Triple Click


Video games: They’re serious business! Except when they’re not serious at all. Each week on Triple Click, video game experts Kirk Hamilton, Maddy Myers, and Jason Schreier journey into the fascinating world of games. They’ll explore hot topics in video game news and culture, answer burning listener questions, debate the pros and cons of the biggest new games, and replay old classics together.

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Recent Reviews
  • yeah yeah real mature
    Jason Schreier is a Zionist
    Besides Jason Schreier supporting the genocidal occupation of Palestine, he just doesn’t have a voice for podcasting at all. It’s nasally and high pitched, the vocal embodiment of “Um, actually:” From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. No subscriptions or support to genocide supporters.
  • offat99
    A Nice Parasocial Hang
    Been listening to them for a while. I've tried plenty of other podcasts, but it always feels like coming back home listening to the ol' triple twits. They strike a great balance of conversation and structure, and the podcast is clearly very well produced and edited. I hope it has a decades long run because I know I'd miss it. Keep up the great work!
  • Ggforthepeople
    Is maddy gay?
    The woman’s crazy and gay and not funny. Her laughs poopy and she’s trans
  • Reido50
    Love the Pod!
    Jason, Maddy, and Kirk are all stars of the game industry. Their discussions always feels like it strikes a great balanced between organized and conversational. Also thanks for being so empathetic toward us game developers. Means a lot to have 3 positive voices out there.
  • tozac
    Used to be Decent
    Kirk and Maddy are great, but Jason is painful to listen to. His knack for constantly interrupting, correcting, and arguing is just too much, I cant to listen to this anymore. He’s a negative force in what should be a positive space. Kinda wish Kirk and Maddy would do their own thing
  • MilkSteak88
    Great show that needs tweaking
    I’ve been enjoying the show, but Jason’s often negativity and his ability to speak without breaks for the others to chime in is grating to listen to.
  • Toebang
    Actually the best
    Real video game journalist. Who are really friends. Who are really good podcasters. Who are really my favorite podcast.
  • Robby Ken
    Love you all
    Kirk, if there’s a sidenote, or you want to talk about the name of a piece of music or something just say it and carry on without the bing.
  • frillydilly
    Jason continues to frustrate
    I’ve reviewed the show before, probably a couple years ago at this point, and am disappointed to say things have not changed much (and maybe gotten a little worse). Jason still continues to interrupt, needlessly attempts to correct the other hosts, and doesn’t handle it well when the others disagree with him. The self promotion of his books and journalism doesn’t help either. Frankly, it has started to sound more and more like Kirk in particular, but also Maddy, are getting annoyed with these things as well. I enjoy the show overall, as this is pretty much the only gaming podcast I still listen to and it keeps me up to date with what games are coming out and what’s generally going on in the industry. The hosts are all very smart, and very well spoken. I just wish the dynamic between the 3 was better 🤷🏻
  • CyberneticGorilla
    The good stuff
    Triple hit of great vibes and a fun way to pass the time
  • bert-cam
    Sometimes Decent
    There are good conversations about games that happen on this show, for sure. But man these 3 are rather pretentious a lot of the time. If you listen to this show you are absolutely going to know their opinions on all sorts of things not just video games. That can get old quick
  • Jwalz88
    Used to love it.
    Maddie laughs after literally ever comment and it absolutely drives me nuts. Besides that the starfield hate was disturbing.
  • greg7428953
    No thanks
    Gave it multiple tries, so many better options for gaming related podcasts
  • unknownbeef
    Cancel culture lives on here
    Ugh, it pains me to write this, but the personal politics of Jason/Maddy gets in the way of what would otherwise be great discussion of video games. I’m fairly left-leaning in my politics but Jason:Maddy never pass by an opportunity perform further-left-than-you virtue signaling. As an example, on a recent discussion of “Sea of Stars,” Jason felt obligated to mention that the developer had “quoted Jordan B. Peterson in a previous piece of work” and Maddy gasped in horror. He then told us that maybe it’s ok now because the developer who wrote that bit of dialogue had sincerely apologized for it. Again, I don’t personally align with many of Jordan B Peterson’s views, but the idea that we need to silence him and be aware of the permanent transgressions of those who’ve dared to quote him ever in their past is wild. Props to Kirk for being a normal person.
