The Phenomenon


When a supernatural threat drives mankind to the point of extinction, survivors around the globe struggle to endure in a world with just three rules:Do not look outside. Do not look at the sky. Do not make noise.

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Recent Reviews
  • ChrissyCritter
    Well done!
    This is a great story, one on my small list that grips and holds my attention… definitely binge worthy. The acting is well done; I love all the different characters, with a variety of backgrounds and dialect. If you like stories that are a bit scary, and you can picture it as a possibility, (the acting and all the characters help with that!)… this is a great choice for you. Happy to give it a well deserved five star review! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Jdjdidjdjdjd
    Started off great…then it sucked.
  • jssjxuduskskskdkkskdllssld
    Best show every
  • Swwacoach
    Love audio drama
    Greetings I listen to a lot a audio theatre. To me it’s one of the greatest things in podcasting. We’re alive, leviathan, king falls , right left game on and on. So many great creators out there. Phenomenon is up there with some of the better ones. Voice acting is top notch sound effects excellent. The story was interesting and hooked me in quickly. A few complaints would be occasionally action wasn’t described very well and the ending was a little disappointing. The mention of “the red cloud with voices” was left unexplored making me wonder why it was mentioned. However those are minor to a overall listen worthy story. Kudos to all involved. Look forward to more from these creators
  • (Walter55)
    Please don’t take so long to……………….
    Have loved the podcast , the 1-2 seasons were riveting, then it started to petter out then died, you took so long to make an episode in season 3, and 4, I thought you quit. Then after many many months 1 or 2 episodes showed up. You need to keep your fans posted if your having issues, die hard fans understand, I’m standing and waiting, I’m a die hard fan, so please MORE episodes even 1 a month, don’t forsake us fans! Thank you!
  • jj484929
    At first I liked it
    Then I get dropped into a sex scene and now I’m just disgusted
  • jdidudjfjryrhdh
  • Schwartzburger
    Too long and drawn out.
    This entire series is composed of small bits of scattered dialogue followed by lengthy pauses of dead air leading me to wonder did my phone go dead? Is this the end of the episode? Then we have constant repeats of a long list of the producers the actors etc etc and then the screechy hazard warning…..over and over. This could have been compressed into 5 episodes which would have been much better. It’s too long and slow the way it is. I didn’t really like it. Could have been better.
  • Fightingagainstthebeast
    Cursing isn’t actually required
    Love the idea and concept. Acting is good. Don’t need to drop the F bomb thirty times in a row however; acting well and good stories don’t require so much profanity. Otherwise enjoyable. What’s with Jesse in episode 5/Season 3?? He went from respectable good ole’ southern boy to his head in his butt??
  • Moorekb
    Holy moly
    Hardcore binged this one. Production value and voice actors are both top notch. Storyline is compelling. I need more.
  • chiefstryff
    So much potential… so much waste.
    This is actually a very intriguing and engaging story… and that’s where my praise essentially ends. Bad voice acting, bad dialogue writing, and a confusing and sudden ending all make me wonder how good the story actually was… I honestly think that hearing how the world recovers from the phenomenon may have been more interesting than seeing them go through it. I listened to the first three seasons, but season 4 episode 1 has such bad voice acting, I don’t think I can make it through.
  • -igorsky-
    It’s ok
    Interesting story that eventually gets boring. Average acting, especially when compared to some of the other podcasts available. Feels like the actors are doing a script read through. Sound effects are pretty good.
  • Cottonball917
    I wasn’t sure what to expect. These seem to be few and far between gems of well scripted/good voice acting and great sound effect podcast stories. THIS IS ONE OF THEM. Great find. I’m hooked. *I have chronic pain and when I need to zone out I put my noise canceling headphones on and love being fully immersed into a story where you can hear and picture everything. Thank you.
  • CarlaKovitz
    Professional quality all around!!
    I honestly wasn’t expecting much based on the wonky cover art looks a little Amateure but then was completely blown away by how great it was!! The sound effects & sound quality was on par with a top notch movie. Acting was awesome. An original storyline played out in. Entertaining all the way around!
