Find the Path Podcast

Games #86

Actual Nerds, Actually Playing Pathfinder

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Recent Reviews
  • Allensteven730
    Great podcast!
    I normally listen on Spotify, but you can’t leave reviews on it. Find the Path is awesome! Love the comradery. They always come up with good characters If you like tabletop gaming you need to listen to their podcast.
  • HardlyKnowEm
    The Fancy Lads and Ladies Podcast
    I started with War for the Crown and it’s been a blast listening to folks play through an actual political intrigue scenario, that somehow manages to be engaging even when all the characters are spending dozens of episodes attending a soirée. The production quality, editing, and pacing are top-notch. Love this podcast!
  • The dude and pods
    I like this group
    But dear god, who says “a perfect 20”? It’s Nat 20 people!
  • VeggiesinTX
    I’m so glad I found this podcast
    My TTRPG group and I switched to Pathfinder after Wizard of the Coast’s OGL nonsense and haven’t looked back. After our switch, I started looking for Pathfinder podcasts and I am so happy I found Find the Path. I absolutely adore this group. I love their chemistry, the way they tell stories, and their commitment to their characters. I find myself so engrossed I can’t stop listening. I wish I’d found them years ago.
  • johndon720
    Best actual play podcast
    If you love pathfinder, rules, lore, and a friendly fun atmosphere, I beg you to check out any of the Find the Path campaigns. Plus their patreon is absolutely worth it with tyrants grasp. Heather for the win!
  • Hatersinheaven
    Just listen, do it.
  • Ansgar Silverstreak
    Show and actors are excellent
    I love that’s guys/gals. They put out excellent live action role playing that tells a Great story in all of there pod casts. With their side quests and character role playing the really build well developed characters. They do have a bad tendency to split the party a bit, but they generally survive. Thanks F.T.P.
  • BonelessLego
    A Wonderful Actual Play made by Everyday People
    Re-listening to this after mummy’s mask finished. Astounded at the consistent quality, the wonderful gm-ing, the wonderful group dynamics, the commitment to good story… This podcast was my rock during the pandemic and might just become one of my favorite stories, ever.
  • OldShool RPG
    Is it good? Yes
    Ok how good? Great! Listen to a real group of friends having fun. It’s a quick paced experts making Pathfinder 1e run purrfectly. In the land of sand and time (it’s set in fantasy Egypt). Even if you don’t have mummy madness you still love the adventures.
  • Evilmrspock
    Very very good!
    Rick (GM) not only does a good job narrating the story but he actually knows the rules and integrates proper gameplay into a compelling story. Now, the first few episodes has what might be an annoying affectation (<character> would…) in some of the RP but it does eventually fade and end so don’t let that discourage what is otherwise one of the best pathfinder actual play podcasts! Give it a try and you will enjoy!
  • Synmarkovnikov
    I needed another actualy play to listen to and boy was this a great choice. Out of all the actual plays I've listened to, probably the one that has the best balance of roleplaying and combat. All the characters have cool backstories that keep getting slowly revealed and man does the combat flow. I've listened to Jason Bulmahn (who was the head writer of the Pathfinder rules) GM and he doesn't even know the rules as well as the Find the Path people. Not that I'm obsessed with rules in that I need them to be correct to have an enjoyable listen, but everyone knows exactly what they're doing which makes the pace of the combat nearly cinematic. Also, the sound is great, which makes headphone listening a viable option.
  • 89toy4wd
    Obsessed with the show!!!
    I’m a mechanic and listen to the show all day at work, and I don’t want to stop when I get home! Helps me stay focused! My husband and I have been wanting to get into tabletop RPGs so we have been doing some researching. This is the third RPG actual play I have listened to and my favorite so far. Y’all are so entertaining and just make me want to start my own campaign. I just wish I was as creative as y’all when it comes to backstory and role playing in general! But I guess everyone starts off somewhere!! Keep it up though. I’m binge listening currently but also don’t want to listen too much, because I don’t want it to end!!
