The Bobby Bones Show

Comedy #54

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  • K.Hoodie
    Listen everyday!
    Started listening when Bobby was on DWTS! Then had to start listening from the earliest possible episode available. It’s my daily routine that I can’t live without
  • Chicken taste rlly good man
    Lunchbox is halarious he’s right bringing a nacho machine to the theater what that’s just him spending money
  • g nhds
    Best show!!!
    I listen to this EVERY DAY! Can’t get enough, seriously. I saw negative reviews and just had to write a positive one because if you are loyal to this show… you know it makes your day EVERY DAY!
  • Wooly2K
    Love Love Love
    My favorite show out of all the shows. I’ve listened daily for years.
  • Shawn Kemp Jr
    Garbage boring self indulgent
    This show is bad
  • News_Critic
    Arguing way too much
    All y'all do is argue back & forth. Seems like the format has changed A LOT since I started listening to the show a few years ago. One segment goes on & on & on for way too long. Honestly, I just don't enjoy the show as much as I used to. I also don't like the movies guessing game stuff y'all do, too. Bobby, you always bully lunchbox & it's just not nice. Hope y'all revert back to how the show used to be. Thanks.
  • hbjnjml,l,
    Love It!
    Hi, I have a question did you ever end up going to court for your fridge? Love the show! -Your Listener
  • bl ack monk ey
    Great show
    Listen to it every day
  • WMM10202
    Bruh u let lunch off the hook too much and Amy totally made lunchbox win connect 4
  • Peckbecky
    I love this show!!!
    Lunchbox you are a truth Sayer when asked how you felt about Abby singing you spoke the truth it’s just not for you. It doesn’t mean it’s bad, but I don’t think you know how to communicate it this way, but I understand you lunchbox it’s a pass on not being kind, but when you know you don’t have a kind personality, you could work on it that’s on you dude P.S. And if you wanted to place it in a selfish column, personal gain outcomes will always be better when you are kind
  • Happy@111
    Y’all have been hilarious lately ~ like always!! Love you all especially the bits with Lunchbox. Thank you for all the goodness you share with so many folks in need.
  • UnknownDudeMakingReviews
    I listen every day and I live for you guys!
  • Itsmee33
    I finally found the PERFECT PODCAST!
    Everything & MORE I have been looking for in this pod. THANKING GOD & the team @Bobbybobes for making this! Esp the early bird recordings so I can listen day of, instead of the next day. Y’all are AWESOME!!!Thank you for being so funny, smart,& cool!!!
  • Jsarlo
    Weird diaper ad
    Dude enough with lunchboxes weird diaper ad
  • -/;unknown
    Love the show!!
    Love the show! You guys are amazing! I love waking up and seeing what you guys have to say in the mornings! I love the BBS!!
  • lunchbox fan
    1⭐️!!!!!!Dj Bobby jones told amy not to have a baby!.!
    It’s coming up on the one year anniversary since Amy said she wanted to have a baby. Dj Bobby jones responded by saying it would be easier for him and the show if she didn’t have a baby right now,….Dj Bobby jones should be canceled for that. The show was on jan 11 2022. He should be canceled. How is it that mike and Eddie can’t get a blue check mark because you said they weren’t famous enough or in the news enough. You got Caitlin a blue check mark before yal were even married….,.,Good god. Now dj Bobby jones is saying Netflix wants to make a documentary about Caitlin being stalke!!!Most likely he did not get approached about documentary… He just needs click bait. He lies and exaggerates everything and never has any proof of what he says. This dudes ego needs to be checked. He thinks everything is about him. He convinced himself that the ncaa was personally against him just because duke beat Arkansas. Lunchbox is the best person in the show. …He gets no love. He gets hate for his opinion. ,!!..!!!But Bobby can act like a therapist? Amy and Eddie are yes men. Ray is a scam artist who only tries to make his wife famous. Ray even messaged trying to get me to use his code for something so he can make money. How does I heart radio let that happen?!?! Morgan 2 is a proud drunk who tries to increase her brand. She’s very fake. She smiles so hard that you can’t understand what she’s saying. She knows she’s technically not on camera all the time. She’s so fake. Absolutely horrible show and needs to be canceled. As well as Bobby….. Amy and dj Bobby jones. You’re not therapists. Quit acting like it. Yal are sending a wrong message. ..Wow…..Bobby told Amy not to have another baby because it would be easier for him. Wow On the podcast the date of 1/11/21 If that doesn’t get him canceled I don’t know what will. Wow wow! …You have got to get over your ego. You’re no one. You’re wife fame chaser! Caller: yes I just want to give a shout out to the employees at Chick-fil-A for helping me with my flat tire. Bobby: that’s cool….. That reminds me Caitlin went on a walk yesterday and saw a bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. Ego maniac!!!!!!!!…..