  • Me x 7
    Disconnected Story
    I know this is an adaptation of a book, but there is not much story coming through. It just seems to be a lot of random groups reacting to the same event. Characters are not interesting enough to really care about them or their fate. It seems so randomly put together. I am going to go back and listen to a few episodes because it seems like everything is bad…and then it is 5 years later??? Maybe reading the book would help but my interest is not piqued enough to look beyond this adaptation.
  • carl334
    Very Mediocre
    I don’t know about the other seasons, but the writing and acting in the first season is very predictable and uninspiring. Much of the dialogue rests on cliches; for example, the submarine captain speaks as if he’s a caricature (imagine a satire of a 1940s WWII movie, with some kind of southwest twang). Personally, it kills the flow of a story when dialogue is used to deliver a lot of information; for example, when the American wakes up in Japan he’s asking questions and in ways that its clear that the writers are trying to give us more info but it makes the dialogue sound stilted. And then there are all the secret government agency machinations and acronyms that, again, just sound predictable. There are some individual scenes and dialogue snippets that are successful but, overall, there just isn’t much tension in this story because I don’t really care about the characters (probably b/c there are so many characters you really don’t spend much time with any of them).
  • Bamabud49
    This show reminds me of a movie with the same opening premise but can’t think of the name of the movie.
  • kgappraiser
    Absolutely engrossing!
    Stumbled upon this series while looking for something similar to "We're Alive". It's very well done and a fun listen- love the voice actors especially the sub captain he's fantastic!
  • Woozy woowoo
    Really good!!!
    Definitely give this a try, I just got done with I’m Alive audio drama and that’s was so good but this one has me hooked too!!
  • Olliespe
    What the heck?
    I enjoyed binging this over a few days as I’m in the car a lot for work. But, IMO, the ending is terrible. They built up characters and storylines over 3 seasons and in the last 15 minutes or so, just ended things without much explanation. Disappointed.
  • Draged0
    Binged it
    Definitely enjoyed this. Made my last couple days at work enjoyable. Thank you guys for a great production
  • CMS Designs
    Good story
    It is an enjoyable listen. I wish there weren’t so many story lines. All the characters are likable and interesting. Every time it switched I was like, UGH!! Im going to keep listening. I think once I become more aquatinted with the characters I’ll be fine with the switching.
  • DSBoston1
    Re new season , The Survivors
    If you weren't sure about the orignal, which I greatly enjoyed, because the characters sounded the same and some were melodramatic, rest easy. The new season starts with 2 of the 3 characters speaking mostly in Spanish, and having great fun driving a tank, shooting its gun, and singing (stopping this glee only for 10-12 seconds to find one woman's dead parents). Now, I'm not a fan of when the post-apocalypse people spend all of their time fighting one another instead of, you know, the apocalypse, but this seemed a little off to me. As usual, I will give it a chance though.
  • Quolbare
    Love this story
    This is on par(if not better) with “We’re Alive”.
  • maggie_lc
    Binged all seasons in 3 days
    Total edge of your seat mystery sci-fi thriller. Very well done. Kept me up till 3 am for multiple nights in a row when I had to get up early for work and so worth it lol
  • MomCallsMeNicholas
    5*’s (and I’m stingy with my *’s)
    Great story, loveable characters & a great writer backing it all. Give it a shot, it’s definitely worth your time.
  • yh ooo
    Pretty good
    Overall it’s a pretty good story and the production value is great. It’s a bit confusing because many of the characters sound the same and I can’t distinguish one from the other so I never really know exactly what is happening and who is talking, there’s just to many characters to try to keep track of. But it still holds my interest and I want to hear the ending. As for the end credits of each episode, when the woman says the word “written” she needs to know that the letter “t” is in that word, please learn how to pronounce it properly
  • Viewer C
    A great listen!
    Interesting story, likable characters, mystery...gray podcast! Binged the entire series this weekend, could not stop!!!
  • Hyacinth Miles
    This is well done it just comes off a bit like Birdbox fan fiction (which was a book long before a Netflix movie, don't come for me.) The similarities made it hard for me to stay into it.