  • Msherb21
    So I’ve gotten back into RPG’s( read Pathfinder 2e) after oh man 30 years.!! I have listened to and stopped more YouTube vids and podcasts than I can count! I detest y’all for Making me listen to your podcast. It’s worse than that, I am listening (getting ready to listen to EP37) and will be purchasing this AP. I hate y’all for making me do this!! I want to DM this for our homeschool co-op. This will be an amazing AP to learn a very small bit about Egyptology. I want to thank you for bleeping language. THAT is the reason I have started and stopped so many vids and casts. Thank you for such an amazing podcast. Keep up the good work, I’m, I mean that for everybody BUT Rick. I forgot to mention where I am from- Modesto, CA
  • MDCampio
    Ruined my Marriage to D&D 5E
    This may be the best-balanced tabletop actual-play podcast out there. Immersive, low-key hilarious, excellent story-telling with both GM and characters doing a lot of background work with the real-world analogs to Golarion-Osirion to provide a nice touch of verisimilitude. The group's dynamics and engagement during play provide that "at the table" feeling of connection I think many people enjoy from actual play pods. Additionally, the GM has perhaps the best grasp of the rules and how to run them of any actual-play I've heard. Flavor with crunch, which can be a welcome change of pace from pods or systems who revert to "rule of cool" more frequently (not that that's a bad thing). I also recommend their Patreon materials (including another First Edition AP and an AP converted to Second Edition). My only complaint is why no Starfinder? :-)
  • Jyk77
    This pod makes me happy
    Point 1: listen to the intro theme on 1.5x for an earworm rocking beat. Point 2: whenever I hear that, I smile, cause my day just got better.
  • Thisguy8643:5678
    This is the Pathfinder / DND group you wish you were in.
    I’ve tried a couple Pathfinder pods, and this is my favorite. I think even non gamers could find it entertaining. The story and characters are compelling, and they all really commit to making the pod immersive. The perfect mix of role play and game mechanics / combat. I also really like the shorter format recap episodes after every 3 in game episodes. Not as important when you’re catching up, but great when you only get them weekly.
  • katsura1982
    The real hero
    Love the podcast, but quickly came to realize that the one, true hero of this Real Play...”would”.
  • TheKiltedStranger
    My favorite live play podcast
    Great audio quality. Their rules knowledge is a step above anything I’ve ever heard before, and it makes combat gameplay fly by seamlessly. I got so invested in the story and the characters that I didn’t realize several episodes in the 70s had gone by without any combat whatsoever, AND I DIDN’T CARE. I am absorbed in the story, the Players, and the PCs. On a personal preference note, I actually like that they do accents, and they are well done. Too often in liveplays the players try (and fail) to make their characters more interesting with accents that they cannot actually do proficiently... that it not the case here. GOOD ACCENTS. Well done.
  • PKM
    If you like Glass Cannon Podcast you’ll like this too
    Been listening to about a dozen episodes now and I really enjoy listening to it. The story is immersive, and the characters are wonderfully played out. Well worth your time to listen whether on a commute, washing dishes, or sorting socks for the evening.
  • Isaac, Cleric of Sarenrae
    Feeds the Pathfinder Addiction
    I’m not anywhere near catching up, but I had to write this review! I love good stories, which in TTRPGs must include both combat and role play. The Find the Path folks are fantastic at both! I love the in-character interactions, and I love the expertise in the system; the combat encounters run SO smoothly. The players have a great chemistry working together, are fun to listen to, and Rick does a fantastic job of making the world tangible and easily-imagined for listeners. Also, I’m fascinated with Egypt’s mythology, so a big plus there, and I oddly appreciate the censoring of swears. Thanks for giving me another way to satisfy my TTRPG addiction!
  • Zddetsch
    Favorite new pod
    These guys are amazing. I just caught up at this week (e94) and dear god did I pick a bad cliffhanger to be caught up on. Amazing such a good podcast. These guys are on par in quality with gcp, and maybe a bit better at RP. Though they are bit more serious. Love them!
  • Evilbeeker
    Couldn’t do it anymore ...
    I REALLY wanted to like this podcast. Huge fan of PF and Mummy’s Mask. Lasted 22 eps. Giving it up because of the audio. Listen in my car on the drive to work and whenever they run Syrinscape it drowns out the players. Especially the gent playing the monk, can barely hear him when the background music is blaring over the players for a 10-20 minute combat. Was listening to combats 2-3 times just so I could hear everything. Could not take it any longer. I know SC is cool, but you don’t need it IMHO. For quick drops maybe, but when it’s levels are at or over the characters for most of the episode it makes it difficult to listen and enjoy. Sorry.