  • K 2 J
    Please stop
    Please stop the bit Bobby sings it wrong it’s horrible.
  • starlord7294
    ❤️❤️ Long time listener
    Love the show! My only question is why is it that Lunchbox is constantly let off from punishment or given extensions….but if anyone else so much as makes a peep, they get a yellow card or have to redo a punishment??! 🙄 VERY annoying!
  • oconnorjess0
    Stop worrying about spoiling shows
    It’s annoying how concerned you are about spoiling shows. I’d rather you guys fully talk about shows/movies with spoilers (giving a heads up about spoilers) than hear you fight about if someone spoiled a show.
  • Krf67
    Fun show but…
    I enjoy the show but am constantly amazed at how dumb they all are, don’t know how a 401k works, Amy claims to be a Christian but thinks her parents are reincarnated as birds, lunchbox is just stupid. I wonder who dresses them all on most mornings because I don’t think they would understand how pants work
  • Ntownson
    The only show you need to listen to
    This is hands down the best morning show. Wholesome, family content but also real life. Love waking up and listening to the BBS!
  • 🥸🥸🥸🥸🙂🥸
    The shell would be a lot better without lunchbox. He is really greedy and gets a good pay. He is just a giant cheapskate.
  • Ash Proc
    Way too many ads! Still love the show!
  • LEJ9009
    Ditch the clutter
    Podcast feed is too cluttered with other shows and crap besides just the BBS podcast… annoying
  • CaitFowler
    I accidentally gave a 1 star when I was trying to give 5 so hopefully I’m evening it out with this 5 star rate and review🥲so sorry. Love the show! Amy is the best!
  • Bob????.
    Love the show but…
    I love this podcast, but Lunchbox needs to grow up.
  • From day one.
    Mike is fake.
    Listen. You try to be “Mexican” and only use dialect when it’s convenient. You can’t pronounce Hispanic names at your choosing. Pronounce them all either with the dialect or don’t. You can’t have it both ways. You have a “no spoiler” podcast yet spoil movies in your review. You love fans coming up to you. You don’t you are bothered and agitated. Many examples. You play the poor sorry me poor Mexican. Bro you are making money doing the same think you accuse everyone else that “excluded” your people from. Like choose be real. You have taken on Bobby’s personality “ oh poor me I hate rich people” like you guys are making money. Don’t get me started on him. I have an extensive memory and been listening from day one. So I know every thing he has said of country musicians that he is friends with now. Still playing the “I’m poor crap” acting like kids that had successful parents are entitled. His kids will be “way” entitled. Mike your comedy “fame” comes from the show. Not you grinding like every other comedian that you put down because they make jokes you wouldn’t make. Not everyone is you. Not everyone wants the same “joke”. All these comedians that you are trying to trash will work you over. Don’t forget where you came from. Bobby will be gone soon he is multi millionaire. You will not be able to to ride his coat tails. Just don’t be fake.
  • Emilyyyyyyyyyyysfgiants
    Not the Same
    It’s getting harder and harder to listen with Bobby’s narcissism. Amy is always talked over and belittled. Bobby can never be wrong and no one is allowed to disagree with him. He claims to be a feminist but is the complete opposite. It’s just unbearable, sadly
  • .:°Anonymous°:.
    I Love This Show
    This is the best podcast I feel I have ever listened to. I don’t exactly remember how I got turned onto it, but I really am glad I did. My past teacher also really loves this show and we totally geeked out over it together. Thanks for doing this!
  • Nickfinnnnnn
    Love the show!
    Please stop including episodes from other shows! I only want to see BBS!
  • Lyn/Tulsa
    M2 LOVE your best bit podcast!!!
