I was a Teenage Fundamentalist. An Exvangelical podcast.


Brian and Troy used to be loyal Christian megachurch leaders. They’re not anymore. This podcast explores life after fundamentalism.https://linktr.ee/iwatf

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Recent Reviews
  • ShelP75
    Love it!
    One of my favorite podcasts about moving on after religious fundamentalism!
  • lbc 123456
    So helpful and important!
  • Kwright23
    Fantastic resource!
    This podcast is amazing! So many much needed conversations take place. I appreciate the experiential, and fairly neutral mindset of this podcast. It is helpful to wrap your mind around many of concepts taught and experiences of growing up in fundamentalism and being a fundamentalist. Regardless of a person’s current beliefs, I think many can find value in this podcast.
  • Paul K 82-84
    Enjoying Your Podcasts
    I’m new to IWATF and was introduced to it by my friends Sharon and Tracey, who I worked with at Last Days Ministries in the early 80’s, and that you interviewed here. I was also a part of their Keith Green plane crash episode. I just finished your Cult hacking today and your Bart Ehrman earlier this week. The quality and variety of information you put out is both greatly helpful and enjoyable to engage with. Thank you both for sharing your journey with us and for giving voice to the people you host and the topics you cover. Best to you both… Paul
  • yrlk
    Authentic discussions about Christianity.
    Really appreciate this show, the hosts personal, open style of sharing, how well they listen to and affirm their guests, the quality of guests they regularly host, and how they strive to be honest and objective about what’s really happening in churches everywhere. Thank you gents!
  • MCShipee
    This podcast has been saving my life right now !! Thank you B&T!!!!
  • buddhafrog
    Looking at my past
    What a great podcast. Reflects my history and is really healing. Well produced and great conversations.
  • NathanAnd
    You can change your spots
    Trying to understand just how much a cult upbringing impacts your life is really difficult. this podcast goes a LONG way in helping me unpack some of what I’ve repressed, that I’ve hidden in shame and caused me to despise myself. Troy & Brian share, transparently & with Aussie humour their experiences and how it’s shaped them today, and how they’ve thought about fixing the issues stemming from these high control groups. And while their story is Australian, the concepts definitely have a universal theme. You are not who the cult said you are. You c am change your spots and this was a huge step in my journey of recovery.
  • the original DrQuicksilver
    For all former true believers in organized religion
    As a former Christian who fully drank the Kool-Aid, I have absolutely loved listening to people I can relate to on multiple topics. They manage to not bash religion, while telling stories of their own lives which highlight many of the issues in their own lives because of organized religion.
  • markpa
    Great Podcast
    Great Podcast! Episode 62 hit me hard as I am similar in age to the hosts (I might be a couple of years older) but my story is so much like Andrew.
  • JJWorthit365
    I feel all of this
    I "came into" the Big AOG in my late teens and spent many years in the hot mess of authoritarian abuse. I have never related more to other people's journeys and I'm so thankful for stumbling across this podcast.
  • Piddeck
    Very relatable to American Charismaticism
    I grew up in English and American Charismatic Evangelical churches and the experiences the hosts discuss on this podcast are the closest to my experiences of any podcast I’ve yet to listen to on the topic. The hosts are insightful, funny, and gracious, even if they’re no longer “penties” (Pentecostals). The guests are great and their interviews are informative. I’d highly recommend this podcast to any post-Pentecostal, post-Charismatic person trying to figure out what it was all about.
  • MarquisDeParadox
    Gen-X former fundamentalist finds healing through podcast
    I’m a former teenage fundamentalist (Baptist) who almost became a preacher, but found his way through the Charismatic Movement and Vineyard eventually ending up outside Christian orthodoxy and stumbling forward to find my own way. I found this podcast through the Indoctrination podcast - with Rachel Bernstein - and as I’ve binge listened I have found this podcast to be really therapeutic and healing, as I am re-discovering al sorts of unresolved religious trauma that could otherwise been overlooked or dismissed. Really appreciate the discussions of topics I am intimately familiar with, but few of my friends would understand. This podcast is healing.
  • eclairrrr1233
    great stuff
    i grew up in the southern US baptist church and this is extremely relatable! such good insight and helpful in breaking down the years of trauma i ultimately went through. they are funny and easy to listen to! :)
  • Bulgur Buddie
    A wonderful podcast for anyone who has been through the fundamentalist sausage factory. Truly enjoyable.
  • ExFundie-Pro Reason & Logic
    I was an extreme fundamentalist in my teens and early 20’s. I grew up in the “Buckle of the Bible Belt” in the US and went to an independent Pentecostal church and attended AOG youth rallies and camps in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I can related to so many of the stories on this podcast. While it is triggering, it is nice to know there are others out there with similar experiences. Thank you for a great podcast, and please keep it going!
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