  • lzybmman
    Great podcast
    Excellent group of friends with great chemistry! Excellent rules knowledge and roleplaying
  • The_Space_Wizard
    Worth its weight in (Egyptian/Osirian) gold. . .
    This podcast represents at its best the powerhouse that is Paizo/Pathfinfer story telling. Building off of an incredibly rich and vibrant story (based in the Paizo/Pathfinder setting of the Inner Sea Region) this cast of loveable nerds delves deep into dungeons, intrigue, history, and sometimes obscure factoids of animal lore. This podcast is perfect for those looking for an actual play set in a captivating region (an analog to ancient Egypt) filled with wonderfully developed NPC and PC backgrounds. If you’ve ever wondered why Paizo/Pathfinder is known as the pinnacle of published Adventure writers, this podcast will answer that for you.
  • A Prince Amongst Men
    Don't give up!
    Find the Path starts out pretty average for the first few episodes, but as the cast find their voices, address their verbal ticks, and really get into their characters it picks up rapidly and becomes a family-friendly show that you'll look forward to each week. So, if at first you're not impressed, please persevere, it is totally worth it. Think of it as a reverse Stephen King novel - rather than starting out fascinating and then becoming a 1000 page deathmarch that you pray to end, it starts off rocky and then turns into a joy. I'd also like to note that this is made by a group of gamers who want to share their love of the game with others. They're not unemployed actors or comedians looking for a 'vehicle', they're gamers, they're us (assuming you, dear reader, are not Dwayne Johnson looking for a new gaming podcast) and that, for me, makes it special in today's environment.
  • Ealdgyth
    Catching up!
    I found this podcast about three days ago, I am currently burning through the episodes. The group dynamic and brevity are amazing! Keep it up can’t wait to catch up.
  • Sturtyboy
    Working my way through!
    I found out about the podcast when the team became officially licenesed partners of Paizo and I have been working my way through your back catalog! I listen to a wide variety of Pathfinder/Starfinder actual play podcasts, and Rick is one of the best GMs I've listened to! Still a ways away from totally catching up (half way through After Party: Episodes 61-63) but I cannot wait to continue listening to the story of the Doorkeepers!
  • jessikirrrr
    Listen to this!!!
    My husband, Persongi, got me into listening to this because we’ve been playing Pathfinder for around a decade. With the rise of critical role, we’ve both been looking for a play podcast of strictly pathfinder (it’s the main system we know, so it’s really easy to follow)! Even if you don’t have PF experience, the group makes it fun and easy to listen to. Plus you don’t have to listen for 4 hours a time, so it’s great for commutes. Keep up the fun and thank you for playing pathfinder, guys!!
  • Sdgdghufsfbj
    Great Path Finding!
    This podcast is a great actual play run through of the Paizo Adventure Path Mummy’s Mask. In addition to everyone having a very solid grasp of the rules, they also incorporate a lot of really good roleplay. The GM also does a great job running the game with fantastic description and a lot of times gives useful tips to other people running games. Definitely would recommend!
  • Prairie dog cuddler
    Normal People, Amazing Players
    Would recommend this podcast to anyone interested in tabletop RPGs. They are phenomenal role-players and hard to not fall in love with. Do yourself a favor and start listening ASAP.
  • Jeff48021
    Love this podcast!!
    The dynamic between the players is awesome. Mummy’s mask is quickly becoming one of my favorite AP that I want to play. Rick and the crew do a great job with the story and the rules. Jordan needs to be allowed to do more gnome voices. The descriptions and the setting in Osira are definitely my favorite. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to catching up I’m currently only in the 40-50 range of episodes but quickly catching up. Thanks for making my workdays move along and give me plenty of things to think about for playing my own Cleric.
