The Nateland Podcast

Comedy #66Improv #3

Stand-up comedian, Nate Bargatze, is hosting a new podcast - Nateland. It's going to be real fun and funny...hopefully. 
Come and find out!

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  • Inchrist3
    Captain Fall - Brian?!
    Hey Bear! Big fan of the pod and enjoy the banter between all of y’all! I may have missed this but there’s an animated show on Netflix called Captain Fall about a humble character who kind of naively works his way in the middle of a crime syndicate. I cannot help but see Brian as the main character and the voice sounds a lot like him as well. Definitely check it out.
  • One of the good Karen’s
    Been listening from the start and I love Nate,but have to say the funniest episodes are when it’s just Aaron, Brian and Dusty!
  • Alisha Holder
    The best !
    I tried for a LONG time to get into podcasts. Literally couldn’t get into anything for very long. Started binging Nateland after a TikTok had me dying. Now I’m hooked ! I love each and every one of these guys! THEY’RE ALL COMEDIC GENIUSES! Thank you for making our Wednesdays much more fun and keep it up guys !!
  • AriPetal
    I could not agree more about Nate’s thoughts on Hollywood!!!!
  • PantsPilferer
    This message is tailored specifically for Aaron. I apologize; this is the first time I was able to get to a computer. Some time ago, you mentioned that during an apocalypse, you would prefer to head to a grocery store. DO NOT DO THIS. Everyone will be heading to groceries and it will be insane chaos! Instead, head to your local pet store, preferably a corporate chain. They will have large amounts of pet food to keep you nourished, bedding, and storage space. Not to mention, you will have emotional support pets, such as bunnies, kittens, and lizards, to get you mentally healthy during the tough times. Lastly, the strongest survivors will come to you after the riots have quieted. They will provide strength and brawn if you barter well with your pet kibble. They will not be a threat, as they will be tired and worn. Publicly weigh your attendees so you know how to ration the food accordingly. On the backside of pet food bags, there are charts for how much to feed per pound. I need to give credit to my girlfriend who helped us with this plan. Shout out to my sweetheart. Ya’ll come to Cincinnati when the chips hit the fan. We got you! Thanks for the podcast and comedy. Take care
  • emilymurphy3
    Kilgore! Woo!
    I was at the daytime Austin show and it was so amazing! Can’t wait until you come back through again! Love listening to the podcast every week. When the opener Dustin Chafin said that he was from Kilgore I let out the loudest woo and I feel like I was the only person in the audience who knew where Kilgore was, but shout out to my hometown.
  • Kala Ehemann
    Nate, I so strongly agree with your views on entertainment. Clean shows and movies are so desperately needed. As a Christian wife and mom of 3, the only shows my family can find to watch together are cooking and baking shows. We’d love to have a comedy to pile on the couch to watch together each week!
  • Pat Williamson
    Nebraska episode — NCAA Baseball
    Hey guys Can’t believe Brian didn’t bring up the Omaha NCAA Baseball World Series during the Nebraska episode. What a joke Brian! I expected more from a Vandy fan! Im only joking, enjoy you guys. #Where’sNate
  • the_Turd.Burglar
    STOP SAYING “this is Aaron by the way.”!!
    huge fan of the podcast! and of all of you guys!! But can someone tell Aaron to stop saying “This is Aaron by the way.” when he give his dates. We know it’s you. we’ve been listening to your voice for 2 hours.
  • Ghinf32
    Welcome to nateland!
    Without a single person named Nate Nathan or Nathaniel for half the shows!
  • Happily Remarried
    Nateland Junkie
    Hello Folks! I discovered Nate last Summer towards the end of a 12 hour drive when I was driving and the only one still awake. I was laughing so hard I was crying, which I needed so badly after the tough few months of driving back and forth from NC to IN to take care of my mom who had emergency surgery due to dementia. I’ve had a lot of driving time over the past year because I had to clean out her house and move her across the country to be closer to me but living in a memory care unit. I decided to go back and start listening from the first episode and after listening to the comment from the gentleman who started playing the show in his car while driving his autistic son, I decided to try that with my Mom while she is in my car. It’s hard to find things to talk about with her since she now doesn’t even remember that I am her daughter. From the first time she listened to the podcast she started smiling and laughing. It made my heart happy that you all could reach her with your stories and laughter. I now play an episode every time I have to drive her to a doctor appointment, etc. and she laughs each time. Keep up the great work! I love that it feels like we are just sitting in the room with all of you. The laughter is always contagious and I can’t thank you enough for continuing to do this podcast even though you are all a lot busier than when it started.
