Today, Explained

by Vox
All Genres #125News #14Daily News #4

Today, Explained is Vox's daily news explainer podcast. Hosts Sean Rameswaram and Noel King will guide you through the most important stories of the day.Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • Beleza10026
    Usually like it but lately the episodes have been fluffy and not that interesting. Episode on Baby Reindeer was a missed opportunity for an actually insightful discussion … first half was hard to listen too .
  • Dan184847194
    The Real Victims of Today Explained:
    Are the people who subscribe to this show to get insight on important news stories and have instead gotten two shows in a row about unimportant pop culture stories.
  • Matt_pc
    A daily
    I work on this show and I think it’s pretty great
  • oakboundbooks
    I like only Noel king-narrated episodes
    Other hosts grate on my nerves. This is all propaganda though, nothing related to unbiased news same as everything else broadcast to the general public, must be intaken with this caveat
  • Little Susie 1000
    Used to love this pod
    I was very happy when I discovered this podcast. I loved the variety of topics and the depth of research. I considered it politically rather neutral, which is hard to do now. I agree with other reviewers that the sound effects are occasionally annoying. But suddenly, in several of the last dozen or so podcasts, a right wing slant has not just snuck in, but seems to be boldly added. I will never listen again.
  • RestaurantJunkie
    come for the information, stay for the ads
    I have enjoyed this podcast for a long time, but I am now finally writing a review solely because Noel King reading the ad for the new Elizabeth Moss show, makes me laugh every single time. Her delivery is amazing. Ms. King is a woman with secrets, and the world is better for it.
  • JeffB444
    This was one of my all time favorites! Great message, great energy!! Loved it. Thank you
  • ..GL@WGlam88____
    Love the topics
    smart and insightful convos
  • JJDelsol
    Well hosted and produced but unbalanced
    I love the way this podcasts dives deep into stories about our world today. They’re comedic and lighthearted approach to current events makes staying informed interesting and not as heavy as some other podcasts. But nowadays I can no longer excuse how biased some of the perspectives are and how some of the journalists make jabs at certain subjects and demographics because they don’t fit into a woke mold. As a millennial who’s politics used to lean left I’m desperately searching for news sources that break me out my own side’s echo chamber and compassionately expose me to other’s perspectives. I feel like that’s true diversity but I’m not really getting it from this news source.
  • Swarthydave
    Biased reporting
    Unbelievably biased reporting and analysis. Pure echo chamber, anti-intellectual drivel.
  • Littleworldcunningly
    Typical pro-Israel bias
    I don’t know why I even gave the latest episode a chance. I’ve known this podcast to be latently biased toward Israel ever since it started covering the event and Gaza. I did not make it through this latest episode on the University protests for Palestine. Of course you chose to focus on the supposed and antisemitism instead of the massive upsurge and Islamophobia and the oppression of prop Palestine free speech. I’ll be returning to Al Jazeera content, and the Intercepted podcast. Free Palestine!
  • NotaSephoraKid
    Sephora Kids
    Not all kids/tweens/ teens are Sephora kids, not all kids/tweens/teens have drunk elephant. Most 10-13-year-olds need some skin care products so their skin doesn’t break out every five seconds. I’m not giving this a bad review cause I agree that most kids (ages 9-11) do not need skin care, but some 12-13 year-old have skin that is prone to acne. And they’re being called Sephora kids just for having breakouts on their skin and asking for some help. (Mainly trying to boost their self confidence)
  • To’ny
    I’m listening to this because I’m going to work today and I need something to listen to in my car on the way to school so that I can laugh it off to keep myself company so that I can get there on time
  • S2024O
    Good content but super annoying sound design
    All the random ringing and beep boops are distracting, stopped the latest episode midway through
  • Janetmv89
    Hard to listen to
    It's hard to listen to this podcast because they lead so hard to one side on everything. Trying to hear both side and just hearing how they focus on what the host sides with its extremely annoying.
  • mari_hendrix
    Timely, interesting topics
    I listen to Today Explained as well as other top daily podcasts by the big brands, like NYT. Today Explained consistently delivers timely, thoughtful, interesting and even fun topics where the other ones feel like a dreary wallowing in the same topics.
  • J Gray
    Praise for an anti-democrat
    I’m unsubscribing today after the glowing piece you did on the person who orchestrated the Congressional challenge on Jan 6th. I realize Vox tries to be balanced, but wow! Just remember that if MAGA takes control of the government, none of you will have a job and you might end up in jail, even with propaganda like the show from April 11.
  • My Reflections
    Why so mean to Jorge? - Is College Worth It
    This poor kid is struggling to make choices about his future. Why are you laughing about his interest in fashion or his desire to live in LA? If someone isn’t a patriot and they want to join the military, that’s a reflection on his perceived set of options, not him. Jorge and his peers need financial aid and career guidance. He is likely from a low income family and attends an underfunded school. I’m extremely disappointed that your team chose to poke fun at him instead of explaining the policy and societal forces that create challenges for students like him.