  • handsomeness
    Passable actual play podcast
    4 episodes in and I can’t listen anymore. Strange format where the gm is 90% of what you’ll hear. You barely hear the player characters. Also he oddly uses the word “would” all the time as if everything the players are doing is totally hypothetical. It really takes me out of the experience. “Your Druid would walk out of the mausoleum and see a merchant. Your Druid would walk up to this merchant and ask what wares they have” It really ruins what immersion I could get after the flat delivery. Ymmv
  • MalarkyDonny
    Great podcast! Congrats on the Paizo deal!
    They get the rules almost always right and still have an immersive fun game. Bummed about your choice to Patreon The Tyrants Grasp podcast though. I’d patreon to support you guys and get T-shirt’s and swag and all, but I’m not interested in paying for a podcast.
  • Lich Please
    Waterworld is a good movie
    This is one of the best Pathfinder podcasts out there. This group has wonderful dynamics, amazing chemistry and over the best charisma of any podcast I’ve listened to. The DM has an amazing ability to really paint the world with vivid detail and description. Not to mention if you’re a rules lawyer this show gets it right every time. The cast itself is such an amazing group of characters. Each player knows what they are doing and create an awesome group dynamic. I highly suggest giving them a listen you won’t regret it
  • Winkingchef
    I WOULD like it a lot
    Great GM pace without sacrificing vibrant description or opportunities for character development. The whole group has high system mastery so they are a lot less tied up with rules (or drinking) than my good buddies at the Glass Cannon. I WOULD make some suggestions but the only complaint I have is the GM’s odd verbal tic to narrate the story in the world’s least common literary tense (making immersion very difficult). He fixes it gradually from episode 24 on and it’s worth roughing it out.
  • Digital Caveman Jim
    Great podcast for one and all
    These guys have truly brightened my days over the last couple months. I've listen to all the content and it just leaves me craving more
  • L. Dallas
    Outstanding RPG pod
    Entertaining podcast with deep characterization and often thrilling adventure...that also functions as a masterclass in the Pathfinder ruleset. These people REALLY know what they're doing, and as a result the episodes move briskly and don't devolve into rules questions/debates like most other Actual Play pods do.
  • pjstwo
    Great show
    Really enjoying catching up. Knowledgeable, fun group. Great characters. You can tell they are really into the setting as well. And I dig the little reflection episodes too.
  • WanderingMonster
    Most excellent
    A fun group of players that enjoy the game together and a GM who’s level of system mastery and Golarion lore knowledge are top-tier. One of the best Pathfinder Actual Play podcasts around!
  • rbkelley2118
    Really enjoy it
    Excellent adventure path. Fun players and the gm is one of the most knowledgeable I’ve heard.
  • Piercedpeekachu
    Great show!
    Just want to say you all are doing great, well most, the game master doesn’t like praise so forget him, love the recaps and can’t wait till the next episode. The role playing is great and I love how everyone gets along so well. One of the greatest things is you watch your language and that makes it great for me to enjoy the show more with my kids
  • Persongi (Person Guy)
    An amazing podcast
    I discovered Find the Path about a month ago and binged myself on it until there was nothing left. I absolutely love this podcast. The audio quality is wonderful, the cast is entertaining and knowledgeable, and the story is well done. This podcast is one of very few that I subscribe and look forward to every week. Pathfinder and cooperative storytelling are a huge part of my life. I run and play in 3-4 games a week, and have been doing so for almost a decade now. I’m very impressed with the amount of knowledge possessed by all of them. I’ve even learned a few obscure rules from them, as well as some really good ideas about how to run and play in a game. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating something that brings me as much joy as actually playing. P.S. keep the cheesy movie/tv show references alive!
  • MrEdaniels
    Really good actual play podcast!
    I’ve been looking for another quality actual play Pathfinder podcast. The cast is knowledgeable of the game and they are entertaining. They also don’t go out of their way to try and be like other actual play podcasts, which is quite refreshing! And their every 3 episode recaps are a fun listen as well! Great job!
  • LarrLarr831
    Do you like Egyptian lore?
    This podcast is FANTASTIC! I love the characters, the setting, everything. Rick is one the the best GMs I’ve ever heard - his masterful prep makes for a more interesting story than you’d get just reading through the AP. I aspire to GM like him some day. And this podcast has 3 women playing! As a woman in games, I love to hear more female representation, and this podcast hits that mark. I love all the characters though! Can’t wait for more episodes, y’all are the best <3
  • Thorac
    Simply the best!
