that she had a podcast and I started listening! I couldn’t get enough! Listened to all the past podcasts and listen every week! I have grown in Christ so much and appreciate their honesty and sharing their love of Christ. Breaking down the Bible so beautifully!
  • Blackrose787
    One of the best
    This is one of the podcasts that I don’t ever miss every week. I love the depth that Lisa and Allison go into to discuss these topics. I have listened to every message that Lisa has ever given that is out there!! Just a comment for whoever is editing these podcasts- for the past few episodes, there has been several places where the conversation is skipped or repeated. I think it is the editing and may be someone need to listen to the entire recording before uploading.. definitely look into it
  • OnceAvidFan
    Great…but makes me anxious.
    I love this podcast. I love the heart of the speakers and the messages they share. But one of the women is SUCH and active listener and is in constant agreement (yes, yes, yes…no, no, no…yeah…uh huh…etc) and even talks over the other so often that I find myself growing anxious. Sometimes I have to just turn it off and go to another podcast, unfortunately.
  • 316💜
    Thank God for BPT!!!
    I love Lisa and Allison!!! They put the cookies on the lowest shelf for new Christians like me. Lisa’s stories have me laughing out loud and listening to Lisa read scripture makes me smile. I thank God that he led me to their podcast - I learn something every week that strengthens my relationship with God and bring me closer to Jesus. Also Dr. Howard is a blessing and a gifted teacher. The stories that reveal his kind heart always bring me to tears. These three amazing Christians are true evangelists and I am so blessed to have them in my life!!
  • AndiChambers
    Perfect balance of important truth and joyful gratitude
    This podcast has been like aloe to a sunburned heart to me! I truly believe Lisa, Allison, and Dr. Howard do a wonderful job of reflecting the heart of Jesus who was full of grace and truth but also fun and joyful! I am so thankful for this podcast and love learning and laughing each week. I love Jesus even more because of BPT - so thankful for it!
  • JulieVFL
    So rich with His Truth!
    BPT is my favorite podcast. There is much to be learned from Lisa, Allie, and Dr. Howard. Thank you, BPT!! Today’s episode might be my all time favorite. (4/24/23)
  • mmc951
    My favorite podcast!
    I never miss an episode! Lisa is relatable and leads us through God’s Word at a deeper level. The stories are great, the Truth is preached, and my faith is taken deeper. Thank you to Lisa, Allie, and Dr Howard!
  • sstav16
    Warm and Fuzzy
    Lisa and Aly make you feel like you’re sitting on a cozy porch catching up with friends they make learning the gospel so easy it just feels like a conversation with a friend. I gain something each week from these two ladies and love to come back to the podcasts I’ve already listened to to dive even deeper into their message! Thank you Aly and Lisa for giving me something to look forward to on Mondays!
  • wiskusamy
    Repeats and skips
    The show is great! I wish it didn’t skip and repeat so much in every episode. The review above me said it may be the apple platform not the actual podcast itself. Hoping that gets worked out soon. Love your down to earth approach.
  • WhatTheLuck
    Speed of discussion
    Over all I have been a big fan of this podcast. Such great teaching and relevance to our daily lives. Recently, I have noticed the speed at which the opening introduction and subsequent dialogue is very fast. It makes it very difficult to listen through entire podcast. That you have trouble understanding the discussion. Is there a way to slow down the Podcasts on individual devices? Is the Podcasts intentionally sped up to be contained within the confines of the podcast length of time?
  • nascargrl
    Podcast is great but had audio issues
    I love this podcast. The lessons are so good and Lisa is so real. The only issue is the audio on Apple. Most of the podcasts skip and go back and repeat portions. Then skip ahead and miss others. This does not happen when I listen to it on other platforms, so my guess is that this is an Apple issue. It’s very distracting.
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