Getting Over: Wrestling Podcast

Wrestling #72

Award-winning analysis of pro wrestling with breakdowns of WWE, NXT, AEW and beyond. Plus, instant analysis of pay-per-views, news coverage and major interviews. Host Adam Silverstein and co-host Chris Vannini pull back the curtain addressing the hottest topics and most controversial developments while putting the highs and lows of sports entertainment in context every week.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sprague51
    Great Attention to Detail and Coverage
    Very detailed and passionate analysis across the board. While I don’t agree with all the takes, I certainly respect and appreciate them. These guys put their hearts and souls into this and it truly shows. We host the Somewhere in the Ring podcast and can only aspire to reach this level. Keep it up gents!
  • Kai keep posting
    Keep this up
    I’m afraid I got some news I loved wwe before I can even remember. Yet through the years I’ve feel out wwe and in but one thing I always do is listen to the pod.
  • TKsobiech
    As good as Savage-Steamboat
    Love the show. I was 10 when I went to my uncle's to watch Hulk Hogan overcome damaged ribs and a splash in WrestleMania 2. I lost wrestling for a while, but my law school roommate hooked me again as the Monday night wars were at their peak. After drifting away again (essentially, for the entirety of John Cena's career), a year ago I found myself drawn back in. This podcast was the bridge that helped me understand what was what. Thank you, Vintage and Silver King. I really appreciated your list of what you'd like changed this year. My two: 1) The mid-card titles should be defended almost every week on the TV shows - Squash matches and good matches. The holders rarely see the card on the PLEs, so they don't seem relevant if they don't get air on Monday and Friday nights. The whole point of these were to be working-class titles. Bring that back. 2) Not every kickout requires a shocked/pouting face. Especially early in the match, it just looks ridiculous. Thank you again for being informative and fun. -Tom
  • MJPearce14
    Enlightening and Entertaining
    Silver King and Vintage provide insightful and passionate reactions in a measured and entertaining way. A massive enhancement to the occasionally challenging experience of following pro wrestling. They make it easier to enjoy with their reactions and reflections on the overwhelming number of hours of wrestling tv and news every week.
  • Nate Marshall
    I Acknowledge You
    What’s up fellas. It’s taken me awhile to write a review because honestly your show means so much to me and helped me through a tough time so I didn’t want to be too emo. I started back watching WWE in fall 2023 after being a fan as a kid during the attitude era and falling off as I got older. Long story extremely short but my wife had our first child in November 23 and had a really tough postpartum experience including multiple unexpected hospital stays. Through those early tough days of fatherhood and the long recovery watching wrestling became a solace where I could turn my brain off and also talk about it with my closest guy friends. I found your pod through Vintage’s college football pod (rare Vandy fan here) and y’all have become the unwitting 5th and 6th man to my wrestling group chat. Things are much better now and my wife is anxiously awaiting Jade’s return while our baby girl Yeets happily for the 30 min she watches before bedtime. Thanks fellas. If you’re ever in Madison, WI for a Badger game I owe you a beer. Peace.
  • PattyPlankton15
    Great show!
    My husband and I have been listening to this show since its beginning and always enjoy its thorough analysis and insight. It’s not a car ride without the Silver King!
  • TC Sizzle
    Mt Rushmore
    Long time fan. Details, thoughtful and fun. All 4 spots on the Rushmore of wrestling pods. Good chemistry amongst the gents makes show flow like the gross ales Adam drinks during instant takes. I’m a heyman guy, but more importantly a VANNINI GUY. thanks for the content fellas.
  • Nikul_Desai
    High Quality Pod + People
    Forget about the fact that this is the most detailed and thoughtful pro wrestling podcast out there — you can tell that Adam and Chris are just good dudes. In a time where there are a lot of podcasts about a lot of things, this one deserves attention. There’s been a lot of days in my life that have become more enjoyable listening to these guys talk with genuine enthusiasm about pro wrestling. Could go on and on. Appreciate y’all. ✊🏽
  • Zach1416
    My go to wrestling podcast!