  • miranstanog
    Justice for Jorge
    I like this podcast but u guys did my boy Jorge dirty in this college episode by roasting him for going into the army for “fashion” when he opened up to you about being faced with a pretty tough life choice
  • Md713
    One of the most neutral and objectively informative podcasts out there in a sea of conspiracies.
    One of the finest podcasts that exist in a world of far left and far right people screaming at each other.
  • shampoobananahammock
    Thank you for covering Project 25
    Need to scream it from the rooftops that the Christian nationalist are trying to take over the government and reform it in their image. Terrifying stuff if you’re not a cis heterosexual Christian male.
  • ktd____________
    Updated Review— fr?
    I’ve been listening on and off since 2018 and I have come to really like host Noel King… Until this uncritical interview with the right-wing evangelical radio host Dave Ramsey? Mostly I’m confused as to why she considers herself a “fan” of Ramsey (especially considering her experience working on NPR’s Planet Money). And if you are going to interview him, why no substantive pushback on his one-size-fits-all advice? Or maybe the class-action fraud case being brought against him? Original Review: My Favorite Daily Podcast This is by far my favorite daily news podcast - largely because of the host, Sean. It covers all the biggest national news, plus coverage on other stories/phenomena that I rarely hear on other similar daily shows. If you’re not already listening... start!!
  • ramimbela
    A clip every 30 sec
    I like listening to this podcast. What I hate though is having a random clip/sound every 30sec during the interview. Any chance you can limit the number? Thanks!
  • Birdk92
    Girllll, not Dave Ramsey
    Empty “both sides optics” points from a bigot. What a dumb call. Unsubscribing.
  • alhpa_1!
    Wages rates excluded in episode about unaffordable housing lol
    You guys can’t be a serious source of information. Who sponsors this podcast financially ?
  • ajm263
    Of all people, Dave Ramsey?
    The host fan girling over a known bigot is disgusting. Do better.
  • Maria8364
    Would be 5 stars
    Today Explained is one of my favorite news podcasts but sometimes they use too much music. An example, is the episode “Conned into the Russian Army,” where they had music playing over one of the men speaking.
  • Buddha Calm
    More Fox News than Fox News
    Veers further and further into “talking head” Fox News style content
  • Crystalash
    I thought it’s more independent than the rest
    The latest guest on Haiti with the usual obfuscation on the reason of the recent uprising as the rest of the mass media, once again perpetuated the view that certain countries just can’t govern by themselves without the West’s intervention. Ignoring the paramilitary coup backed by the U.S. and Europe that overthrew democratic election result (with their usual claim of its illegitimacy) that resulted in deadly aftermaths, they repeat the official lines without much examination, let alone investigation, of readily available sources and evidences that get to the root of the issues. Why the 2004 coup? Why not leave Haitian people make their own decisions? Why the continuing meddling of other countries’ sovereignty well into the 21st century? The host tentatively questioned a few of the premises of the “arguments”, but quickly dropped back to the “safe” bound that is deemed acceptable to most media outlets. Very disappointing.
  • CJListens1
    When I want to understand what’s going on but don’t want to watch the news, this is perfect. Just enough information for me to engage in a conversation. Thank you!!!
  • Simonecwj
    Incredibly Produced Podcast
    I have been an avid listener of Today, Explained for almost a year now. I found the podcast through my search for a bite-size news podcast that was informative yet playful. I appreciate the variety of perspectives this show provides as well as the diversity of topics and headlines. Also, I thoroughly appreciate the wonderful “today, explained” themes that production that their team creates. It adds a fun and artistic aspect to the show. Overall, it’s one of my favorite podcasts that I would recommend to anyone in my life!
  • MiloKov
    Podcast Doesn't Seem to Like Fat People
    Not one, but three episodes about ozempic with very little mention about ableism towards chronic illness or fatphobia, concepts factually rooted in eugenics produces the societal pressure consumer desire to purchase products to stay thin. No content warning for weight loss, no content warning for eating disorder or body dysmorphia. Incredible lack of care and full ignorance. All that reporting and no checking their own bias. Seems extremely insensitive and disrespectful. Hope you don't cover supremacy because you already kinda enjoy it in your reporting. I used to enjoy this podcast for a little in depth listening on current and popular events but their bias is too much and hurtful now. Make a change guys.
  • Petty Officer S-C
    Veering into Joe Rogan territory
    I have listened to this podcast for a few years now and usually really like the perspectives the guests bring. I thought the FACTUAL information on Novo Nordisk’s expansion and financial power was interesting. However, the 2nd half featured the musings of a Sub Stack writer regarding the possible effect of Ozempic on the US economy that didn’t even rise to the low entry level threshold of anecdata. A lot of “I’m just a guy asking questions” vibe that then was built upon to make a lot of completely unsupported assertions and predictions. Similar to the fact-free analysis in the processed food episode. This is a troubling trend.
  • guypaco
    Super biased
    I used to love the show until I realize how politically biased they were. Honestly, they are on the same level as Fox News with their one-sided coverage.