  • PassionateLoverOfMusic
    Keep me laughing!
    I listen while I’m driving and I’ll be laughing, by myself, knowing that if anyone is looking at me has got to be wondering what I’m doing or I’m on? Keep up the great work, love the show!
  • jude da dude 377
    Paducsh Eclipse
    Hey y’all, I’m also from Nashville and went to eclipse in Paducsh as well. That’s where my dad from so we met with one of his high school buddies and went to see the eclipse, and the hippies around us where going nuts! It was a great time and the dogs where acting nuts. We where by a pond and the frogs where croaking like crazy!
  • Missy from Missouri
    Nateland Groupies on the Eclipse Episode
    My sister Chrissy and I just went and saw Greg Warren live in his hometown of St. Louis. It was an awesome show and we just realized we are Nateland groupies! We are see Dusty Slay on May 31 and Nate the middle of June (after he dissed us for SNL 😂). When are Buckwheat and Aaron coming to the Show Me State?? We need to make it a perfect five for five! Seriously we love all that you do and man Warren was a complete hoot as always! Missy Brown St. Louis, MO
  • Unicorse2477
    Each Episode is like a comedy special
    Best podcast ever!! The week when Nate shortened it to an hour was torturous. I wish the episodes extended as long as 3 hours sometimes. It feels like I’m listening to a new comedy special nearly every week with each episode.
  • music and red sox
    The Best Podcast
    This is what a podcast should be. Always funny, usually unpredictable and wholesome entertainment.
  • Yambo34
    So funny!
    Thanks for all the laughs!
  • Avary M. Wennergren
    Avary Wennergren
  • karmapol
    Spoiler alert? Just wrapping up the Poetry episode. Obviously love when Nate’s headlining, but I had so much fun listening to this episode. From the train wreck-style laughs on “poims” to Dusty’s dismissive ad-read over Ode to Joy. You guys convinced me I need to listen to every episode no matter who is on the road. Thanks for the laughs!
  • Micah Hanson
    Nashville Hots
    Hey Guy’s, I think my name is one you will be able to pronounce. From last episode, talking about the popularity of kids on YouTube. I think the next guest on Nashville Hot with Dusty should be a kid. your welcome
  • I’d Turn Around For That
    Love the tour and Yay for Joe Z!
    Hey Bears, saw the guys in Boise; Fantastic! My husband and I saw the Raincheck tour in 2022 as well. I realized tour openers Nic Novicki and Gary V have been on the podcast, but Joe Zimmerman hadn’t. What a great surprise to hear him the following week! We missed Grill-Master Aaron for sure, but Jalopy Joe was a great foil for Nard Dogg Nate, Dusty Springboard, and Bacon Bits Bates. P.S. Nate and Joe, loved the shoutouts on stage to Boise. Hopefully next time you’re in town you’ll get a chance to visit the World Center For Birds of Pray; they have condors, peregrine falcons, a harpy eagle and all sorts of rad wildlife. Though small, the Boise Zoo has some fun birds, as well, including penguins. There’s also a reptile museum. It’s every bit as stinky and sketchy as you could hope for. Thanks for all the laughs guys. We, also look forward to Dusty, Aaron and Boiled Beets making it out to Boise sometime.
  • Rocky Oakes
    Colonoscopy info
    I’m a newer Nateland listener. I’m enjoying it. I just found out I have the same birthday as Nate except I’m a year younger. I just listened to the food episode and am glad to know I have another year before I have to schedule a colonoscopy. I came for the comedy but stay for the expert health and diet information 😁
  • Andyy5
    Too long
    Love the guys, but my personal opinion is podcasts shouldn’t really be longer than an hour (1.5hr max). If it’s longer than that, I just mark as played.
  • ElzEileen
    Episode 14 Comment!
    I listened to one episode of Nateland and enjoyed it so much I decided to start from the very beginning, so I know this comment is very old news. However, Nate was correct when he said how he pronounced Elizabethtown, KY. I’m from near there and it is pronounced “Elizabeth - town” each word said the same way it would be on its own. Also, I have only ever heard penguin pronounced “pinguin” by anyone, anywhere, so Nate and Brian are spot-on there.