    Long time listener and huge fan of the Getting Over Podcast! I’ve tried other wrestling podcasts, but always find myself heading straight back to this one! Adam and Chris keep me up to date on all the weekly story lines and present them in a manner that allows me to develop my on thoughts on what has transpired. This is a must listen for anyone that struggles to always watch the many hours of wrestling TV in a given week and does not want to fall behind. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  • BEazy311
    Best Wrestling Podcast Period
    A fantastic podcast that brings quality insight, analysis, and just the right amount of fandom to capture all that is the world of Professional Wrestling. Adam and Nick, I can’t thank you all enough for your show. It’s become a regular part of my wrestling world for over a year now. Your coverage of NXT and AEW got me interested with those programs and I’m totally hooked. And lastly, just want to share my favorite quote about wrestling from my favorite wrestler… “Wrestling is not a love story. It’s a fairytale for masochists. A comedy for people who criticize punchlines. A fantasy most can’t understand, a spectacle no one can deny.” -Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) PS Go Gators
  • KBear830
    Great wrestling podcast
    Great podcast
  • ultimo dragon baybay
    Real Graps Analysis
    Always prepared, detailed, and insightful commentary on all things graps. Also, Silver King’s take on Kendrick’s SB halftime show was spot f’in on. Love the pod, keep it up guys, thanks
  • jhumeniuk
    Love what they have to say, hate how they say it.
    The. Way. The. Host. Speaks. As. If. There. Is. A. Period. After. Every. Word. Is. Unlistenable. For. Me. It’s a great show when it gets conversational but when he monologues (which is often) I have to fast forward. Also cohost gets really quiet and hard to hear at times. Trying to give it a chance because I think they are smart guys with great takes but it’s not an easy listen.
  • tuckpoint0
    All About The Five
    Silver King and “Vintage” Chris Vannini provide the best in storyline, in ring, and wrestling wardrobe analysis
  • Riseofthephoenix79
    Who better then Getting Over? NOBODY!!!!!!!
    Found this podcast a little before Wrestlemania 39 been hooked ever since. These guys give such good insight and reviews on everything professional wrestling. I have listened to other wrestling podcasts and they can’t be compared to the Getting Over Wrestling Podcast. If you haven’t listened then you better wake up and listen these guys are the best thing going right now. Acknowledge Them!!!!!!!!
  • RTRoasters207
    Excellent Pod highly recommend
    Silver King and Vintage, Found the podcast early in 2024 and been listening every week since. Great analysis and last few weeks have been throughly entertaining especially the debate when you two disagree. Can tell it’s genuine. Keep up the great work and I’m pulling for Vintage to get a win, I’ve got the current score at Silverking 2 (punk more logical pick for wargames and Kofi v Woods better backstage) Vintage nill. Lol. Great podcast highly recommend. Roll Tide
  • Zuck Truck
    The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be
    I was an Attitude Era kid who stopped following WWE for at least a decade, then started tuning in again around Royal Rumble earlier this year. Not really knowing most the new characters these days, I started listening to Getting Over, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Adam and Chris are the best, and I’ve listened to every major wrestling Pod at this point. They’ve got excellent chemistry, consistently great analysis — on everything from weekly shows to PLEs — and approach the pod as both fans who want to see pro wrestling thrive, and as analysts breaking down every storyline and show, same as they perform their day jobs covering sports. Getting Over is all good, no bad, no ugly. Well worth your time to listen.
  • Eee Em Bee
    Top-notch pro wrestling analysis
    Enough said.
  • Josh Herz
    Love the show!
    Hey guys, guess my other review got deleted, weird! I’ll keep this one brief. I had two things I wanted to say last time, first that I first started watching wrestling at this past royal rumble, and I found this podcast after summer slam when I wanted to know more about judgement day and how it imploded. I’ve listened to every WWE show since. You guys do a fantastic job explaining things from a human, storytelling, and kayfabe (learned that word from you guys) perspective. My second point is more of a request. Since I’m fairly new to WWE, I don’t have a lot of the context for the current bloodline story, and was wondering if you guys could take some time to give a recap of the important parts. Particularly who got involved, how, why, and when, as well as how and why and when the breakaways happened. I’m particularly unsure how Sami fits in, everyone else from the OG bloodline seems to be blood related, or at least they refer to each other as such in kayfabe. Anyways, I appreciate the work that you guys put in for this show, it’s one of my favorite listens of the week!
  • WilliamD_84
    5 Stars
    I usually listen on Spotify but I’m coming here just to leave my 5 stars. By far my favorite wrestling podcast to listen to, the analysis is always fun to listen to as well as the takes on what is currently happening on each show. Keep up the great work!
  • Sway_14
    ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Thick 🥩 Always a great time BROTHER!
