Rich and Daily

by Wondery

We’re obsessed with the daily gossip about the famous and the infamous. From the Kardashians and Kelly Clarkson to Harry Styles and the Housewives, RICH AND DAILY is your dose of the hottest and latest celebrity news. Brooke Siffrinn and Aricia Skidmore-Williams, hosts of the hit series Even the Rich, spill the tea, dish the dirt, and tell you exactly what they think. New episodes drop every Monday through Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Smithnew
    We miss your daily banter and jokes!!!!
    Please come back!!!
  • beazy87
    Summer vaca?!
    I am so stoked for your summer off, but I’m going to severely miss your show and you guys, like who am I going to laugh with for 10ish min a day?! HAGS! (Like yearbook hags…)💕
  • Breads.Baby88
    Thanks for the love!!! From DMV
    I love the show and I love y’all! Thanks for the shout out DMV Calvert County Maryland over here! Bowie bay Sox tickets were the reason to read books!!!
  • Poleymak
    Love It
    Love your podcast, but Eric Stonestreet was right. When you have a guest on your show, you should at least do some basic research on why he is coming on or what he is promoting. It was lazy of her to assume he was promoting Modern Family, which ended years ago. At the minimum, she should have asked him what’ll he wanted to talk about before he came on the air.
  • JimmyPardo
    Ridiculous conversation
    These 2 are complaining about people talking about Kylie’s LOOKS- when she has made her millions and spent her millions on her LOOKS! Give me a break!
  • ColeBritney
    So funny
    Love the banter between you two. Thanks for keeping it light and fun!
  • Donner T
    Great Podcast
    Love this podcast. So glad I found this so entertaining!!!!
  • Shakalaka1
    I’m out
    I don’t know if this week is indicative of where the show is heading, but after todays reaming of Jerry Seinfeld I’m unimpressed. Not to mention, you are wrong about Julia Louis Dreyfus-she did NOT say basically the same thing you did. And Brooke-referencing the episode where you blatantly trashed a college education? You’re the one who isn’t funny.
  • DeMiller76
    Thank you!
    I too am diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & many of the co-morbid chronic diseases that Halsey lives with. Thank you for shining a light on all of us living with chronic health conditions.. I love your Podcast & it means so much for those living with “invisible illness” to be seen!! (Especially with May being EDS awareness month)Thank you!! 🦓
  • PHGatUNT
    Judgmental & That Laugh!
    I can’t listen anymore. The more notoriety they get, the more judgmental they are…and if I hear Arisha’s obnoxious laugh one more time I might poke out an eye! I had to turn it off mid-episode. They used to be humorous and entertaining. Too bad they don’t believe what listeners with constructive feedback offer.
  • Ktwater
    Daily dose!
    I look forward to this 10-15 minute real talk sesh! The ladies are respectful while bringing us all the hot goss!!
  • 5K10Krunner
    Nothing personal, but I need to phase out this part of my life that follows celebrities and their shenanigans. The TikTok Block Party inspired me and the Met Gala was definitely the impetus to move in a different direction. There is too much travesty and Genocide in the world to include vapid celebrities in my daily routines. Byeeee👋🏽
  • Bbtemp
    Maybe it’s Wondery
    I used to enjoy this podcast more. The banter is fun between the hosts but lately the commentary is nastier and nastier. It is heading toward the nastiness the hosts from Scamfluencers have. That leads me to wonder if it is the writers at wondery that are the nasty ones or maybe the hosts are rubbing off on each other? Just a thought. I am hoping I don’t have to unfollow this podcast also.
  • GarbageKristen
    Pop culture… enthusiasts?
    I am truly starting to question why I listen to this podcast and why the hosts have this platform. They seem to despise pop culture and are constantly complaining about anyone who cares about it
  • 🦊 Broxy
    The nastiest and most disrespectful I have heard these two hosts be. Really made think differently of these two. Also whole podcast show was nothing but spreading negativity, tearing down someone’s creativity and profession. Just disgusting. Very disappointing. Loved both documentary and movie musical.
  • ARMV4
    Love these ladies
    Some of the wittiest quirky podcasts that does reality very differently.Quick episodes are short, informative and delves deeply into your most favorite celebrities mishaps. A home run every time and a podcast I never miss.
  • ADAlbers
    They said she had abdominal surgery!!!!!
    So they said what was happening. SHE HAD ABDOMINAL SURGERY! Own the behavior of peddling garbage, and ridiculous and mean gossip. Now you pretend to be graceful with acknowledgment of what she is going through. Totally graceless, ladies!