  • Clobbered in Cappy Town
    This is a great podcast! I don't assume the hosts read reviews, but on the off chance that they do, hello! Can you guys do a Triple-Play on Pâquerette Down The Bunburrows? It's a super cool indie puzzle game that I think you three would enjoy. Thanks again, Spades
  • Braeden, Host
    Great insights; challenging hosts
    I think it’s a pretty special thing to hear three journalists’ takes on games. The ideas for episodes are inventive and the discourse is insightful. I do think, however that it’s tough to enjoy a podcast where I don’t feel like the hosts get along very well. Kirk is pretty harsh with Jason in a way that at first seemed brotherly but has come to feel more spiteful. He seems like he has a tough time sitting with disagreement without needing to reiterate his point until it is the last word. I watched a live stream of theirs and the first five minutes were so marred by discord (lowercase d) that I had to bail. Maddy’s great, but her interjections of humor often grind the dialogue to a halt. Not that she isn’t funny, but you have to pick your moments or it can become cloying. The moments when she stops joking around and shares her perspective are among the show’s finest; she’s clearly an adept thinker and journalist and I love hearing her thoughts. “One more thing” is strangely the best part of the show, possibly because the hosts are sort of partitioned off and get to offer their perspectives without having to interact much.
  • Flamingo Sam
    This is the first video game podcast I’ve listened to, and it’s great. I know that many people get frustrated about the tangents that the hosts go in but honestly think it’s fairly entertaining. It’s been great to hear a new perspective on video games, and has helped me expand into new genres.
  • Madckn
    Can't listen to a host anymore
    After Jason's tasteless joke about recent events about people's lives and inability to be self-aware, I can no longer listen to Triple Click with any sense of fun. Thank you for everything, Maddy and Kirk.
  • Hi5DJ
    Listen to Strong Songs!
    Kirs is great but Maddie and Jason have some really annoying takes sometimes. I’ve listened for a while but it became too much and I stopped enjoying. Definitely recommend Kirk’s show Strong Songs though.
  • 668 The Neighbor of The Beast
    No one cares about your politics
    Would be a fine podcast but wokeness is strong with these.
  • Sirocdude
    I have been playing totk since the day it came out
  • Ruralwaves
    These hosts just love to hear themselves talk
    They don’t talk about video games in very relatable ways. I know they are reporters but they don’t need to always talk about that fact and how it relates to them playing games. They often go on tangents that have nothing to do with video games and it always sounds like they just love to hear themselves talk. Too much navel gazing! I do appreciate their stance on J.K. Rowling and don’t mind politics being discussed on this podcast. I’m sorry I’m leaving you a bad review, but the most recent live episode just really pushed me over the edge. Also, Tulin not Talon.
  • Hank trout
    Nice job that’s all I have to say it honestly is amazing nice job
  • LexRexx_094
    A must listen for anyone who loves videogames
    Kirk, Jason, and Maddie bring such great enthusiasm and intellectual conversation about video games and video game-adjacent topics. I look forward every weekend to listening to whatever discussion they have on a given topic. They never fail to make me laugh from their banter on my commute and they give fantastic recommendations for movies, books, TV and of course, video games. Definitely give them a listen, they are one of my all-time favorite podcasts.
  • Txflake
    Can be good but tiring
    The conversations are good and entertaining but all of the woke political opinions become exhausting.
  • Kuja01
    One guy just hates games
    One guy just doesn’t like any of the games you all play. No one listens to podcasts like this for negativity. They want to hear people actually be interested in the games.
  • robotsquidward
    Favorite gaming pod
    I look forward to Triple Click every week, regardless of what new or interesting game/topic they’re covering, because the trio of Kirk, Maddy, and Jason is such a thoughtful and interesting crew to listen to. They break down any topic, no matter how trivial the game or show or news story may seem, with a level of insight that you may not expect from a weekly gaming pod. I love their perspectives on the gaming world and just on pop culture and life in general, it keeps me coming back every watch. A must listen if you’re a gaming fan.
  • WrigleyFieldMarshal
    Not Worthwhile
    Keep the woke crap out of the podcast. Rowling is right, btw.