  • Kionak2
    5 stars
    Look, this is the most in depth wrestling podcast out there and my husband and I rely on it for all the facts and minutia. We listen after every PLE and we delight when the silver king and as I call him “vintage Chris panini” disagree because it’s so rare and hysterical to listen to. My big idea is that someone should make a John Cena retirement run montage to Edge of Seventen by Fleetwood Mac. Thanks guys!
  • Nixon H.
    Best pod in the World!!
    I found this podcast about two to three months ago and absolutely love it! I find myself waiting impatiently for it every Tuesday while I’m at work since it makes passing the time way more entertaining and keeps me updated on what’s going on in the WWE Universe. Even though I hardly ever miss a Monday or Friday night episode, I always look forward to hearing y’all’s opinions, analyses, and theories. This podcast will especially be helpful this coming August when I won’t have as much time to keep up with RAW or Smackdown since I’ll be attending college at Texas A&M University!! There’s not many girls that I know, or guys for that matter, who find pro wrestling as fun and entertaining as me, so I love hearing y’all talk about it and your banters always make me laugh. To go off one of your previous reviews, you guys are like my wrestling bffs! Keep doing what you’re doing! Love from Uvalde, Texas!
  • @chefAaron25
    The BEST wrestling pod for you ear holes
    I’ve been listening to SK since the ITC days and was so happy when he branched on his own with the GO pod as he’s a great wrestling mind and it seems a lot of the times like WWE themselves listen and take that input into their shows. Chris is also an amazing addition to the show as Adam/Chris chemistry is simply 🔥 and the in depth conversations and takes really make you think either why something worked or why it didn’t. Keep up the great work gentleman and keep cooking up the logical takes
  • doctor don pedro
    One stop pod for the busy super fan
    Been listening to this pod since the ITC and SoC days and was really glad to see silver king kept it going. I’m a busy dad so I’m currently just keeping up with raw/sd and will watch the weekend takeovers. I can’t catch every show so I use the podcast as both a way to catch on shows I miss and to get a professional and thorough breakdown each week. Adam drives the show and Chris will insert his analysis after each breakdown. I like that both guys have jobs so they watch the shows as fans who want to like the product because they love it. While they often agree on the quality I do like that Adam skews a little more towards match quality while Chris skews a little more towards the story telling aspect of wrestling. They certainly aren’t void of criticism, but often times other wrestling podcasts spend entirely too much time torching the product. The twitter account is a good follow as well. It does a good job of sticking to the product on tv and doesn’t dive into dirt sheet rumors and spoilers. I’m personally a better fan because of Getting Over and really appreciate the work. It helps me stay engaged year round.
  • T0Pdeer
    #1 wrestling podcast
    I got way back into pro wrestling this year and cycled through several wrestling podcasts to listen to during my long commute. When you take that kind of time to compare the various options out there it’s clear Getting Over is in a class of its own. It’s not just a shallow recap of what happened in the pro wrestling world but also an incredibly deep analysis that leaves me feeling like my one small investment in listening to a short podcast actually doubles my ability to appreciate the many hours of weekly pro wrestling shows and PLEs I’m watching anyways. For me Getting Over at this point is as essential a companion piece for enjoying the product as anything else out there including that the various companies produce themselves.
  • Beaverandy27
    Wrestling BFFs
    Adam and Chris are my BFFs who love wrestling! That’s how I feel when I listen each week! Adam’s thorough analysis and Chris’ hot takes are what keep me coming back. We share laughs together, we almost have the same opinions about what’s happening in WWE and AEW, and they keep me up to date on all the news in the wrestling world, what more can you ask for in a podcast?! I acknowledge this podcast as the best wrestling podcast, and the best friends a girl could ask for!
  • Pete L Moran
    great match/storyline analysis, as well as thoughts/insights into the business of professional wrestling.
  • BillK7680
    Down since day one ish
    Love the podcast. I’ve been a listener since the third episode. You guys are awesome with detailed breakdowns of every match and storyline. SK, your opinions and thoughts match up with mine 99% of the time. I’d be a boring cohost for sure. Vintage, you have great takes and additions as well. Except, of course your announcer botch. (#Samanthathe goat) Still love you though. Us Sparty’s need to stick together. Go Green!!!
  • Adam24321
    Best wrestling pod
    This is the best, most in-depth wrestling podcast out there. With the little time I have for podcasts each week, this is one that I never miss no matter what. One random idea that’s is super implausible because of your guys schedules. Rewatching an old ppv and then podding about it. I think it would be super fun and hilarious to go back to see the good, the bad, and the ugly of what the product used to be. Keep up the great work and I look forward to many more years of the pod.