  • meg066
    Princess Kate diagnosis not appropriately handled
    I’m good with going to this podcast for quick pop culture updates, and I appreciate the hosts’ banter and close bond. BUT regarding the episode aired today (3/22) about Princess Kate’s cancer diagnosis: not impressed. You guys sounded uncomfortable and guilty for spreading gossip about something that turned out to be potentially life threatening for this poor woman, understandably so. While Brook was leaning toward an apology, Aricia kept making excuses and moving away from taking any responsibility for participating in creating a flippant narrative about something that turned out to be very serious. A quick “while discussing gossip and pop culture is our job, we are sorry for our involvement in flippant conversation in regard to the Princess, and we wish her family well” would have been nice.
  • Tammy1014
    Report the facts only and be sympathetic
    Listening to your podcast regarding Princess Catherine and her cancer diagnosis. Don’t blame Kensington Palace for the delivery. They were entitled to their privacy. Be grateful for finally knowing what is going on with Catherine so we can pray for her and her family. Wish you would be more professional in your presentation/reporting.
  • warwargnar
    I’ve been a listener for over a year…. But something lately has been off. Judgmental, uninformed, awkwardly trying to direct everything back to themselves, and why they’re the most important…. I’m good.
    Hahahaga that just made you girls my favorites 🩷😂😆
  • Ajashby
    Used to love this
    I used to always download this podcast immediately when it came out but what is with the constant mentions of a certain other podcast constantly. It’s been mentioned in almost every episode this past week. I’m going to give this one more episode and then I’m afraid I’m going to have to give up on it
  • funkngroove
    Crass. Tacky. Not funny.
    Glad that the hosts amuse each other because I am not entertained.
  • JuliaBonLog
    Thank you!
    Here’s the thing, I don’t care about celebrities, never have, I don’t know who half the people are they talk about. However I love listening to them! Their voices and banter make me feel warm and at home! This is the one podcast I always go to when I need some light in my life. Thank you girls for bringing some joy and laughs!
  • GIRLL 29343
    I’ve been waiting
    I’ve been waiting to leave a review bc I keep thinking things will turn around. But it seems like they will side with whatever seems to be cool at the time- so if everyone thinks that Brittany is doing great, so do they. If everyone is in love with Meghan Markle, so are they. I wish there was a little more awareness on both sides because they are so ride or die for certain celebrities, and then trash talk so much. I actually do like the podcast so I hate to be this harsh but sometimes I’m listening and it’s really hard to keep going on.
  • Grace from Columbia, MO
    Celebrity gossip with kindness
    So appreciate the respect and empathy Aricia and Brooke bring to these conversations. This is my go-to place for the latest hot goss!
  • horseygirl2222
    Please no more “LIKE”
    I really enjoy listening to you both - you are fun and funny hosts. But as professional Podcasters, I would think you would have more professional delivery. I personally would really appreciate it if you stopped using the word “LIKE” every other word. It has become the “UM” of the current generation. A professional should be able to deliver their comments without having to depend on those thought placeholders Please please take a constructive listen to your Thanksgiving podcast. It was especially heavily punctuated with like every other word. It would be so much easier to listen to you without that word. Thanks for listening to my thoughts.
  • tiffertoo1015
    When did they get so judgmental?
    I feel like in these conversations, the hosts lack some self awareness and miss the complexity and nuance of these topics about very real people. Arisha can come across as a downright bully at times. I get it’s celebrity gossip… but they handle the conversations with the delicacy of a bull. I love their Even the Rich podcast but this… this ain’t it.
  • Smijaga
    The Best
    Been listening since Day 1. I am not the one to dig deep into the celebrity tea but I still want the highlights and this delivers. I look forward to listening everyday and just makes me happy.
  • Brie2800
    Love it
    I enjoy y’all’s laughs!! Brings me joy! ❤️
  • MinnesotanPodcaster
    Used to Love This
    For the love of God, please stop talking about your obsession with Chris Evans. And lessen the giggly banter. It feels like you two constantly are swimming in an inside joke and it wastes so much of our time.
  • KatinBahrain
    Scooter Braun & HYBE
    I mostly love this show but on this particular episode I was taken aback. For a podcast on pop culture, it was clear that Brooke and Alisha have no idea what HYBE is or what they actually do. HYBE is the partner company with Big Hit Entertainment who represents BTS. HYBE has its original branch in Korea, plus HYBE Japan and HYBE America. So no, Scooter is not going to do stand-up for “HYBE Comedy show” (listen to the episode for context).
  • ttgtssyyÿtytyyyy
  • 2PsInAPodcast
    “I feel like they don’t want people to come” 🤦‍♀️😬
    I’ve always like your banter but oh wow, you were so opposite of helpful regarding the Maui situation. Yes colonialism and it’s long term effects are real in Hawaii but the locals literally depend on the tourism industry for their livelihoods! You misunderstood the situation. They are asking people not to come right NOW because they need all of their emergency/city resources to deal with the injured/displaced residents and recovery efforts but they 100% need people to come back and spend money on the island so that they can keep the economy going, prevent a recession, and provide for themselves and their communities as they rebuild. Please correct this 😰
  • DarciRose
    A nice short, guilty pleasure…
    I really like this podcast and even wish it were a little bit longer on some days. The one thing that I really don’t like and is how they constantly bag on TMZ about their ethics and how they get their information (usually little side comments)… But then they cite t”TMZ as a source for information they use on this podcast (“according to TMZ….”). It seems to me that they should be happy that TMZ is out there doing the work for them and it just seems really petty to make unnecessary side comments…..
