SFF Yeah!


SFF Yeah! is a biweekly show dedicated to the latest happenings and our favorite recommendations from the worlds of science fiction and fantasy.

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  • šŸ˜øšŸŒŗšŸÆšŸŒøšŸ·šŸŒ»
    Maybe more for TV/movie fans
    Since itā€™s a Book Riot podcast I really wanted it to talk about sci fi fantasy books. I ended up being really annoyed with the hostsā€™ reviews mainly consisting of basically hey, Iā€™ve heard of this book but didnā€™t actually read it ha ha not really into reading right now. Okayā€¦.
  • 847buckykatt
    Great Content for the Genre's I'm most interested in
    Just started listening, and I profess to skipping over conversation that isn't about the books sometimes. But the book discussion/ reviews are wonderful depcitions of the narrative and details about how the book reads that is compelling. I think the content warnings are great because it prepares people for what elements of the books that may be hard, or even if its just something they have to not buy because they can't handle those elements. I'd much rather get that piece from the reviewer than for an author to have to "smooth the edges" of their work to gain acceptance for their piece.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    The hosts of the SFF Yeah! podcast highlight all aspects of science fiction, fantasy and more in this canā€™t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Sydyrae
    Sprouted love of SFF!
    I have always enjoyed YA and middle grade Fantasy books. I didnā€™t realize how much I also loved adult options. This podcast has really illuminated all the wondrous places you can go through SFF! Sharifa and Jenn are the best hosts!
  • Maze face
    Iā€™ve found some good reads through SSF
    Itā€™s affirming to listen to people who geek out about SF&F books, movies and tv shows as much as I do. Thanks to SSF Yeah, I have found some enjoyable reads such as the Murderbot series, River of Teeth and We Could Be Heroes. Thanks to the hosts, I can moved up books on my TBR shelf by certain authors like N.K. Jeminsin. I love their enthusiasm and when listening, I find myself adding books they talk about to my list.
  • FrasierRules
    Problematic, but....
    I have the same literary taste and politics as the two main hosts, and I have enjoyed many of the books that theyā€™ve reviewed and recommended. However, even I canā€™t stand their oft-hypocritical, echo-chamber preaching. People like this fuel Trump-ism whether they know it or not. Still, I havenā€™t found another podcast that does as good a job of reviewing (without spoiling) science fiction novels as this one. If you can deal with their well-intentioned political preaching, it is great for the book reviews. Again, I am a liberal/progressive and agree with most of their politics, and even I have a hard time tolerating their preaching. Youā€™ve been warned!
  • Mamacita329
    Donā€™t miss an episode
    I love every episode! Even when the main topic isnā€™t my jam, I love listening to the news discussions. I nearly always end up with books added to my tbr. I started listening because I enjoy Jennā€™s recs on Get Booked. Sheā€™s enough to listen on her own, but Sharifa is wonderful, too and they often have very different books to talk about.
  • RTurner86
    My absolute favorite podcast!
    SF/F is my jammiest jam, and I have added SO MANY books to my tbr list from this show! I canā€™t even pick a favorite episode. I love them all. Jenn and Sharifa have the best dialogue. I really love hearing their commentary in the news section and fangirling right along with them!
  • Hacrel
    Kindred spirits!
    The only downside to this podcast is wishing I could participate in the conversation! So great to listen to two awesome ladies discussing books I love as well as books I now want to read and love!
  • VanessaKM
    Always worthwhile
    A nice, well-paced blend of sff news and book recommendations. Although over time Iā€™ve heard some recommendations repeated, thatā€™s not a bad thing because theyā€™ve made my TBR ginormous. The only note Iā€™d give is research names if you arenā€™t sure if the pronunciation. (Neil ā€œDegrassiā€ Tyson? Come now.)
  • theoriginalvix
    Fantastic show for SFF fans!
    I literally just discovered this podcast and it is WONDERFUL. I have so much fun listening and it is full of recommendations whether you are familiar with the genres or a beginner. Iā€™m addicted. Sharifah and Jenn are both amazing and I love hearing them talk, they make me laugh and always have great thoughts and recommendations. If you are an SFF fan already or interested in reading more, do yourself a favor and listen to this!
  • Dbld123
    Great show for SFF nerds like me!
    I love this show. Iā€™m always getting great recommendations for new books to check out. HOWEVER! Every time I listen to this show, My TBR list grows šŸ˜‚ I feel like Iā€™ll never get through everything!
  • Shlebs10
    Wonderful and fun
    I love this. It's so hard to find recommendations for quality Scifi and fantasy books. This show hits the mark perfectly. I also like the news they do before the recommendations as well.
  • lbryson88
    Favorite podcasts!
    I love this podcast. I am always excited when I get a new episode. I wish it was a weekly podcast (can this happen please???). Thanks for great fantasy/sci-fi news and great book recommendations!!!!