  • SterlJam1
    From Casual to Hard Core
    I found this podcast while working and found the breakdowns entertaining. Didn’t really watch any wrestling for years except for the must watch matches. But I’m hooked now. Even went to my first Live event. Love the good bad and ugly break downs. Quick,simple, and intelligent wrestling discussion
  • JoeyBagofDonuts1991
    Best wrestling pod out there!
    This is the best wrestling podcast there is. The format is perfect and you can tell a lot of love and preparation goes into it. Keep up the great work guys. Bye for now… ack ack #silverkingscourt #vanninivillage
  • gian2790
    Look no further!
    I have been following Adam through various podcasts for a reason, the way he breaks down matches, story lines, news in an unbiased, clear and professional way is second to none. Him and Chris are a great team together and worth your time to listen.
  • The monster under the bed
    The figure-four leg lock of wrestling podcasts
    Let me start by saying I’ve been listening for about a year and I regret not finding you guys sooner! As someone who works a lot and stays busy, sometimes I get a bit behind on watching Raw/Smackdown weekly. But this pod is so comprehensive and the show breakdowns are so in depth that I never feel like I’ve actually missed any action. The banter between Silverking and Vintage reminds me so much of the way my own friends and I interact, it’s like tuning in weekly to hear two fellow pals fill me in on what’s happening. The instant analysis shows are always excellent and a great way to hear what someone else thought of what I’ve just watched. 100% the most informative wrestling pod out there, and a bonus being totally ad-free. Once these guys get you locked into their finisher, good luck trying to escape!
  • Ubern00dle
    Big Meaty Podcast
    Getting Over is one of the few truly great wrestling podcasts. Each show is packed with analysis, discussion, and even some fun goofs between the hosts. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a wrestling podcast that doesn’t indulge in any of the tribalism taking over the online fandom currently.
  • BJoeF
    Five Stars! Five Stars! Five Stars! Five Stars! Five Stars!
    There’s a lot of blowhards in the IWC and in the wrestling podcast ecosystem. It can feel poisonous, if you’re not discerning. This podcast right here is your antidote to IWC toxicity. The Silver King and Vintage are actual sports journalists, and they bring their training as journalists to their passion for pro wrestling. It’s very refreshing. They talk AEW, WWE, and NXT primarily, but you also get some NJPW and Stardom mixed in when something big happens. The Silver King’s interviews are great, the news segment is informative without pushing an agenda, and the recaps of the week’s action keep me up to date when I miss a show. I never miss an episode. Keep it up, fellas. -BrendanInBoston
  • marshroma
    Best Wrestling Podcast Out There
    One of my top two podcasts, and it ain't number 2. Great recaps on the weekly shows plus super in depth reviews of the PLEs. Lots of great insight on the stories and things I may have missed watching, along with discussions about the business and what goes into making the shows. Mostly a WWE fan, but I'll listen to their AEW shows just to get their perspective on what's going on. Easy 5/5
  • WeaponXV
    Best there is, best there was, best there ever will be!
    This podcast is the best podcast going! I’m always looking forward to when the episodes drop! I’m a busy dad so this podcast keeps me on track with what is happening with wrestling when I miss the show! Thanks for keeping me updated and being so entertaining!
  • Stutta The DJ
    I acknowledge getting over
    The only wrestling podcast I currently listen to and I have followed you Silverstein since the Brian Campbell era of in this corner.
  • Really Tho11
    Big Acknowledgment
    This the most down the line wrestling podcast out there. Other wrestling podcasts I listen have some clear slants towards either AEW or WWE, but this podcast is fair and honest about what is good and what is bad. Also after every pay per view I look forward to the instant reaction podcast.
