

A casual podcast about tech, movies, and whatever else we feel like. Featuring Joe Rosensteel and Dan Sturm.

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Recent Reviews
  • UltraNurd
    Two Thumbs Up
    The thing I love about this show is that I can easily pick up episodes for media I've watched or haven't watched. It's pretty much Genre + TBD + Genre + Genre + Genre + Genre + Genre + Genre + Genre + Genre + Basic.
  • smartasshat
    Let’s play Guess The Movie
    I dropped this podcast over a year ago for one reason. It’s a movie podcast, but they don’t tell you what movie they’re talking about. See that? Two sentences, and I’ve established my premise. How hard is that? The Incomparable network reorganized, so I subscribed to the superfeed to reacquire the shows that were moved. Turns out, Defocused is still making you guess what they’re talking about. In the most recent episode, Fear and Loathing in Vista Del Mar (which isn’t the name of the movie), the hosts said “this movie,” “the movie,” or “it” forty-two times before saying the actual name of the movie at one hour four minutes and forty-three seconds. During the time they were withholding the name of the movie, they did mention the names of other movies seventeen times. There’s no indication that it’s a bit they’re doing. It’s just bad podcasting. If you want to make a game of it and see how long it takes you to guess the movie, feel free to listen. I don’t need any more frustration in my life.
  • kylesethgray
    Love this show
    Great show by two great people.
  • Macris1977
    Couldn't be more appropriately named
    If you listening to two millennials waffle on and on and on about personal tech complaints while only tangentially mentioning the listed topic, I guess you might like this podcast.
  • Dent De Leon
    Less stuff and things, please
    Interesting and informal perusal of various subjects, but Joe uses the words 'stuff' and 'things' too often.
  • dwearsch
    You'll either love it or hate it.
    Love the insider take on movies, effects, and whatever else Joe and Dan come up with to discuss.
  • Spoodgle
    Dullards being dull
    Not entertaining, or enlightening, or witty in any way.
  • Mikah Sargent
    TBH ...
    This podcast needs more samurai swords. No further comments.
  • Sauce_
    Film Professionals, Waffle Connoisseurs
    Yes, they talk about movies on a podcast. Yes, Star Trek comes up a lot. Yes, they’re two guys speaking into microphones staring at computer screens. But it’s about more than that. It’s about waffles, Apple screwing things up, pizza toppings, name dropping other tech/nerd podcasters, and the occasional spot on impression of Marc Maron. This is a great podcast that I adore from two guys that have actual insights into making movies. It’s worth your time if you’re into movies and/or actors who played small roles on the Star Trek family of television shows. 🎥🍍🍕
  • Todd Vaziri
    Fun show
    I like it when they review old movies. They hosts are funny *and* informative. And even though Dan stole my bike the other day and Joe TP’d my house, I’m still giving this podcast five stars.
  • Tiny Montgomery says hello
    It’s the best show. Joe is a pro, Dan is a pro. Dan wears sweatpants. Joe puts pineapple on his pizza. They make fun of me on twitter. It’s great!
  • Bald_Ben_Reno
    Distracting "umm"s and "ah"s
    Good content with younger persons' point of view. Dan sounds like a pro. Joe could use some work on presentation. Dead air is better than distracting noise.
  • AaronLMGoodwin
    A Great Year
    Joe and Dan do a great job of balancing humor and entertainment with criticism. One of the greats. Here’s to another year!
  • tmtrains
    Beverage and movie reviews
    Two visual effects pros reviewing all the things including beverages, burritos and movies. Mostly movies. While some may purport that they hate all the things, it's very clear Joe and Dan have not just a deep knowledge of film but a great love for movies. The banter is second to none. Dan and Joe are master remixers of all the great cultural references.
  • Scott T Williams
    Inside baseball, but quite fun
    Dan and Joe have an inside view of the film industry. As an outsider, I find it very interesting to hear them discuss technical details about movies: how things are made, what processes are used, the industry as a whole, etc. Their chemistry is also fantastic, which is the most important thing on a podcast. They also talk about food quite a bit, so that’s cool. They used to talk more about tacos and burritos, which were in the style at the time. I’d like to hear them record an episode inside a Chili’s family restaurant; I think there’d be a lot of content to chew on there.
  • Chris Cantrall
    Entertaining, and sometimes geeky.
    I really enjoy Joe and Dan talking about almost any movie. But sometimes they let their geek show, and it’s wonderful. Episode 35, about Big Hero 6, includes a discussion of the memory card in Baymax, and Joe wonders if the card uses HFS+. Filesystems and movies, that’s a fun combination.
  • crustyskaman
    Great listen!
    A very engaging yet light podcast! Enjoyed the High Fidelity episode with Jason Snell. :)
  • DWTF
    Quality podcasting
    A good set of topics, great repartee between hosts, and a lot of interesting insights in the production and post of the films they discuss.
  • blenderhd
    Don’t know who’s who, but who cares?
    Great dissection of specific films in between the light-hearted banter. Why did I take away a star? No reason other than I’m a douchebag.
  • PennFIT
    Highly entertaining!
  • jasedit
    Great start!
    This first episode sounds more like an episode from a pair of hosts who’ve been podcasting for significantly longer. The topics covered are eclectic and interesting - learning more towards the TV & Film category the podcast is listed under, but touching on related topics such as productivity apps, technology, and personal interests. I enjoyed listening to these two chat for an hour or so. These two know their stuff, and hearing Joe get wound up about some topic is hilarious. Can’t wait to hear more!
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