  • ChidoKeef
    Baby Bear!
    Our son was born March 7th. His name is Waylon Mato (pronounce Moth-oh) Bland. His middle name is the Lakota word for Bear. We chose that name to honor his mother’s side of the family, but also so we can yell “Hey Bear!” More often. His first name came from Waylon Jennings, of course. That’s for my southern side of the family. Love the show! Keep it up folks!!
  • Jason Skj
    What the dog doing?
    So I was on a mission trip in Mexico where we handed out water filters and shared the Gospel. One of the houses our group went to actually had a dog on the roof! This wasn't a short house either; it was two floors high. It got even better when the dog stared down at us and started drooling. Then the lady who owned the house grabbed a towel and I thought it was to protect her from the dog drool. Turns out it was to block the Sun. One of the highlights of the trip for sure. (P.S. my last name is Skjervem, pronounced Sure-vum. Love the pod, keep it up!)
  • CWD1342
    Can we please get another bracket episode! But don’t speed through it. Maybe best nba teams, players, football teams, college football teams, or march madness bracket. Love the show
  • david yarlagada
    Become Debt Zero
    Very funny show. Can we hear about barometer’s story when he was at an action for his Cd. Nate said he was crying laughing when he heard the story.
  • AVLDesign
    Funny Commercials
    Just wanted to let you guys know I fast forward through every commercial on podcasts but I actually listen to yours because you guys actually read them and you go rogue sometimes and it can end up hilarious. Love the podcast, it’s always funny and not at all hard to listen to.
  • PG78
    Love the Pod!
    Hello folks and Hey bear! I discovered the Pod last summer and have finally caught up to the current week. Glad you decided to go back to 2 hours. Listening makes me feel like I am right in the room with you all. I’m a year older than Nate, so when he takes a trip down memory lane, I’m right there with the same memories whether it’s toys or TV shows. I checked tour dates for all of you to see when you might be in or near Richmond, Va…I even checked dates for Big Time Bates! Only Dusty will be there. So it looks like I’ll be having a good time either July 19th or 20th at the Funny Bone (your welcome for the free plug). My wife wants to buy me ticket for my birthday. I really do enjoy and appreciate ALL of you and what you contribute to the Podcast. You guys make my workday go by so much better. Thank you guys so much for putting something out there that my son can listen to as well. Hope these words were easy enough for Nate to read. Love you all.
  • Shane Escaro
    Podcast Comfort Food
    Was driving across Ohio and PA on Friday to turn over my manual transmission car to my nephew who turns 16 this year. All sorts of thoughts about my history of driving manual transmissions going through my head - I even had the thought that it’s an ideal car for a kid as they can’t be on their phone. Had saved this week’s episode for the back half of the drive to keep me going and couldn’t believe it when Nate opened the show asking the rest of the crew about driving manual transmissions. This show often has its finger on the pulse of my life - which may not be the best given how random the topics covered can be. That said, there’s not a podcast I look forward to more than this one. The time you guys spend entertaining us all is not lost on me, and I love you all for it.
  • Hails384
    Keep it up!
    I have been a folk for about a year and a half. After my first episode I told my husband this was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The next Wednesday I tried it again and I’ve been hooked. I anxiously wait for each new episode on Wednesdays. The announcement to 1 hr shows broke my heart but I understand you all have a lot going on. It felt like Christmas when you walked it back. This time brings so much happiness to my week because for 2 hours I can block out all of the stress and just enjoy the conversations and laughs. Looking forward to more laughs to come this year! Thank you for putting your feel-good energy out!
  • Happy@111
    So fun!
  • Bama_Boy22
    Buttermilk and Cornbread
    I’m from Crenshaw County, AL (just south of Montgomery) and my dad also eats buttermilk and cornbread in a bowl as an after-supper dessert, similar to how some people eat a bowl of cereal late at night. I wasn’t big on the buttermilk growing up, but I LOVED some “sweet milk” and cornbread in a bowl after dinner. Thanks for keeping the memories flowing, love the nostalgia on this channel. God bless y’all!
