Everyone's Talkin' Money

Business #180Investing #62

Want to know the secret to financial success? It’s talking about the other side of money. Get this - money decisions are 90% emotional and 10% how-to (yep, that’s why you emotionally spend). So, if you’re ready to get financially unstuck and transform your money, you’ve got to do it from the inside out. Everyone’s Talkin’ Money, named a Top 4 Money Podcast by The New York Times, is the podcast you’ve been looking for. Everyone’s Talkin’ Money is not your average personal finance podcast if you haven't noticed. You won’t hear finance bros shame you for your money decisions or be left behind by confusing acronyms - this is a money podcast for women. Join Shannah Game, a Financial Expert, Certified Financial Planner, and Certified Trauma of Money Specialist, every week for episodes where we talk about all sides of money – how to create real and sustainable change so you can start living the life of your dreams & stress less about money. You will get raw, honest, open conversations about money from amazing guests ranging from money experts, entrepreneurs, artists, comedians, mental health experts, authors, and everyday humans, who all share intimate details about their relationship with money and practical financial advice you can use. If you're a fan of The Mel Robbins Podcast, Financial Feminist, So Money with Farnoosh Torabi, On Purpose with Jay Shetty, and The Stacking Benjamins Show, you'll love Everyone's Talkin' Money. Whether you’re looking to pay off debt, tackle your student loans, save to buy a house, figure out how to afford your dream vacation, start a side hustle or a business, learn the secrets behind investing and building wealth, or ready to finally shake off anxiety, fear, shame, blame, and judgment around money, you’ll find the answers to it all on Everyone’s Talkin’ Money. At the very least, you’ll leave each episode stressing less about money (and that’s pretty priceless).

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Recent Reviews
  • hasickles42
    Phenomenal Show!
    Everyone's Talkin' Money with Shannah feels like having a chat with a friend who truly gets the emotional ups and downs of money. Shannah’s warm, honest approach makes it easy to learn about finances without feeling judged – it’s a wonderful show with thoughtful guests!
  • teleTalie
    Great Insight and Diverse Perspectives
    I have gotten so much inspiration from this podcast as well as guidance. I have enjoyed the variety of conversations had with guests and I really enjoy the kind and caring approach taken with the listeners!
  • Dr. Brad Klontz
    Love the focus on MINDSET!
    Shannah is a great host and focuses on what matters most when it comes to transforming your relationship with money.
  • Murphsan
    Love your show!
    What I love about Everyone’s Talkin’ Money is how it cuts through the noise around finances and gets to the heart of what really matters. It doesn’t just focus on numbers -it digs into the emotional side of money. Financial success is so much more than just knowing the "how-to" do something, it’s about understanding the "why" behind our choices. Shannah brings a fresh, relatable approach that’s perfect for women who want to transform their money mindset and create lasting change. There's no judgment, no confusing jargon, just real talk and practical advice.
  • ktram-67
    A full YES!!
    What a gem of a podcast. Shannah makes talking about money comfortable and safe I say…fun? Great topics. Useful insight.
  • Fanager
    Great interviewer!
    It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Shannah - she’s so smart, curious and quick! I’ve been doing this for years, yet her questions were unique and prompted new content in such an organic way. I hope it is as helpful as it was enjoyable! Many thanks!!
  • sicily-j
    So much great content
    Shannah is a pro and I love her casual but confident style. I always learn so much from her episodes!
  • Families Fly Free
    Actionable tips
    Great podcast with a down-to-earth host who gives easy to understand, actionable money tips. Highly recommend!
  • Pedrocat
    She starts at square one.
    How you feel about money, your relationship to it, is an important place to start. She lays out the steps to get started in a way that anyone can understand. I think this is just the help I need.
  • FFerenczi
    Excellent programming!
    I love what Hannah shares and have used a lot of the information myself to help me achieve more of my business goals.
  • Rolo72forman
    Too many commercials.
    I like the concept and the warm charming host. For me though too much talking by host at times and not getting to the actual information quick enough.
  • Max Branding
    Everyone loves this show
    Shannah is the best! One of the most helpful shows out there. You’ll be glad you subscribed
  • shoestringbeauty
    Everyones Talking Money Podcast
    it’s so refreshing to have a podcast that empowers women not only to learn, but to learn strategies to invest, gain frame of mind and action steps to go about acquiring money! Bravo
  • AnnaBeeReeEee
    It’s hard for me to take this person seriously when they run advertising from a pay day loan (I’m sorry “cash advance”) company. Predatory lending products are not part of any sound financial advice. Also having guests on who encourage investing in fossil fuels without any push back from the host is environmental irresponsible.
