The Bones Booth: A Bones Podcast


From obsessed fan to complete newbie, four friends with different experiences with the show Bones get together weekly to discuss every single episode of the hit television series. New episodes every Wednesday. Follow us on Twitter @thebonesbooth and find every episode at

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Recent Reviews
  • MattieHous
    So excited!!
    Bones is my favorite TV show. I have watched it probably 30 times all the way through. (Stopped counting after 10!) I have a son named Parker and a dog named Sully. Yes, I’m obsessed. I am so glad I found this podcast to listen to!! These are my people!!!! :)
  • laurnjeraey
    Great, A+
    Awesome podcast! Can’t wait to hear the next one!
  • GladysW
    My favorite podcast
    I love the Bones show, and am embarking on my second rewatch of all 12 seasons. It’s so much more fun when listening to these podcasts. The hosts are interesting and engaging.
  • Humor701
    I like Bones and Booth. I like the humor that comes through Don’t like rats and maggots
  • Mishellyy1993
    bones fans unite.
    I’ve watched Bones maybe 4 times start to finish and each time is just as great! Just got done with the season 1 episodes and I can’t believe I have so much to listen to catch up. Episodes are a bit long but the banter is great.
  • IWuvHugz
    Fun format
    I love how you have a die-hard fan, more casual fans, and a newbie, it's so fun to experience the show again for the first time, through their eyes. LOVED the Eric Milligan interview!
  • Hannah_When
    Love this podcast
    I find this podcast highly entertaining. I don’t care about tangents or side chats about other shows bc I enjoy the banter and opinions. I’m late to listening to this podcast so I am way behind. However, I cannot wait to hear the reviews when they get to the Teacher in the Books in season 10. The comedy in that episode is gold and I know the pod will appreciate it.
  • Donnelle1991
    Love your podcast
    I love Bones and have watched it through five times now and am in the middle of my sixth rewatch. I really enjoy hearing your take on each episode. Thank you!
  • sarabot86
    Favorite podcast
    New to the podcast, and podcasts in general, and this podcast quickly became my favorite. I am an avid watcher(rewatches) of bones as it is absolutely my favorite show. I am 14 episodes in and really enjoy the unique points of view of the first time watcher to The super fan (like me). I can’t wait to listen to all the episodes especially getting in to some of my favorite episodes yet to come. You are all amazing to listen to and keep the conversation flowing with equal parts of show details and opinions. Again, just amazing!
  • CM1979_2
    My favorite podcast!
    I recently started watching Bones again for the first time in a while. After listening to some other rewatch podcasts of other shows, I decided to see if there was one for Bones and I found The Bones Booth. This quickly became my favorite podcast as it is hilarious and I find myself laughing out loud every episode. I just got caught up and I can’t wait for it to start back up from the holiday hiatus.
  • Hai Yen
    Boneheads unite!
    I recently started a rewatch of Bones and stumbled upon this podcast. What a terrific find and perfect accompaniment! These four friends are so smart, funny and have great chemistry together. Each episode is a delight and a great way to relive the magic of Bones. I also love how Maggie and Taryn swoon over the Bones and Booth scenes because I feel the same way!
  • Rizzo211
    New Bones Fan
    I recently discovered Bones and love this show. I’m only on S1 of your recaps and excited to have so much more to look forward to!
  • danapaul21
    This podcast is wonderful and helps me get through the work day!
  • jennachastain
    Love love love
    I look forward to this podcast every week and it brings me some joy when I’m lacking. Please never stop! Thank you guys😁
  • LaurinRadcliffe
    My friends!