  • ELB(o)W
    Late to the show
    Hadn’t heard of Nate until SNL and was only watching for the Foo Fighters. The cold open sold me. I’m married to and work with engineers who love the units and measures sketch. I immediately bought tickets to the Omaha show. Since then I’ve watched every special I can find and listened to Nateland non-stop. I was very pleased to hear Brian on the podcast too. I’m only to 2021 but thank you all because half my podcasts didn’t return from the strike. Ya’ll are better anyway.
  • Jweavy41
    Jacob Weaver
    Hello folks! I’ve been a long time listener of the pod, all the way back to episode 2! This is the 1st time I’ve felt lead to leave a comment regarding the buttermilk and corn bread comment Dusty mentioned. Cornbread and buttermilk is not only “chambers county” thing my grandparents often use to eat it as a treat! Hey bear all the way from GA! War eagle btw
  • LexyDanae
    What a callback from Dusty after the cow tipping conversation saying “and now tipping is out of control.” It got no love from the rest of the crew. Also here’s one vote for “Farming part 2.”
  • FreddieMac222
    Nate / Copenhagen
    Nate reminds me of a friend who dipped Copenhagen and swallowed the juice. He clears his throat like a snuff swallower.
  • Hillery Yus
    How tall is Dusty?
    I need clarification. In the discussions about who would blend in with what sports team best - Bumble Bee or Dusty - a few references have been made to Dusty’s short stature. He has always seemed tall and this contradiction to my observations is unsettling. I find myself trying to figure out how high his chair is set, compared to the others at the table. Tall or short, the answer doesn’t even really matter. Just tell me, are my eyes deceiving me or did I miss a joke somewhere along the way? Perhaps if this podcast was only one hour, It wouldn’t be an issue. But I think we can all agree, two hours is WAY TOO LONG to be making unnecessary height calculations;) Height aside, y’all are the best. What I love most is that watching the podcast feels as natural as, and sometimes as awkward as, sitting in a room with a group of friends. Thanks for including all of us in your fun!
  • Bob123 123
    Butthole bates
    I love butthole bates
  • WarDriver622
    Episode 187
    “How many pounds in a kilobyte?” Best unnoticed comment from Dusty! 🤣🤣
  • Lola R2
    Love Nateland
    I just went to Nate’s show in NE. I loved it. Beezlebub you are a great comedian. I also loved Mike, Julian, and Justin. Guard that water tank with your life and your lantern.
  • B-Gip
    Great Podcast!
    Great podcast with funny clean comics!
  • smyledoc
    Love the pod
    Wow. Dusty goes on the Corolla Podcast and doesn’t even shout out Nateland. Hahaha.
  • Nashholden
    One hour or ten, who cares?
    The show could be one hour or ten, either would be great! Here’s a tip: You can listen at double speed! Be warned, you will be shocked if you see Nate in person and forget he doesn’t speak or think at double time.
  • tlc88888888
    Amen to going back to normal!!
    I could listen all day!
  • julia folk
    Since when is dusty the cultured one!
    It is chaise lounge like sh ae s. These are the chair of the elite 90 house wife! Come on bobcat
  • resic1232
    Perfect balance of humor and facts (sort of facts)
    Absolutely love this podcast! I started from the beginning and each show just gets better and better. So sad to hear that y’all are going to shorten it. I understand time constraints - I think I would prefer every other week with 2 hours than and hour each week but we will see how and hour works. Love all of them and how they banter.
  • Smart People Comedy
    Trivia Night Scandal
    I realize my name is relatively easy to pronounce and apologize in advance for that. It’s imperative, however that I write in about a Midwest scandal currently in operation which may be of interest to The Nateland crew. I and and my husband have been enjoying weekly trivia night at a local pizza + pub in Joplin, Missouri. We recently discovered a rival table who calls themselves “Hey Bear.” I think they’re cheating because they’re almost always in the lead. I can never tell exactly which table it is, but I’m pretty sure they’re a bunch of college guys boozing it up and googling the trivia answers on their phones. Since I am a Christian woman, mother and wife, trash talking would be unconscionable. I hoped you might speak on my behalf and let them know…”We’re comin’ for you Hey Bear.”
    Beautiful Bates
    Beautiful Bates with a boyish balding, Fossils were made in one day! They re-created the conditions that they believe took place and created fossils in the lab in one day. These fossils were identical to the ones they find out in nature down to the microscopic level. Dude, you gotta tell Dusty!
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