  • Keenraven
    Illogical Political Critiques
    Let’s start with the good — the three hosts are intelligent, have good chemistry, and are willing to go deeper than most other mainstream outlets. The Hogwarts Legacy episode is emblematic of the political issues which often mar these conversations. Maddie in particular has the strange idea that if an artist doesn’t support the “shipping” of their characters, it’s valid to critique the work for that. She’s levied this charge against both the “Harry Potter” and “Bayonetta” franchises. It’s bizarre to complain that if art / storytelling doesn’t match your personal head cannon, that that is a failure on the part of the artist / work. The fact that “Harry Potter” isn’t about a trans witch using magic to alter their body … isn’t a legitimate critique. The fact that two characters you’d like to be lesbians, aren’t? Not a valid critique. Art doesn’t owe anything to your personal agenda. It’s fine to enjoy things that you align closely with, but to find fault with expressions that don’t perfectly match your own is weird. Artists / storytellers are perfectly within their rights to say “your theory is wrong — the characters I’ve invented aren’t who you say they are.” Art is open to interpretation, but it isn’t a “choose your own adventure”.
  • Singerwantobe
    No reviews of games just political dogma
    Podcaster just doesn’t care about reviewing games. Just the political views of game producers, publishers, writers and anyone they have put on their “naughty list” gets a bad review. Anyone on their “good list” gets a positive review, no matter how enjoyable or terrible the game play. You know the review results before you even hit play based on which list the game is out on by their naughty police.
  • queenelliott
    love the podcast and the fact that the hosts are friends and respect each other, but jason frequently cuts off the other two hosts and doesn't let his points drop. i also listened to early episodes recently and they had made a point to be a podcast about games, not just about the newest games. it’s a little disappointing that they’ve moved away from this in recent months. a lot of episodes have been triple plays of new games or discussions of new games.
  • Braenis
    Best Energy on a Gaming Podcast
    Triple Click is my current favorite podcast, with just a perfect mix of interests and energy between the three hosts. They always have great conversations about games and gaming, and I’ve gotten plenty of other good recommendations from their One More Things to boot. Absolutely best part of every Thursday morning!
    My Go-To Gaming Podcast / Something For Everyone
    I appreciate how the hosts frequently draw on the interplay between the underbelly of the gaming industry and the big news stories, especially anti-consumer stuff. Most other YouTubers / podcasters tend to be too shy or lazy to connect the dots. With that said: these three hosts keep up such a positive, spirited presentation. Having a short(er) running time helps, undoubtedly helping prevent tired conversations and people talking over each other.
  • (Mario500)
    A Review of "Triple Click"
    I had found what I had believed to had been certain parts (or certain voices involving certain groups of words) of what I had believed to had been a certain recording of this "Triple Click" to had been vulgar (or profane), negative, unnecessary, and detrimental.
  • killerwhale1008
    It has good intentions but all of their jokes are not funny and it’s just dry
  • podenthusiast39
    Great insights and warm atmosphere
    Title says it all. This is a great way to spend time every week.
  • blindtaterface
    A podcast worth waiting for
    I love Thursday mornings at work cause I get to listen to this podcast. Great dynamic hosts give you an interesting conversation, great recommendations and thoughtful insights. Also this podcast is free of the anatomical humor that seems to always “creep” into other podcasts, especially when they are about video games. A must listen if you’re into games, want a podcast and like to laugh, cry, live! Jk, just a good podcast.
  • Brennan64228
    Used to love this podcast, but this most recent episode where you begin to spoil the beginning of a game that not out and wasn’t scheduled to be out for almost two more weeks. Not cool to spoil parts of a game not even released yet.
  • Ben from Delmarva
    Great podcast
    The sign of a good podcast is even though I have not played many of the games discussed, I am still entertained and interested in what the three hosts have say. Kirk, Jason and Maddy are knowledgeable, funny and have good chemistry together. I look forward to listening to them each week.