    I have been listening to these guys since they’re 4th episode came out, and just recently switched over to Apple Podcats which is why I’m only leaving a review now. I’m also proud to be one one of their Patreons as they do post extended episodes/extra content there. As someone who has about six shows in my regular weekly rotation, I have to say that the lovely folks of The Bones Booth are some of the funniest and most genuinely pleasant podcasters there are. Each one (with there being four hosts) bring their own whit and insight to the table, and they have such a fun friendship amongst them all, that it’s great to feel like a part of it each time I tune in. I have found myself eagerly looking forward to every Tuesday night to hear their latest takes on one of my favorite and most rewatched tv series. One of the best ways to get through my shifts as a retail worker is to have one earbud in while listening to the insightful and hilarious musings of Maggie, Taryn, Aqeel and Andrew. If you want a great laugh, I highly recommend.
  • Emma R.K.
    Everything I never knew I needed
    As the title states, this podcast is everything I never knew I needed in my life. I feel like I’m on the same level of Bones obsessed as Maggie, so I appreciate that she says nearly everything I feel, but also love that I get to see the episode a little differently through Taryn, Andrew, and Aqeel’s reviews. Thank you for giving me another reason to rewatch the show as I listen to the episodes - always appreciated! Also guessing the next episode based on the title is the *chefs kiss*.
  • Not Dr. Kathy Reichs
    Thank you!!!
    I’ve been a die hard Bones fan since I was in middle school and now at 28 I still don’t know anyone in real life who loves this show like me! I love listening to you guys, it’s so entertaining hearing the different perspectives on things based on how big of a fan you are and there are so many times I want to chime in before I remember I can’t because you’re not actually in my living room with me haha. I sincerely hope you get all the way through to season 12 because I’ll listen to every single one. Thank you for doing this!
  • booboodonut
    Bones newbie very pleased
    Starting watching Bones last week because I wanted something crime-y with drama and I was immediately hooked. DELIGHTED to find this podcast to listen along with as I watch the episodes for the first time. I’m locked in for every season so let’s go.
  • BW14k
    New listener!
    I love the show! Watched all 12 seasons & rewatching it over & over. Love the podcast so far! Thanks!
  • Starzitaly
    Thank you!!!
    I love Bones so much and I know other people love it otherwise it wouldn’t have lasted 12 seasons. But no one in my life watches it so I can’t talk to anyone about it. So being able to listen to you all talk about it, hearing from others who love it and why and even hearing an objective viewpoint that makes me consider what I probably wouldn’t have on my own, feels like a gift. I’m so glad that my Twitter feed showed your poll otherwise it might’ve taken me a lot longer to find your podcast. Stella
  • maddog9871
    Love it!
    I just started listening a couple days ago and love that I have something to listen to in my drive to work. I am like Maggie, a Bones Stan! I love this show and I just love hearing more about it. Now that I started listening I give myself an excuse go rewatch it along with you guys. Keep it up!
  • major*castle*fan!
    This has been on my must-listen list for a WHILE, but I’m only now beginning the journey. And let me just say that I have been absolutely bulldozing through this podcast trying to catch up. Bones is one of my top comfort shows of all time, so to revisit each episode in such a fun and entertaining way has been SUCH a treat. I laugh out loud multiple times during each episode. Maggie being the captain of the Bones Defense Squad is literally me. I have so many favorite episodes of Bones I cannot wait to hear these four cover. I am totally in this for the long haul and will ugly cry when this podcast reaches its final episode (in like three years of course). 100% my favorite podcast I’ve ever listened to, I rate it 12/10.
  • Samanella
    Thanks for distracting me from homework!
    I happened upon this podcast on Kathy Reich’s twitter recently and it has been the reason I get my work done anymore. I reward myself by watching an episode of the show and listening to the hilarious commentary that 4 random people do each week. By far one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to and I didn’t know I needed it until now! Best part: Everything. Worst part: nothing in particular
  • agirlhasno_nickname
    It’s a 10/10 for me
    I just finished listening to all of the season 1 recaps! Bones was my quarantine find last year and now it’s such a good comfort show. Even though we’re like 2-3 years away from this point I’m looking forward yo hearing your thoughts on certain events that happen in later seasons (so you HAVE to keep going!)