  • hilarious and mindless
    I listen to know current progressive liberal bias
    I do not take this as news at face value, but as a glimpse into a specifically progressive liberal interpretation of the news. Sometimes I genuinely enjoy it and sometimes I find it nauseating, oozing with born rich/upper class entitlement and superiority. I loved their episode related to children’s hospitals and medical care in America. 10/10 Their coverage on the Middle East or the US border has felt like borderline propaganda. 1/10
  • DJtex
    Watch Fox News instead
    Not credible commentators
  • Zyn Episode Misinformed
    Zyn Show Completely Misinformed
    Love the show, sending 1 star for the incredibly low information show highlighting the positives of Zyn and apparently NO ONE spending 5 minutes learning about nicotines affect on the dopamine system.
  • iGreeley
    Would be 5 Stars, but "breaks" are too long, too many ads
    The content is top notch. The only beef is that there are too many "breaks" and ads. Take up 10-15% of the total podcast.
  • Jfhbcfjvdv
    Yes immigrants who come here legally, bring good values and worth ethic are great. Illegal aliens who are kidnapping babies so they can get past the border and dump the babies here in Paso Texas where I see them every day are drug smugglers and sex traffickers. Stop trying to make open borders seem like a good thing. I see firsthand how they’re ruining America.
  • Dueces42
    Very Biased
    Used to love Vox’s Today Explained but after listening to the entire episode on the ICJ’s ruling and not mention once the fact that the court also called for the release of hostages and surrender of Hamas, I can no longer support such biased journalism. Why discuss the fact that the court did not call for a ceasefire but not include that? Done. Shame on you, Vox.
  • Jn9490
    Unsubscribed for the weird Zionist slant
    “War on Hamas”? Be so for real. Not surprised though.
  • FoxeeJ
    Biased reporting
    If you like being told what to think by people with a clear agenda then this podcast is for you. It’s disappointing that a piece was done about Israel using a professor that is clearly biased and represents an anti semitic institution (U Penn) that is funded millions of dollars by many arab countries. The episode was further edited by Arabs. Not one Jewish/israeli person was represented in the making of the episode making the episode extremely one sided. Given how nuanced the subject is it would’ve been proper to have multiple standpoints and perspectives from both sides. Maybe this podcast can do a proper follow up once a republican president is elected this November given that at such time the United States will not tell Israel to stop as would be the case under a Democratic presidency. Israel is doing the world a favor by wiping out a known terrorist organization.
  • &&@9087
    Love the show! Not so crazy about the singing.
    Y’all are talented journalists, please don’t sing at me.
  • ethan134726273
    Far too one sided opinions and slight. Anti human
    What’s wrong with private companies picking up the pieces after our government has failed us? NASA would be nowhere without space X. Seriously what is wrong with you people?
  • Big Fan L
    Enjoying this!
  • Self Reflection 81
    I saw the episode on musicals. Unfortunately it was one of the most frustrating podcasts I have ever listened to. It was terribly provincial and biased. I listen to this podcast many times and expected so much more. It’s shoddy not to have a serious discussion to the ethics of this act, after all it is deception to falsely advertise a service or a product. This is not a minor omission. It’s lying about the essence of the product or service. It’s like being advertised for a video game console and getting a TV instead. If you watch a trailer that is selling a dialogue base movie and instead the movie is expressed through song, it is a completely different kind of movie. You are deceptively being sold a product you are not buying. I was shocked you didn’t discuss the ethical implications of this deception. For a family, going to the movies, can easily be $100 or more, perhaps to you that doesn’t seem like a lot of money but to many it is. And finally the assertion that if you are not into musicals you are bigoted. That is just mind boggling. So according to that logic if your favorite color is blue you must be a misogynist. You are claiming that your personal taste in a movie genre is surreptitious hiding a deep seeded homophobia, I’m Dumbfounded.
  • SingingSabre
    Surprise antisemitism
    I enjoyed this show for a while and found it mostly informative. Unfortunately during some “explanation” of Israel, they leaned into antisemitic tropes and failed to address the pan-Arab colonialism that most recently pushed Jews out of the region and lead to the genocide of Jews in Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and every other Arab country which helped foment support for the creation of Israel. They also neglected to cover how Israel was founded, with land purchased from the Ottoman Empire and British instead parroting the lie that Jews ransacked the land and forcibly took it. Rather they just chalked it up to “American hegemony”. It’s sad. I hoped Vox would do better. And I can’t deal with antisemitism being woven into future episodes, so I had to let this one go.
  • MissAnika
    Best Musical Ever!
    The songs in the musical episode were really entertaining! I loved learning about what’s happening in the movie industry because I’m not a big fan of recent musicals but love the classics. Thanks for putting to much work into this production 🎥🎼
  • M Liu-S
    Hostess should do her homework
    I’ve enjoyed the show, particularly the episodes hosted by Sean. But Noel’s recent episode on Taiwan’s election offended me as a Taiwanese. Labeling ‘DPP’ as ‘democracy’ and KMT as ‘link to China’ is not only wrong (mind you: Taiwan is a democracy, not just what is represented by DPP), but also how simplistic or even lazy her whole approach was. This hostess needs to do her homework!
  • meatball 196
    Glib host is off-putting if not offensive
    Sean Rameswaram thinks people who earn a living delivering furniture and clothing are “poor saps.” Really disappointing to hear this take.
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