    I don’t always review a podcast, but when I do it’s because it is simply the best. 40 episodes in and it still holds itself to the high standard it set for itself. Other actual plays break down over time, but almost a year in its still great with no signs of stopping. Production is great, their knowledge and execution of the rules is the best I have heard, the GM gives plenty of time for players to role play and keeps the show moving. These guys and gals really have a good thing going. If you like pathfinder: listen. If you like actual plays: listen. If you are slightly interested: listen.
  • AaronUnicorn
    Among the best actual play RPG podcasts
    A few years ago I started a Pathfinder campaign to celebrate my 40th birthday. Listening to another actual play podcast convinced me to switch from a home brew made of random modules to running an AP. When I decided to start a second campaign running Mummy’s Mask I went looking for an actual play, and was overjoyed to find these guys. Rick, Jordan, Heather, Jessica and Rachel bring an amazing mix of rule knowledge, great role playing, setting knowledge, humor and drama to their virtual table. Listening to Rick has given me tons of ideas on how to enhance the AP for my players, and the players have kept me engaged deeply in the story. This wasn’t the first actual play podcast I listened to, but it has quickly become my favorite. The only thing I’m sad about is that I can’t share it with my players without spoilers.
  • fearthejake
    New to listening and like what I’m hearing
    Only on episode 3 but I like the auto quality. Good DMing and players who know the system is always a bonus. Good job
  • For Thinking Gamers
    An Intelligent Pathfinder Podcast
    I prefer this podcasts to others I've heard so far. They avoid the tropes of hasty RPG games ("you meet in a bar/Pathfinder Lodge"), as well as intoxication, low-brow humor or cliche's. The party has put deep and devoted effort into their backstories, and the DM has taken the time to weave those sub-plots into the story-at-large. For anyone who wants to learn mature and well-researched methods of gaming, I highly recommend this podcast.
  • AZakOfOpportunity
    Absolutely Incredible!!
    I'll preface this with a note that I love actualplay podcasts, and have listened to nearly every pathfinder podcast available on iTunes/RPGmp3/youtube in their entirety-- well over a couple hundred hours (yikes). I can say with absolute certainty that Find the Path is in a league of its own. -Audio quality is incredible and the editing is very good. Use of live Syrinscape (which is applied to positive great effect) certainly can camplicate both, particualrly the latter, but the podcast ssounds amazing! -The players + gm have great recording discipline. Side conversations/noise is kept to a minimum and they speak clearly without running over one another. Everyone is consistently aware of using 'radio speak' to illustrate movements, environments, and orientations to the listeners at home. *Always important, they don't scream into the microphones/freak out. -Anyone who listens to the fantastic After Party episodes can attest to the level of research + intention that go into this podcast. Coupled with a strong cultural intelligence/sensitivity, the (US Based) folks play a game in a decidedly Egyptian-influenced setting passionately + with genuine respect (that you can even occasionally learn from!) -The players have natural chemistry + interesting characters which makes both their antics + interparty conflicts equally enjoyable to listen to. All players participate with evenly fleshed out characters, whose backstories are constantly being meted out throughout the AP. They take what they do seriously. -GM does a great job when the players go off book. Players do a great job of maintaining the momentum of the AP without it feeling railroady. -FInally, sad I have to include this at all, but pleased to state this podcast has never dropped a racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic/ablist remark or a joke about sexual assault. They're all clearly good folks. tl,dr: sub this podcast, you won't be disappointed.
  • BennActive
    Let's do Actual Play right
    They're great. The audio quality is good. Their voice acting is spot on. I want to hear the GM on an audio book because he's got such a great voice and does a good job at distinguishing characters soley by tone and vocal mannerisms. They care about representation and role playing which is the only way I can handle an Actual Play podcast. If you need inspiration for starting a table top game give them a listen! I can't think of a critique. I skipped the After Party sessions when I binged to catch up and then went back and listened to them. I don't recommend that tactic. You don't need them to enjoy the series but you should probably listen to them within the context of the episodes if you're going to absorb that content.
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