  • Scarlett Nicole
    I just found this podcast a few days ago and I’m completely obsessed!!! As another Bones Stan I really relate to Maggie!!!!
  • kaila diane
    No Bones to Pick (lol)
    Love this pod so far (I’m halfway through the season one eps). Love the in-depth discussions about the episodes, and the dynamic between the hosts is so fun! A great podcast to accompany a Bones binge.
  • Scroggology
    I’ve been waiting for you
    I really enjoy this podcast. Every few months I searched for a Bones podcast and there have been none, then guys appear. I really appreciate the premise, novice to expert Boones. Fun side chat but you always get back to the point. I only wish you watched and produced an episode a day. It’s my best commute days when you drop an episode. I only wish you had a site of your own cuz I’ve left Twitter it’s just tooooooo ugly toooooo often. Thank you for this gift, your podcast really has been a joy for me and I look forward to 12 seasons of you guys! Really can’t wait for Aqeel the newbie to experience all the surprises and fall completely in love with the show for the 1st time. PLEASE DON’T QUIT!! I
  • haileymichele333
    I love this podcast! I love hearing people talk about one of my favorite shows and get excited about it :)
    What Bones fans needed, even if we didn’t realize it
    I didn’t know I was missing this podcast in my life until it showed up, but now I’m desperate to hear their takes on every single episode. I’ve loved the show Bones since i started watching it around 2012ish and fell back in love on my rewatch during quarantine. Finding this gem of a podcast a couple weeks ago has made me so happy. I love all 4 perspectives and it makes me feel like I’m watching the show for the first time. Also, thank you for calling out the show when it’s wrong socially. What can I do to get you to do two episodes a week? I’m dying waiting for you all to get to some of the later episodes and I’m sure my heart can handle waiting months or years. Thank you for this podcast, I will be following you for all 246 episodes!!
  • anonymous . . .
    Very entertaining, if you like bones at all you’ll love this
    Stumbled upon this and it’s become a go to podcast, having watched bones before a bit ago I loved hearing the takes they had on everything about the episodes. Have some quality puns and jokes in there too, but listening to these makes me want to rewatch the episodes afterwards. All in all 5 stars
  • zhl98
    This is everything I needed
    So excited to hear more!
  • PeteS167
    More Maggie!!!
    She’s my favorite one -- Queen of the Bone Throne
  • Certainly.Cheryl
    Perfect timing
    I've been rewatching Bones because I desperately needed some kind of fun distraction in the midst of the pandemic/political craziness/general hellscape-ness of life at the moment. Bones is a great show for that, despite it being ostensibly a show about solving murders, because at its core, it's a good-hearted show that seems to like its characters, its audience, and humanity in general. And boy, could I use some positivity about humanity right now. I was not expecting to find a companion podcast to go with my rewatch -- Bones didn't end all that long ago, but I thought it might have started too long ago to really have caught the wave of TV rewatch podcasts -- so I was very excited to find a Bones podcast that was just on its second episode, allowing me to join in from the beginning! Looking forward to watching along with you all!
  • Ssdca2731
    New favorite podcast
    I needed something new to watch during quarantine, and I’m so excited to listen to this podcast and watch a new Bones episode every week. I feel like I’m hanging out with friends when listening to this. It’s smart, it’s funny, it’s what we need right now.
  • dcbonehead
    Bonehead Convert
    Thought provoking....Witty.... Funny. The Bones Booth will make you ponder life’s most important questions - Is Bones not House? Why was this show on the air so long? Are we all Emily Deschanel stans deep inside? Maggie, Taryn, Andrew, and Aqeel will blow your mind with this podcast.
  • puc125
    Listen to this Podcast!
    Wow wow wow! These elder millennial hosts are so great together...their chemistry is almost as good as Bones and Booth. They Bring you back to the world of 2005 and explains why the pilot is such a DC story. Love it!
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