    Why are all these other podcasts on here? Only want to hear Regular podcasts, not the other
  • Ooga booga 1
    Love the show
    Every time I get in the car to go to work you guys are on and it just makes my day keep up the good work
  • NoDaks Finest
    Love it
  • abhenry727
    Long time listener!
    I’ve been listening to the Bobby bones show since around 2008-2009 (my junior year in highschool) and I absolutely love it! I hate radio shows but I’ve been hooked on Bobby bones for 14-15 ish years now!
  • Perea25
    Less Lunchbox
    I used to love this show and listen to every episode, but now it’s just annoying. It’s becoming a “boys club” with Bobby, Eddie, and lunchbox. Amy gets talked over in almost every segment, Abby gets belittled by lunchbox all the time and no one does anything to stop him (instead they laugh as if tearing someone down is funny), and Morgan is obviously over the crap, but again, all the boys seem to be on lunch’s side and it’s pretty sad to listen to. Bobby says he’s a feminist but you’d never know by listening to the show. Be a better leader and quit letting people get bullied on your show, Bobby. I’m super disappointed and wish the show would go back to what it was a few years ago.
  • sheek-ies
    Love the show but…
    Too many spam shows coming up. I subscribe to the Bobby Bones Show, not 5 other random podcasts. I’m so close to giving up the show because it’s so hard to keep up with the actual show. If I miss two days of shows, I have to go in and delete 2-6 other shows to find the BBS podcast for the day.
  • ↙️↙️↙️ 👍
    Too many shows
    Can we stop all the random shows being added onto this podcast, it’s annoying with all the extra stuff. Keep it to the show and post show. Go ahead and put the post show back as part of the radio show podcast. And eliminate the earlybird. Love the show though.
  • Kokokokokoko23433
    Such a good show
    It’s very funny. It wakes me up in the morning.
  • Pennylove77
    Love the BBS
    Not loving all the non-BBS episodes that come through from following the show. I had to unfollow but will still listen :)
  • anfjjrnrkfmfkrjt
    long time listener
    however, getting tired of listening to amy getting talked over, a lot of times she cannot even finish her story or pile. it’s rather annoying.
  • Bobby 2593
    Great show! Needs a new editor!
    Please put the post show pre show back with the show!
  • Samltur
    Best Easy Listening Podcast Ever
    My favorite podcast. Long time loyal listener. Love the entire show and members!!
  • Bayleess
    Bobby bones show
    It’s so good I listen to it every morning love it🫶🏼🫶🏼😁
  • sandi jensen
    No to 25 whistles
    I enjoy the BBS but did not ask to follow 25 Whistles - so I unfollowed BBS a while back, now finding I don’t miss BBS as much I thought. It used to be I wanted to listen to all of it, now I use it to help me fall asleep. Bobby, stop talking about your b-hole, you sound like an 80 year old. Eddie brings the most to the show, thankful for him, his love for his family, his humor and his character.
  • Ljohtty
    I Think I’m Done
    I have listened and loved this show for years. Over the last several months I’ve enjoyed it less and less, primarily because of one person. Lunchbox is either a ridiculous bit or a disgusting human being. Sad.
  • Barnest!13
    10/10 radio hosts
    Been following for years. I will be sad for the day this is no longer available because it’s my everyday podcast I have to listen too.
  • Tonib517
    Favorite podcast!
    I love this show! But I have to say after today’s podcast I really really dislike Lunchbox. Hopefully it’s a bit. I wish Amy wouldn’t try to appease Lunchbox. Still love the show and podcast
  • MCJ805
    Not the Same
    I have listened to the show since 2012. I used to love the show because it felt like the cast were friends. In the last 18 months, the show's quality has decreased. The cast is not as open about their personal life. There are too many commercials 15-20 minutes of the podcast are commercials. About 2-3 times a week, half of the shows are boring interviews. The games and fun segments are few in between. It feels like the radio show is no longer Bobby’s priority. One of the cast members is horrible, Lunchbox. He treats Abby and Morgan horribly. Lunchbox also represents the show and IHeart in a bad light now he treats artists and comprises himself in work event. Shocked he has not gotten in trouble with HR. I need to find a new show to listen to.
  • kathrynjdoll
    I love this show but whoever is editing it need to work on it a bit more
  • Anbsmum
    Love it
    Love the BBS
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