  • el ranchero x
    Big Acknowledgment
    Thank you guys for helping to bring me back up to speed on everything WWE and beyond. I got back in, as did millions, with the Cody/Rock story, and your podcast provided me with the in depth back-story lines that I have missed over the years. Your analysis is top notch and your play by play is so detailed, it practically puts us in the ring. Plus you’re great at pointing out the Easter eggs, what we missed, and want to look for in future matches/appearances. All that said, the podcast itself is first class all the way. Wrestling be damned, It stands alone as an excellent podcast in its own right. It’s inspired me to up my game at my own non-wrestling podcast. It’s So well done and easy to digest. Even the promos are fun to listen too. Thank you so much for all the excellent work and guiding us through this new, exciting era of professional wrestling! Hey now! Stevie Stacks Live Let Thrive Podcast
  • dwaynethecockjohnson69
    The Greatest Wrestling Podcast of All Time 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Truly in my opinion the greatest wrestling podcast of all time. While other podcasts give great conversation topics and insightful information, nothing compares to Getting Over. The In-depth Analysis, the breakdown of literally every single part of the show for Raw, Smackdown, NXT, AEW is something no other podcast does better. Been listening for a Year or so now and i’ve put a couple of my buddies on this podcast and they love it. I cant wait for the next podcast to drop and it’s the only podcast i have notifications turned on for 😂. This week of Wrestlemania is truly gonna be iconic and there’s nobody else I want to fill my ears (no diddy) then the silver king and the vintage one. Cheers guys!
  • fire heupel
    Adam is a aew neckbeard
    Talks nxt ratings but not his buddy Tony’s disaster
  • eg720
    Fantastic pod, great insight by pros
    I’ve been away from wrestling since the Attitude Era and have gradually been getting back into it since Survivor Series, after getting a Peacock subscription and watching old pay-per-views from my childhood. I was already following Chris on X and noticed a few times he (tweeted) about WWE, including the podcast. As I was still on the fence about fully getting back into it, I watched Royal Rumble and then listened to The Getting Over Podcast for the first time. It turned into a perfect storm. I feel like I got back in at a great time and listening to you guys has helped bring me up to speed. You guys are fantastic about breaking things down, providing great insight and background and, as professional journalists, aren’t just fanboys ranting, you’re reputable, knowledgeable authorities. While the “90-minute” show you guys have talked about seems like a unicorn to me, I do appreciate the extended episodes, as they offer additional opportunities to help with my expedited re-education. At this point I’m not sure if I’m part of the Vannini Village or the Silverback Pack, but I do appreciate the work both you guys do. Keep it up!
  • TheBackgroundWorld
    Great Listen
    Member of the #VanniniVillage reporting in: Adam & Chris put in the work and watch all of the weekly programming, which is on display throughout their detailed, balanced analysis. Even when there is criticism, I appreciate how they bring specific solutions for how to improve the product. This is a great companion podcast for one of the more compelling eras in pro wrestling history.
  • BrandonHartsell
    Short and Sweet
    Been listening to y’all’s podcast for a year now and I hands down believe y’all have the best wrestling podcast around. I love how y’all break things down with a zero bias opinion. Keep up the good work!!!
  • iAwesomz
    Hey yo
    I started listening during the CM Punk firing to figure out what happened, even though I am a WWE only fan, and I never looked back. Their comprehensive analysis, opinion, and theory are very entertaining and fun to listen to. Silver King and Vintage are very likable, and come off as real wrestling fans, that don’t just overly complain about everything. I am stationed over seas, and it is very difficult to watch Raw. Their in depth analysis and break down of each segment is the next best thing when I can’t watch. Keep it up!
  • The1wisewatch
    Best wrestling podcast out there
    I’ve watched wrestling for a long time and I go all the way back to the attitude era (I was really young when I started). I’ve never listened to wrestling podcast before until I stumbled on this one around the time that Cody Rhodes returned and I’ve been hooked ever since. Having legit reporters talk about it gives more credibility to the “sport” aspect of sports entertainment and the silver king and vintage nail it. In depth analysis and you can tell the love for wrestling. It makes it enjoyable for a fan just as if i was listening to a football podcast about the Oklahoma Sooners (my favorite team). Job well done fellas and this road to wrestlemania should be a doozy. Five stars easy.
  • BaggerVance23
    In-depth and fair coverage of the sport!
    Got a new work computer (I’m anti-Apple) so I can finally do this as I’m a dedicated listener since the “Shut up and let me f’ing talk” days! By far the most thorough and least “tribal” of the shows out there. Vintage and the Silver King go deeper into the matches, storylines, and behind-the-scenes info as possible, without flag planting for a brand/show etc. My favorite part is how they’re willing to have a strong opinion in real time and be willing to adjust as the product moves and things can change. Sometimes this is difficult as they’re willing to post multiple “Instant Reactions” to breaking news and events. Easy ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ listen, even if not in the Tokyo Dome.
  • PERFECTO buddy
    Great guys
    5 star hedging
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