  • 16olives
    i NEED more
    I have a hard time finding podcasts I actually like and accidentally stumbled across this gem. So so so good. Clarity? Off the charts. Characters? Done very well. Addicting story line? Absolutely. Do I have still have questions? So manyyy. I need more. 🤌🏻
  • Fair Weather Panic Fan
    Waiting IMPATIENTLY!!!!!!!!!
    One of the best audio dramas. Put it up there with Limetown, Blackout, The Second Oil Age, and End of All Hope. Well worth a listen. Please bring us season 3. I can not wait
  • PixelPusher15
    Good Story, Good Sound Design, Questionable Acting
    I really dig the story and the plot. Haven’t read the book but they seem to have done a good job translating it to an audio format. But, the acting and sometimes the writing really felt forced and just bad. Think high school play drama. While it isn’t horrible enough to turn it off, it got in the way enough to pull me out of the story. I just came from listening to Wolf 359 where the whole pod was done phenomenally so maybe my standards were inflated. It felt like the acting got a bit worse toward the last season or so too, I didn’t notice it as much up front. Anyway, it’s a good listen and I’ll listen to the 4th season when it comes out but...I hope they coach their actors a bit. :/
  • Lordaceno
  • jadr80
    Quality content
    I’m so glad I discovered this podcast. It’s a compelling story, well written and well acted. So much sci-fi content is subpar but this one delivers.
  • Capt Dengar
    This show is wonderful. Great suspenseful storylines, acting, writing, sound design, it’s all here folks. Cant recommend this one enough!!
  • the Afanc
    The show is stunning, the sheer amount of characters can be a little overwhelming however the differences invoices make it super easy to follow each group of characters story lines. I cannot wait for more.
  • runeverywhere
    I loved this podcast!!! So engaging
  • wallace hines
    Very cool
    I listened to the first season of this podcast within two days and I must say this was very cool. I love big productions with several characters and this definitely delivered on that. The mystery as to what the shards are and what the tall ones are are very intriguing and I look forward to listening to more. All in all very cool.
  • Wootsy1
    Where do I begin...
    As much as I tried to give this podcast a real try, I couldn’t get past the 5th episode. So predictable and formulaic... I anticipated a few of the plot lines and dialogue from first mention. The over acting... Some of the characters... Unnecessary scenes... Similar storylines have been done much better.
  • lofidelityrockr
    Binge-listened to it over 3 days. I especially like any of the podcasts using top-notch voice actors from my other favorite podcasts. It’s like I hear those unmistakable voices and know it will be a quality listen.
  • LST Designs
    Engaging, interesting, & Immersive
    This was awesome. Great podcast for those who love fiction. I listen while I work and this is a great podcast to keep me engaged and entertained.
  • Madden7-8
    Good stuff!
    Just finished all three seasons; great start to finish! Can’t wait for the next one.
  • Dirtyminotaur
    Season 3! I can’t wait for more. This is well done and you just can’t stop listening. Found myself driving slower or taking longer routes just to keep listening in my vehicle. It’s like crack for your ears.
  • Bachpants
  • Cassiecorrelle
    Absolutely addicting!
    I had just finished The White Vault and was looking for something new and exciting. I finished this entire podcast (yes, all 3 seasons) in one day. I couldn’t stop listening! Amazing sound design, great actors and a very engaging storyline. Can’t wait for the next season!
  • Emilsal
    Loving this!
    Just finished Season 3 and can’t wait for Season 4! Keep up the good work!
  • Aron Moshe
    Extremely well done
    Love this podcast. Extremely well produced story with great voice acting. Strongly recommend.
  • pw122456
    Absolutely brilliant
  • moppet_mi
    Well-executed ensemble cast sci-fi drama, with terrific sound production. Suspenseful and engaging, I cared about most of the characters. Great to hear a few favorite voice actors, too. It wasn’t completely clear if it’s over at three seasons (think they referenced ‘season’ ending rather than ‘series’ ending), but the conclusion was rather abrupt. That would be my one (minor) complaint.
  • Hughjasole
    This was such a great listen. Wish there was more
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