Good Kids


We get better instructions for putting together furniture than we do for raising actual human beings. And that doesn’t even account for how to do it amid a global pandemic and civil/political unrest. That’s why Season 2 of Good Kids features a compelling mix of perspectives on child-rearing — from parents and experts, authors and actors, to "good" kids themselves — imparting wisdom for a brief, but potent, 10(ish) minutes each week. Good Kids isn’t just another parenting podcast. It’s an all-hands-on-deck discussion about what we can do to help children create a better world. Collectively.

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Recent Reviews
  • PodGirl81
    Great and relatable
    The weird parenting wins episode really spoke to me.
  • Dayajaya
    Great Podcast!!!!!
    Well done show A+
  • Mom in NYC
    Perfect format
    I love these bite size episodes with different people every time - so great to get a variety of perspectives since we’re really all just guessing as parents anyway right ?
  • JamelaZeeDoubleU
    Such an amazing show
    I’m so glad I subscribed. I learn so much every episode!
  • chipodgirl
    This show is so cute
    I love the guests and the music — everything about this podcast is just cute and feel good.
  • Nicole ---
    More please!
    Just discovered this podcast. Would love more!!
  • DurboVal20
    Great show
    So fun and informative!
  • Capital City Kyle
    One of my favorite podcasts
    This show is so interesting. I learned so much. I really needed this.
  • PodcastGal2025
    Love love love this show
    So fresh and fast
  • podcastjac
    So cute!
    Perfection I love it
  • amanitarita
    Excellent podcast!
    Recently binged all of the Good Kids episodes on a roadtrip. Highly recommend!!
  • jully53
    Too Many Adds
    The content is great. Its hard to stay focused on the topic with endless adds interjected throughout the whole episode.
  • ZFP_1808
    Just what I needed
    Really heartfelt and well done. Looking forward to more! It’s a great fresh spin on the usual parenting podcast
  • JHole12321
    Great show
    My favorite parenting podcast
  • Scifiguy1234
    Gender reveals?
    Did you really say that gender reveal party’s are archaic and you would not be friends with someone who invited you to one?!? Wow....
  • nagdidbshdif
    “At the end of the day”
    So I just listened to the first episode and I wanted to leave a review because I was left feeling disappointed. I really felt as though the narrator didn’t give any sound advice. Rather, she just wanted to share a story about her own family. What was the lesson? The way to get your kids to say thank you is to tell them to say thank you and also toss away anything they don’t say thank you for? I think most parents already know manners need to be reinforced. I felt there could have been more informational content and less personal opinion. I also could NOT get past how many time she says , “at the end of the day.” 😂
  • Hpj76
    SO GOOD!
    Love this SO much! They say 100% what I think! I have five kiddos and this podcast gives me hope! Thank you!
  • Happy Momma 8916
    Really great podcast- well produced, written, and thought through. Gave me some good tips for the kiddos
  • cawfeemom
    Perfect for Our Times
    I love this podcast and the fresh and open perspective it provides! Always look forward to listening. Can’t wait for more!
  • owlsowlsowlsowlsowls
    second season!
    excited for this. Lizz Winstead on the first season was my favorite, so I’m looking forward to who they’ve got this time around.
  • hugs11111
    I love the helpful and very realistic nature of this podcast. So worth it. Honest feedback on issues we are all dealing with in parenthood.
  • kaylee451
    Had high hopes
    I had high hopes to love this podcast but it’s just not doing it for me. Seems like there just isn’t much ‘meat’ to the episodes
  • Beth mar bay
    Great podcast
    Loved the episode about raising anti-racist kids —thank you Dr. Harrison!
  • party fart
    Hi I am penny
    Thank you so much for your podcast bye-bye
  • shil0702
    Dan Levin
    I’m currently listening to the 1st episode and being someone that has seen many family members go through this, I think one of the biggest reasons children choose to not talk about it stems from the fear of possibly getting your parent or uncle, aunt in trouble.. ultimately all these kids love whoever it is despite what they do. They know who they were before. I just wanted to put that into perspective as well because I think it plays a huge factor. I do agree that everyone wants someone to talk to though. It is the most important like you said.
  • Gbo-Harry
    Title is a turnoff
    I am a language partner for a young from overseas. I listen to Slowdown and have no doubt these will be good podcasts but the title and description using profanity is a real turnoff. I don’t feel comfortable sharing the podcast because of that.
  • Cobbwebbs
    Love it
    Funny, short but informational! Need more of them ASAP! Great speakers!
  • JSBran
    Love it
    I love that these are short and funny and bring diverse perspectives from real parents and people who care about kids trying to navigate the joys and challenges of raising good humans today. I also like that they are not trying to have all of the answers or claiming to be “experts” on parenting but just giving voice to real people doing their best to raise good human beings and share what works for them.