  • Seafffoam
    Amazing money therapy and advice!
    Shannah’s approach to discussing money is beautifully authentic, and I love listening for that reason! She really squashes money shame and helps listeners feel ok about wherever they are with their money. I’ve personally found the money story factor so crucial in changing the way I deal with my finances. It’s been so empowering to learn from Shannah over the 4 years I’ve been a listener! I’m honored and grateful she did an episode with one of my questions and I learned so much. Highly recommend this podcast to anyone!
  • bitsngiggles
    Love this
    Thank you for amazing episodes
  • poweroftheunicorn062
    Great podcast
    I enjoy listening to this podcast on the regular. The topics are relevant, guests are top notch, and explanations are simple. Thanks for doing the hard work!
  • Towdog
    Money isn’t left or right.
    The title is everyone is talking about money. But just like everyone else in the media she has to make the episodes woke somehow.
  • MarionC11
    My favorite money podcast
    As a European expat in the United States, I was completely lost when I arrived in this country. Shannah’s voice has been guiding me weekly as I learned how to navigate a confusing financial landscape. Her holistic approach to money has been very healing for my (very) European scarcity mindset, and I’m so grateful for that. I love the warm, supportive tone that makes you feel both validated and empowered. Thank you Shannah!
  • Mr. Jonny
    Really like how welcoming Shannah is & freely shares so much knowledge that helps me make smart financial decisions! So glad you made this podcast! You are the best!
  • lindsaygee
    Great for dipping your toe in the money conversation
    I’m more of a newbie to learning about money strategy. I have found this podcast to be approachable and have learned a lot. Thanks, Shannah!
  • Ethanthemoneymanho
    Money is not all math and numbers
    Love the balance between financial planning and money therapy. Money is personal and emotional, it’s not just math. Addressing both sides of this equation is critical for long-term success and financial confidence. I think that Shannah does a great job of this!
  • md728
    Great podcast!
    Shannah has a warm and supportive approach to money. She’s easy to talk to and helps to alleviate the anxiety that comes with such a difficult topic. Highly recommend!!
  • NickyCYabba
    Best Money Show Put There
    Shannah is the best money voice in podcasting. The people not listening are missing out!!
  • Jen Knick
    Great conversations & amazing guests!
    Shannah invites so many perspectives and guests to the money conversations! I’m so glad I found this podcast and immediately started binging. Thanks for making money a little easier for everyone.
  • Over the Loon
    I love Shannah’s warm vibe and range of topics that help me stay motivated about keeping up with my finances. Especially loved the episode on how your wardrobe reflects your values … clothing, “my style,” and how much to spend on it has always been a struggle for me. Keep up the good work!
  • blu💙💙💙💛💛💛
    Love this podcast!
    I really enjoy Shannah’s great energy and how she approaches money from all different angles. Being good with money requires both strong ‘science’ (technical skills) as well as ‘art’ (emotional fortitude). Shannah covers it all in this wonderful series I highly recommend.
  • SparklyF4rts
    Love this podcast!
    Shannah at ETM has helped change my life for the better. Found her podcast about six months ago and have really dove into my own past money trauma and why I spend my money the way I do. Once I worked through some of that, it helped me become really more mindful of my money and what I want out of life. That money is a tool to build it. I’ve since paid off all my credit cards, brought by credit score up to over 700, and am about close on my first home at 35 years young 😉I love the practical advice and her soothing voice. Please keep up this wonderful resource. I can’t wait to see where I am a year from now.
  • shop door
    Hg is a great game but I don’t know what
    Mai chi m a qua cod restaurant and the other restaurant that I had a little bit more to eat but it is a qua
  • TheRidgeRider
    Love the Judgement Free Financial Advice!
    I always feel very comforted when I listen to Shannah’s podcast. She’s extremely encouraging, especially when it comes to common financial mistakes, and she has a variety of interesting guests! The ad timing and placement sometimes make the listening experience a little choppy, but the content in great.
  • KimberlyLD
    A helpful, educational podcast about money
    I’m new to the podcast and am learning so much. Thanks for the insightful, educational show.