  • desertrose0601
    I listened to a couple episodes but couldn't take it anymore. All these Book Riot podcasts seem very "inside baseball" in that if you're not in the publishing world you've likely never heard of half the stuff they're talking about and they don't bother to explain it, which ends up just making you feel like you're excluded from the discussion that the cool kids are having. Just... no... Also this podcast makes the cardinal sin of giving away way too much plot detail. I love recommendations, but don't give me a five minute plot retelling. That's highly inappropriate and makes me wonder if they even realize their target audience is (or at least should be) readers... a demographic that really doesn't appreciate spoiling the plots of books. Like if you don't even understand that basic thing about readers, what are you even doing on a book podcast?
  • BowieIsKing
    I love this podcast so much I just finished binging all the episodes and added soooo many books to my TBR. Keep up the great work!
  • Heretherebedragons92
    This is great! Highly recommend.
    So glad I subscribed to this podcast. The hosts are fun to listen to, and I have so many more books I want to read now. Definitely check this out if you like sci-fi or fantasy.
  • mugsymae
    Great podcast!
    I love that Book Riot is always adding to what they are offering to the online Book Community. This is a great addition to their podcast line-up! I love the light, fun banter between the two podcasters while at the same time giving great sci fi/ fantasy recommendations. Content is very relevant and Sharifah and Jenn are very professional and knowledgeable when speaking about various topics surrounding the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. I always look forward to when a new episode is released. Keep up the good work!
  • Yarn and Cats
    These women are basically me, so I love this. If you love fantasy / SFF it is great!
  • This podcast makes me happy :)
    Woo hoo!
    Great new pod cast for book nerds! I love fantasy books and have been trying to read more sci-fi so I think this podcast will help me learn about great new books!
  • Carol_791
    Oh Yeah Too!!! Excellent!
    My favorite genres are mystery/thrillers and Sci-fi so this podcast is right up my alley. I like how they discuss book-related news but also the new releases for this genre. I enjoy it and highly recommend it to all readers.
  • Kestrel_Reads
    Let's Talk - SFF Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
    Book Riot, you are taking over my podcasting life...and I am loving it. SFF news and recs? More please!
  • burningcoin
    Yay for Genre Podcasts
    I'm just getting back into the world of science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction, and SFF Yeah! comes at a perfect time. I'm a big fan of Jenn after having listened to her on All the Books for some time, and Sharifah is also hilarious. I can't wait to see where this podcast goes and have already added several new books to my TBR thanks to SFF Yeah!
  • pacifikix
    With SFFYeah, BookRiot nails it again
    Off to a great start and thrilled to see BookRiot expanding their repertoire to include a weekly SFF podcast! Will revise this review once there are a few more episodes posted, but already loving the humor, enthusiasm, and extensive genre knowledge Jenn and Sharifah bring to this show.
  • Becky LeJ
    SFF recs and news!
    If you're an SFF fan, this is a great place to get genre book news, recommendations, and new releases. It's fantastic!
  • Yiqian
    Love it so far!
    I'm a recent convert to the sci-fi/fantasy genre, so I'm really appreciating Sharifah and Jenn's knowledge on the subject. Yeah, they're a little goofy and giggly, but that's part of their charm. I've already gotten some great book recommendations from them and I'm looking forward to many more.
  • Bananaroo
    S F Yeah!
    Already loving the deep nerd talk going on here. Already adding so much to my TBR list. Thanks for another amazing podcast, BookRiot!!
  • stenellalong
    Glad I found out about this podcast! The first episode was good and get some good recommendations. Loved the banter between the hosts.
  • Puredragonstar
    So happy
    Loving this podcast from book-riot! Highly suggest!!!
  • Bathe great
    O Yeah
    Loved the new podcast enjoyed it. Bookriot has the best podcast šŸ‘šŸ»
  • intparent
    Needs Work
    Okay... I don't want to be terrible. But this podcast needs a lot of work. They need to prep more -- way too rambling, too much plot detail, too many times they sound like they are losing track of the point they are making. Lots of "um" and fillers while they fumble for the point. And really -- they don't know what CBS is? I was embarrassed for them -- and it easily could have been Googled ahead of time if necessary. I am looking for good SFF recommendations, so will keep listening for a while to see if it gets better. But more prep, some re-recording if they stumble around, and a better editor are sorely needed.
  • Jemapellejennie
    So excited about this!
    Listed to the first episode and it sounds like the hosts have been doing this podcast together for years. Excited to see where they take this!
  • mdonahu
    About Time....
    SF...love love love. Podcast is great.
  • Kaishalovesbooks
    I'm so excited for this podcast, deeply well read nerds recommending me amazing SFF (and they know their SFF)!
  • Casey1010
    Love this!!!
    So excited to stumble on this new podcast this morning. Looking forward to all the great recommendations!! Thank you for adding this BookRiot!
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