  • BReneeL
    So disappointed
    1st of all, I love the show. I love brooke and Arisha’s chemistry and friendship. I don’t always have the same opinions but that’s ok. They’re mostly respectful. And their humor is on point with my own. I can’t delay this review any longer though. They seriously upset me on almost every Britney Spears episode. It’s grossly irresponsible to put any blame on Jamie Lynn. She was a child when Britney was in her conservatorship. Even if she wasn’t, she is just another Child to her parents who are the ones responsible. It’s ridiculous for people to expect the sibling to rescue their sibling from their PARENTS no less. Absolutely ridiculous. It’s not black and white and the absolute trash talk about Jaime Lynn I just can’t get behind. Along with this, I never forgot the episode where these two trash talked Britney’s sons for not wanting to see her. REALLY?? they’re KIDS!! Leave them out of it. You have no clue just like the rest of the world. What happened to 3 sides of every story? It really is the only topic that is ever covered where I just loose so much respect for these women. No kids should ever get this kind of backlash when dealing with adult issues. As for Britneys mother and father. Go ahead and place blame where it’s due. I gave 2 stars because I really do love the rest of the show. I struggle with continuing to listen.
  • Long Guyland
    $10 for every “ya”
    I used to like this more…just too much giggling and ya, ya, ya, ya…
  • yourfavoriterichie
    Changing my review
    I used to really like this podcast, honestly. However, at this point this podcast is less tea and more “I think this, I hate this, This is bad” and being judgmental of people with you don't even know. Just obnoxious at this point. Also, stop just saying “I don't like her viiiiibe” you both sound so whiney. You say ‘like’ soo often.
  • Raachdee
    Listen as I cook every night
    I’ve listened to this nightly for years. I love the one, quick focus of the podcasts. I love the hosts’ relationships, you always make me laugh!
  • jhmason1015
    Daily Listener!
    I listen every night while I clean up! You guys always make me laugh. Would love to hear more banter and commentary! Thanks for being a part of my day!
  • WYO_jenn
    Walk funny
    I listen to you when I walk. You guys make me laugh so much my neighbors must think I walk funny.
  • Jzimm12
    Not anymore
    I initially thought I liked this show. But it’s incredibly biased and hypocritical. They talk about being accepting- yet complete bash anyone who doesn’t hold their beliefs.
  • Leah McComb
    Thank you for the laughs!
    This is a great podcast. The content is solid, they have a wonderful friendship, and they are consistently funny. It’s def worth a follow and listen.
  • liz R Mr
    Sipping the tea gleefully… but…
    This podcast has recently really stepped up and is more than just gossip. It takes that juicy goss and gives the background and history so that we get a more complete story with lots of insight. I’m really appreciating that there’s an intelligence and thoughtfulness to the content too. I feel like I can skip going onto social media to find out the celeb gossip. Love it. I’m editing my previous review: I’m a regular listener and typically love the episodes but what is with this new guy guest host?! (Liam?) He’s actually annoying to listen to and is not funny. I can’t even get through the episodes he’s on. What happened to the female guest hosts? None of them were annoying to listen to and had good chemistry with their co-host. Please drop this new guy guest host. He’s not good. Go back to one of the other guest hosts when you need one.
  • Annabanana2002
    It’s just one of those things where like I want to leave a review but I’m just like not sure what to say.
  • elm 1961
    Kelly & Mark
    I’ve listened to your show since it began. I’m going to unfollow. You both come off as snarky and a bit mean lately. One example is the Kelly & Mark episode. Would you want people to judge your show after 3 days? Then in the episode about Shanna Moekler you actually said if she doesn’t have anything nice to say she should be quiet? Seriously… you don’t have much nice to say in most of your episodes. Having a little light gossip show is one thing. Being mean is another. You two just keep giggling like school girls and keep making a living off talking crap on other people!
  • stop the subscriptions
    So good
    I listen to this while I Breast Feed without the worry of my baby saying curse words
  • AM25*
    Fun sassy entertaining
    Always a great laugh! Light and easy. Super entertaining. Quick daily updates. Love the commentary. Brooke and Aricia are such funny duette!
  • Jon5874
    Subscription required???
    Too bad guess… I won’t be listening anymore
  • wvmex
    The banter between these two is so annoying! They laugh at each others “funny” comments way too much.
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