  • ariasnina
    new listener
    i am new to the pod and have found the episodes educational and thought provoking. i appreciate the new insight on money
  • CallieDee
    Mixed advice that’s not quite realistic
    I just started on this podcast and felt okay about it, but the Wallet Activism interview left me feeling off. Some of the ideas are good, but to advise people to pull their money from bigger banks, sacrifice housing space or a yard for a shorter eco-friendly commute, and not to shop places that use fossil fuels is just weird and unrealistic. Climate change is polarizing, but the advice is disregarding things like the positive financial and environmental impact of a home garden or the fact that many Americans simply can’t afford things like EV’s or maybe don’t want to buy things from China for the sake of a clean energy label. I don’t discredit making financial changes for a better global impact, but in the name of personal finance the bits in the podcast episode should be more cognizant of actual personal financial situations.
  • Word_GameAddict
    Love Shannah!
    I was a guest on Shannah’s podcast and love that she is putting all of this goodness out into the world. When equity has been an issue for so long, understanding finances is so important.
  • Great money podcast
    Great podcast
    I just started listening to this podcast. It was referred by another podcast I just listening to. I find it very informative and look forward to all the future episodes.
  • harrierin
    Relatable and empathetic host
    Discovered this podcast recently and come back to it often… Shannah has good insights and always seems to have a pulse on relevant topics and goes deeper than a lot of popular money articles/websites.
  • beyondFI
    Good financial advice podcast
    Provides light articles that are easy to understand and are practical.
  • Shannah Game
    I love this show!
    Seriously, this podcast has changed my life! I’ve been able to hit so many goals in the last year and feel so much better about money. I no longer wake up in panic sweats. I love Shannah’s voice and she’s soooooo honest and relatable. This is the best money show out there!
  • Vlad_Rod
    Favorite by far on my podcast feed!
    It’s a fine podcast. I learn all the time from the guest, hosts, and content.
  • Meme123$
    This is one of the more sensible financial podcasts where no one is telling you your stupid for having debt or trying to sell you stuff.
  • AllisonJasper
    Time Quota?
    This podcast has tons of adds and not much useful content. Occasionally there is an interesting guest but a lot of episodes are long, boring monologues about Shannah’s personal life- feels like she’s trying to meet a time quota.
  • jilliansmith.rd
    A genius!
    Money can be a scary and intimidating thing to talk about, but not when I am listening to Shannah’s podcast! Each episode is incredibly informative without feeling like an info dump – she’s a genius.
  • AmandaDNYC
    My Favorite Financial Podcast
    I love this show. The way Shannah approaches money mindset really connects with me. She provides a great mix of connecting with your personal relationship with money as well as finding actionable ways to grow your wealth. I highly suggest this show!
  • KimLep
    Shannah is authentic and better than therapy!
    I started listening to this show in 2016 and Shannah’s style of relating personal finances to mental health really spoke to me. She’s stayed true to that focus as her show has grown. Her focus is especially helpful for those who are learning the ropes of personal finance or who are new to setting financial goals, no matter your age or life situation. This pod is at its best like a motivational shot and on-the-go instructions in how to set goals, which we all need regularly. Thanks, Shannah!
  • mcdustnips
    Fantastic podcast
    Shannah covers all the bases: from relatable stories, to expert tips on savings and investments, we could not recommend this podcast more!
  • Giffroy
    Pertinent topics with an incredible guide!
    Shannah is a fantastic guide through murky and confusing financial topics. This is a much-needed information source during the tumultuous economic ride we are on.
  • O4181893
    Super relatable approach to managing one’s money. Shannah’s approach to this pod is very approachable and valuable. 👏👏
  • On_the_sunny_side
    Fantastic real life education and advice for finances
    I love Shannah’s approach to talking about money and finances. Her content is authentic and applicable. She answers the questions many of us have but don’t always have the team to research hours into. This is a great show for those looking for solid advice from a variety of perspectives.
  • Lisa Riggsbee
    Good content, too many ads.
    I have listened to and enjoyed this show for years. The ad time continues to increase which means my listen time decreases.
  • Agirlwithapassion
    A different perspective on money
    I just discovered this show and I’m really enjoying it. Particularly the episode on March 26th about better & different ways to bank and get a mortgage. Super informative, real and practical info! Thank you for the awesome content! - The Diferente girl.
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