Two Sides of the Spectrum

Courses #15

A place where we explore research, amplify autistic voices, and change the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice.

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Recent Reviews
  • María Pitale, PsyD
    Excellent resource for understanding autism from a neurodiversity affirming perspective
    This is a regular inclusion on my list of psychoeducational resources I provide in my neurodiversity affirming evaluations I complete with children. I love the introduction of a variety of topics and how it helps direct me to other resources I can also direct families to. María Pitale, PsyD Licensed psychologist specializing in autism evaluations
  • doctorTND
    5-Star Review - Dr. Tay
    As a licensed psychologist that works with autistic children and their families, I love the message of this podcast is to amplify autistic voices. It brings up great topics of discussion including the language we use and strategies to support autisitc kiddos.
  • Me7737
    A must listen
    As a mom of two autistic sons and a SPED teacher this podcast is a treasured find. I have already shared with other parents and coworkers and had such important conversations on all this draws attention to. I appreciate this perspective and all the research and support behind it, especially those of autistic voices. I know it will positively impact not only my parenting, but my teaching and how I goal write, celebrate, relationship build and meet the needs of my neurodivergent students.
  • MWalms
    One of the BEST autism podcasts out there
    As a parent this podcast of our 3 year old nonspeaking autistic son has been instrumental for us! Even early Episodes like 10, transforming the parent perspective resonated so strongly with us. And then episodes from autistic perspectives we make sure to listen to. Idos episode and his book changed our lives. I have been listening to this podcast for a year and don’t miss any of the new episodes, and continue to listen to older ones too. Compared to other podcasts out there this is leagues ahead in the neurodiversity movement and is a breath of fresh air regarding the ways to embrace autistics. Keep the eps coming!
  • Alison Zlotkin
    Obsessed is an understatement.
    I am a K-2 Extensive Support Needs teacher of autistics. We’ve changed our language with students, our strategies with students, and stopped doing everything that never felt “quite right,” and it started with this podcast. You do truly incredible work. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I will listen every day forever! ❤️
  • asdfkeiwuwyvxbdksksk
    Love you even if you dislike me!
    I’m a BCBA and love the episodes I’ve heard so far. The social curriculum especially was so great in helping me shape how to support my clients to be their best selves. It’s clear you don’t like ABA, which just adds to the divisive narrative out there, but we like learning how to promote autistic joy so keep sharing!
  • Sasha/dakota
    Can you interview Kelly Mahler
    I love listening to your podcast as I am driving between clients. I would love to hear a podcast with Kelly on trauma with kiddos and tech to help in OT practice. Thank you for enriching our community. Donna Cota,L
  • k8gort
    Misguided and uninformed
    The Anti- behavioral slander in this podcast is an extremely dangerous to effective treatment to the autistic community. Yes ABA has a lot of room for growth but to completely dismiss it and to preach that OT will solve all behavioral issues is not appropriate. When ABA, Speech, and OT work harmoniously together, beautiful results occur. We can all learn from each other and still work a common goal. It would be really nice to see a BCBA on the podcast whose values align with what is being talked about on this platform. There are BCBA’s who agree with you!
  • MsJessSLP
    Incredible resource!!
    Thank you so much Meg and LPT team for creating this podcast and making it available FOR FREE - what an incredible gift to the world. I especially appreciate how Meg always brings the conversation with guests back to “but what can we do today??” I’m an SLP in a public elementary school, and I recommend this podcast to any educator, parent, or human.
  • StephSki79
    Intriguing topics
    Thank you so much for all of the information! I have a non-speaking, autistic 4yo who I want to support in the best way I can!
  • DarciMichelle
    An incredible resource!
    I’m so grateful to have found this podcast. As an Allistic Autism Consultant I rely on the voices and experiences of the Autistic community to guide and shape my practices. The guests of this podcasts do just that!
  • JjBev
    Thoughtfully informative. My new favorite podcast.
  • Tiff928371810
    Great, helpful information
    I’m a mom though. Would love if she expanded her target OT audience to include all people who work with autistic kids. :)
  • tbpjewelry
    Important topics and point of views
    Great topics with such insightful guests with important points if view that need to be heard. Must listen for OTs, speech pathologists, teachers, parents, everyone really. Learn so much and question how I approach every child/family.
  • Midwestmom12345
    Love this podcast!
    Every time I listen to this podcast I learn something new. I am always excited when I see a new episode has been released. I highly recommend this podcast for therapist and parents working with autistic individuals!
  • Caitaaa
    So Good!
    I cannot stop listening to this podcast! Meg’s guests have beautiful ways of putting things into perspective for NT clinicians. I have had at least 100 “ah-ha” moments so far and I am only on episode #4. Keep them coming!
  • prosano
    Favorite neurodiversity affirming podcast
    As an SLP, I’ve learned SO much from this podcast. I love that it highlights autistic voices as I work primarily with autistic clients. I’ve been able to utilize things I’ve learned in this podcast and I recommend it to so many other professionals.
  • OT Time Today
    Better than most continuing education
    As an OT, I get more out of Meg’s thoughtful podcasts then most continuing ed courses! These podcasts cause you to reflect on your own practice with autistic clients and make immediate beneficial change. Worth every minute.
  • Selenanp18
    So helpful for a piano teacher
    I’m a piano teacher, not an OT, but I work with a lot of autistic students. This information is life changing! I’m learning so much about how to work with my students based on their STRENGTHS. I’ve observed OTs in schools targeting strictly fine motor skills or sensory integration, so I’ve always compartmentalized those things in my mind too. Now I see that they’re part of a much bigger picture and that we should teach based on strengths rather than make goals based on deficits.
    Writing Strengths Based Goals
    Definitely made me want to go through all my clients’ goals and revamp them! By the way, this information is extremely helpful for not just our neurodivergent clients but ALL my clients! Loved the part about calling out handwriting goals. Now we just need to bring everyone on board. Many thanks.
  • AFCUltra
    Amazing and necessary!
    I have listened to three episodes so far and each one creates BIG feelings, as they said in the first episode. On each episode I feel a multitude of emotions: sometimes validated in what I have been doing in my practice, very often feeling like I have been working in a vacuum and why did I not know this??, guilt that I should be doing better/should have know better, and blown away by the different perspectives...thank you so much Meg Proctor for creating this podcast to share your and your guests’ experience with us so we can better support those we work with. This is a must podcast for all OTs working with autistic people.
  • Emmasis7
    Changing my whole world
    This podcast is shifting so much of my worldview in such a positive way, I cannot thank Meg and her guests enough for this opportunity to grow and learn. Do yourself a favor as an OT or anyone with neurodiverse people in your lives and listen to this podcast! Cannot recommend it enough!
  • katrenaprice
    Life and career changing for this OT
    This podcast and other content from Meg is literally transforming my practice and my life as an OT. Every episode so far has been insightful and moving, all of her guests have challenged the way we think as trained, licensed professionals working with the autistic population, in the best way possible. We are obligated to do what’s right, just, and best for every person we work with, and sometimes that means going against what we were taught when new and more correct information is brought to us. The message is simple: listen to autistic voices and make a change to support them, it’s our job, and we can do better.
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