  • paul butt
    Best video game podcast
    Kirk is probably the best podcast host/ produce I have ever listened to, His podcast strong songs is great as well. There is never a boring topic with this podcast and the discussion between the hosts are great as they all of pretty different taste in games. One thing I thought was weird was Jason inserting some of his negative views towards conservatives, which is fine I guess since it’s their podcast, but it’s a video game podcast so it just seems weird to send hate towards 50% of the gaming community… besides that Jason adds some good takes on the content so it’s not a deal breaker for me
  • Dignified Beard
    My favorite weekly pod
    I have been listening to weekly gaming podcasts for ages, and this is definitely the best. Everything about it is just unique from all the other gaming podcasts out there. They just did an episode about a game that came out 8 years ago for no reason! They do a yearly predictions episode that sets up the whole next year for what game the winner is going to make the others play (this years was Suikoden 2 and it was so fun to hear the varied reactions to the game). Jason talks about football with such passion sometimes it makes me (almost) want to watch a football game! Maddie’s love/hate relationship with trashy television is relatable! Kirk didn’t quite make me a music nerd, but his deep dives into music and his editing of the episodes shouldn’t be missed! I love hanging out and listening to these friends chat once a week, and extending that into the welcoming community of friends they have cultivated in their Discord is just such a breath of fresh air in a community (capital G gamers) that frequently feels alienating and impenetrable. Anyways, if you haven’t listened yet, but somehow read all this, then it’s probably time to click the latest episode and give it a listen.
  • Jill Lloyd Flanagan
    Breezy and informative
    This is a really fun and unusually intelligent show about video games. The three hosts have breezy chemistry And know their topic. My one issue is that they spend a lot of time talking about Marvel related TV shows which I have no interest in but it’s a very small quibble.
  • Dragonflysamurai
    Simultaneous exclamation!
    “Barack Obama was president!”
  • Fat4all
    Breezy, informative gaming chat
    Whether you enjoy video gaming or not, each episode proves to be fun and rich with interesting facts and entertainment banter between three friends and experts in the field. It’s clear that each host enjoys discussing the different aspects of the video game industry, and you always finish each episode feeling just a bit more informed.
  • AtillaHoney
    Sealioning older game(s) from a young perspective
    Admittedly, I only listened to one entire episode, because FFVI was my favorite game growing up. Complaints about mechanics being different when it’s a game from another time that is part a greater movement to birth the ideas for the games made today—it just doesn’t make sense. “Why would anyone learn to drive stick shift? It’s just easier to press a gas pedal than fool with a clutch and juggle gear shifting, too.” It’s the same argument as the arguments put forth by these three about shifting gear around, remembering which characters learned which spells, and re-battling bosses for which you were improperly prepared. There are many reasons why there are still people passionate about older mechanics, who wouldn’t label them faulty simply because they require more effort, memory, and temporal coordination. The only salient point I felt was that dealing with open-world status making it difficult for plot-building between specific characters. I hadn’t previously considered this, and it’s an interesting problem that wasn’t handled particularly well. Finally, claiming that Kefka precipitated DC’s The Joker? Wow. I turned it off after that, with around 10 minutes left. Either you have the meaning backwards in your mind or you really didn’t bother researching before sharing your content. It takes so little time to type a question into a search bar to fact-check the dates.
  • Greener41
    The best gaming podcast!
    Kirk, Maddy, and Jason at Triple Click have the perfect combination of preferences and expertise to cover nearly any gaming topic with expert and entertaining analysis. While I selfishly wish for longer episodes the format is great and leaves you waiting for the next one! I never miss an episode and often listen multiple times. Keep up the great work Triple Click crew!
  • ChefJonji
    The best trio
    A weekly must listen. Three great friends just chatting about video games with interesting topics. It will leave you wanting more IMO, which is a point in their favor. Bye.
  • zoomcreep
    Weekly listen
    I never miss an episode, you guys have a great dynamic!
  • Alongi57!
    Used to love this show, seems like their is always a negative topic that they dwell on. Jason is one of the best reporters in the gaming industry, but here we see him pushing his opinions and cutting off other hosts. If I wanted to listen to a podcast about politics I would download one. I came here for video games I don’t need these people opinions on anything other than there professional views. And if they do share other views I wish they wouldn’t shame other people for theirs. Sadly I will be unsubscribing. I will probrably be back for an episode here and their but I try and stay away from this kind media for the most part
  • Hobbesworth
    Best Video Game Podcast
    Hands down the best video game podcast I’ve found—Triple Click nails both critical analysis and vibes—a tough balance to keep. I like that all three hosts bring different perspectives.
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