  • Meeeeeeret
    I love this one
  • Jen13241979
    A Must and an Update
    Anyone raising a child in this day in age needs to listen to this series. This is the first podcast I’ve ever listened to and resonated with and I’m hard to please and it takes a lot to keep my attention. But I’m hooked and can’t get enough. It’s a complete approach of parenting and raising kids that not only makes sense but implores you to examine how you were raised. The farther I have gotten into this series the more I catch myself having “same” moments. As a child I was raised in a trauma filled environment so when I had my son I vowed to be everything everyone wasn’t to me. To show him unconditional love and support. And then I realized as he grew older I was also robbing him of the ability to fail simply because I didn’t want him to feel the insecurity I felt. This series has shown me among the way that not only is allowing my child to fail ok but it’s essential to his self growth and self esteem as he learns to fall and get back up again on his own. This series is eye opening with different perspectives all driving home the same point through many different experiences. It’s a melting pot of how not to only raise a “good kid” but to allow you to reflect back on your own ideals of what you once believed the definition of one truly was.
  • edpolicynerd
    Love the different topics from diverse perspectives
    This podcast highlights that we all can raise great kids while embracing their own unique personalities. Highlights we can guide our next generation to develop into their true selves. Also live the diverse perspectives that it takes a village to raise good kids
  • ooofyaaa
    love this podcast
    Being a parent is the biggest, most important role ever, and I love hearing all the ways the diverse group of guests approach parenthood and adulting.
  • Splinter50
    I wanted to love it!
    I came to this podcast after listening to Last Day which was fantastic! Last Day was informative and educational. I was hoping thIs would be as well, but I’m not sure what it is. Thought it was going to be experts giving educated thoughts about how to raise good kids, but it’s not at all. This last episode where the guest is talking about raising her dog, was really just the last straw for me. I wanted to love this, but it really is all over the place and lacks direction.
  • zirebaran
    Background of authors
    I can’t find information on the education background and qualifications of those making this podcast. I mean are they experts in the field of child development in any way or just staying their personal opinions? Can anyone help?
  • Peter in Brooklyn
    Finally a parenting podcast that doesn’t drive me crazy
    I love the brevity, the breadth of topics and perspectives, and the humor and humility of the different voices we hear. It’s rare to get so many different perspectives on different topics. There is something for ever parent here!
  • momof2teenssendhelp
    So good!
    Had to review though I normally don’t because the Santa episode was so funny! I love this podcast. I can start and finish it on my way to pick up the kids. Even the ads are funny.
  • AlexC1245
    Great stuff
    I’m a new teacher and I found this podcast. Awesome advice! It’s funny but also helpful— and short episodes.
  • west coast dad
    west coast dad
    very well done. short, topical. i have two teens and this is the podcast i listen to when i’m driving them around. keep them coming.
  • banana cream12245
    It’s ok
    I liked at the beginning but then it just got worse for me but that’s just my opinion
  • mplslmk
    Good Kids
    It DOES take a village...thank you Good Kids!
  • Fs134
    Love this podcast!
    This is a refreshing take on the very challenging job of raising kids. It’s captivating and really makes you think.
  • NorahCooper
    I love this podcast - makes me a better parent and person! I highly reccomend subscribing.
  • Megan D 710
    Lacks substance
    The episodes are short which appealed to me, but after listening, the podcast was 15 minutes, which included 9 minutes of them talking to their kids, another minute of advertisements, with 5 minutes remaining for them to cover the actual topic of the podcast
  • Minnie_Mom_3
    Hilarious and helpful!
    What parents couldn’t use some humor and help?! Love the variety of hosts and topics. Not only is this podcast helpful to me as a parent but also makes me feel like I’m not alone on so many topics... and makes me laugh to tears at times!
  • DoreenMN
    This is such an informative podcast on how to raise a great human. My kids are raised and I’m listening and enjoying learning new skills that will make me a better person. Allowing someone to be heard - who knew it would be that simple.
  • AskYourPediatrician
    Episode 3 of this podcast is criminally negligent. Obesity IS unhealthy.
  • Myka Almazan
    So Appreciative!
    I love this podcast and the unique perspective it offers on things I question and also struggle with in motherhood. It’s a great listen and not too lengthy, which is a plus for all busy parents.
  • tiredmama1234
    Love this show!
    This is exactly the show I need to every week, and it’s short enough that I can without being interrupted by all the things that need to get done. Love all the current episodes and looking forward to hearing more.
  • Hemming jay
    Awesome Pod
    I love this show! It is short and insightful. Love the different hosts that have been on so far and the theme music is super fun. Highly recommend!
  • Just Looney
    These are my people
    Loving the podcast
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